Restorationist Jimbo
"Record Setting Cold Shocks New York City", this breaking New York Post headline is exactly what the climate engineers and their controllers want. The Post report continues with this: "The Big Apple …More
"Record Setting Cold Shocks New York City", this breaking New York Post headline is exactly what the climate engineers and their controllers want. The Post report continues with this: "The Big Apple felt more like the North Pole early Saturday Morning". What aren't matrix media sources mentioning in such sensationalized articles? That the completely engineered short duration flash freeze will be almost immediately followed by a rapid and extreme warm up which is scheduled to extend through most of February. Climate intervention operations are fueling weather whiplash scenarios, crushing agricultural production and contaminating the entire biosphere. What will it take to awaken populations to this covert form of warfare?"

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 4, 2023, #391

Dane Wigington 'Record Setting Cold Shocks New York City', this breaking New York Post headline is exactly what …
Louis IX
Wonder how cold their new bronze goddess on the courthouse got?
10 Things to Have Ready before the Huge EMP !!!More
10 Things to Have Ready before the Huge EMP !!!

10 Things to Have Ready before the Huge EMP !!!

Dr. Peter Pry (Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security) warns that the consequences – of not being prepared for this event …
The Khazarian state of Israel (which bears a name that it doesn`t deserve and dishonor) created by the Satanist Rothschilds continues to murder children with impunity. This institution is fighting to …More
The Khazarian state of Israel (which bears a name that it doesn`t deserve and dishonor) created by the Satanist Rothschilds continues to murder children with impunity. This institution is fighting to defend them
Defense for Children International Palestine
Recently some Zionists have attacked Christian churches in the Khazarian state of the fake Israel
Israeli Troops Attack Christians Praying at Church of Holy Sepulchre – – IMEMC News
And meanwhile organizations that call themselves Christian without being such, (they are idolatrous fools heading towards eternal fire), such as Christians for Israel financed by the Satanist globalists, turn a blind eye to the countless crimes of that mafia state.

Israeli forces kill two Palestinian children during incursion into Jenin refugee camp

Abdullah Marwan Juma’a Mousa, 17, and Wasim Amjad Aref Abu Jaes, 16, were killed by Israeli forces in the morning …
Restorationist Jimbo shares from woj_tek
9__ x G. HESSEMore
9__ x G. HESSE
Restorationist Jimbo shares from Sally Dorman

Vatican hosts conference on women and interreligious encounter

The Dicastery for Promoting Interreligious Dialogue is set to host a conference in Rome on the importance of women building a culture of …
Restorationist Jimbo
but interreligious encounter doesnt bode well
Restorationist Jimbo
I hope so; if so then not gay
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WORLD PREMIERE: How the World Was Made in Six Days - Introduction How the World Was Made in Six Days is a documentary series that takes the best of the relevant teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of …More
WORLD PREMIERE: How the World Was Made in Six Days - Introduction
How the World Was Made in Six Days is a documentary series that takes the best of the relevant teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the best conclusions from modern scientific experiments and theories, and the best interpretations of Scripture based on a thorough exegesis of the original Hebrew and Greek texts, and puts them all together to produce the most biblically sound and scientifically viable explanation of the origin and operation of the universe that Christianity has ever offered to the modern age. Day One of the DVD series will be available for online streaming and DVD at Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation – A Catholic apostolate dedicated to proclaiming the truth about the origins of man & the universe in the very near future.
Restorationist Jimbo shares from HP Y GC
NEW Forensic Files expose FAKE Sr. Lucy of Fatima? A new compilation of forensic analysis and anecdotal evidence now being exposed suggests that the original Sr. Lucy of Fatima was replaced by a double …More
NEW Forensic Files expose FAKE Sr. Lucy of Fatima?
A new compilation of forensic analysis and anecdotal evidence now being exposed suggests that the original Sr. Lucy of Fatima was replaced by a double -- that is to say an imposter -- by the Shadow Church.
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Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
What else can you expect from a fake Church calling itself Roman Catholic. How long has the Vatican II beliefs been given credibility by conservative …More
What else can you expect from a fake Church calling itself Roman Catholic. How long has the Vatican II beliefs been given credibility by conservative Catholic media.
Read This Before You Store Anything In A 5-Gallon BucketMore
Read This Before You Store Anything In A 5-Gallon Bucket

Read This Before You Store Anything In A 5-Gallon Bucket

Using 5-gallon buckets as storage containers is a resourceful way of keeping your food and supplies safe from contamination. They’re affordable …

The Goodest Boy

Somewhere in South America, a dog entered a Catholic Church and slept next to an image of Jesus. Some of the parishioners noticed it and told the priest, and the priest said: "Let him be and don't bother …More
Somewhere in South America, a dog entered a Catholic Church and slept next to an image of Jesus. Some of the parishioners noticed it and told the priest, and the priest said: "Let him be and don't bother him, he has every right to be with his Lord and Master."
Perhaps because humans are not providing sufficient Divine worship?
Restorationist Jimbo
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Restorationist Jimbo shares from Rafał_Ovile
Vatican II and the American Deep State Vatican II and the American Deep State - OnePeterFiveMore
Vatican II and the American Deep State
Vatican II and the American Deep State - OnePeterFive

Vatican II and the American Deep State - OnePeterFive

Above: US government officials with Catholic president John F. Kennedy. Before he died, Robert Blair Kaiser, Time magazine reporter at the Vatican …
"NASA IS A FRAUD" - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstrong.
NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstrong - It's one small step for man, one giant lie for mankind. If you cling to the notion that humans went anywhere near the Moon in …More
NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstrong - It's one small step for man, one giant lie for mankind. If you cling to the notion that humans went anywhere near the Moon in 1969 then pay attention to today's show. New analysis of the words of the most famous astronaut will leave most people in no doubt they are both liars. Attempts have been made to sideline moon hoax evidence. Moon landing mythologists will (rightly) argue that if photographs were filmed on Earth, that does not prove they never went. But it's far less reasonable to use this argument about the astronauts own words, which reveal that neither of the Apollo 11 "moonwalkers" make any linguistic connection with having been on the lunar surface. Once this new analysis is realised with other well established evidence, only those with severe delusional psychosis will now believe that Armstrong went anywhere near the Moon - Source: Analysing The Astronauts - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT NASA …More
NASA = NLSA = National Lying about Space Agency
Restorationist Jimbo shares from Live Mike

Putting Francis into Perspective

Pope Francis – A Chronological List of Quotes and Headlines Below is a very abbreviated and incomplete chronological summary list of deeply troubling quotes, headlines, and happenings which have taken …More
Pope Francis – A Chronological List of Quotes and Headlines
elow is a very abbreviated and incomplete chronological summary list of deeply troubling quotes, headlines, and happenings which have taken place in the Pope Francis papacy. These news stories and quotes are intentionally presented in very brief format simply to demonstrate that there is an overall most suspicious and undeniable pattern of oddity surrounding Pope Francis. Some would describe many of these quotes and actions of Pope Francis as merely provocative or controversial, others as obvious blasphemous heresies, and sadly some might think they are uplifting and inspirational.
It should be known that all of the quotes and news items on the list below are from well established, mainstream news sources and may easily be searched in google to confirm. The WILD VOICE has not used any sources on the list below that are from 'satire' or 'questionable' or 'alternative' news sources. In order to present these Pope Francis quotes …More
Malki Tzedek
At least manure makes some things grow. This man's words and actions have had the complete opposite effect. What a pathetic legacy.
Restorationist Jimbo shares from DefendTruth
As the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” passes into law, listen to arguments made like this one from Alan Keyes and remember we need more arguments like this one being made at the popular level.
John Paul II the Great Apostate

John Paul II -- 101 Heresies of this Anti-Pope

Show proof positive, with an exhaustive research study, the many heresies of John Paul II.
America's Biggest Lie/The Real Election Deception Peter Helland tries to hammer home the false teaching at the crux of the American rebellion/experiment. Americans have been taught to believe that they …More
America's Biggest Lie/The Real Election Deception
Peter Helland tries to hammer home the false teaching at the crux of the American rebellion/experiment. Americans have been taught to believe that they vote in people to certain offices and that these people are voted in to represent them and be the voice of the people. They are not voted in to represent the voice of God. This is evil and a repeat of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam ignored God’s Word and exchanged it with Eve’s voice or we would now say the voice of the people.
Restorationist Jimbo shares from LiveJohn
WHAT IS APPROACHING US? UPDATED January 12, 2024. Fr Malachi Martin reveals the purpose for the Mount Graham International Observatory in a 1997 interview with talk show host Art Bell, (aac audio). …More
Fr Malachi Martin reveals the purpose for the Mount Graham International Observatory in a 1997 interview with talk show host Art Bell, (aac audio).
NASA Chief Just Made A Terrifying Announcement About Betelgeuse Explosion!
NASA Just Announced That Betelgeuse FINALLY Exploded & You Can See It In The Sky
Betelgeuse Explained - Betelgeuse Explained
@Geminiano Secundo My interest in the Betelgeuse arose from Malachi Martins reply to Art Bell. As such we need to be careful in substituting it as the …More
@Geminiano Secundo My interest in the Betelgeuse arose from Malachi Martins reply to Art Bell. As such we need to be careful in substituting it as the event of the Warning itself since, as I mentioned above, the Warning is of supernatural origin; not explained by science. It could well turn out that Betelgeuse is a natural phenomena of the celestial world; unrelated to the prophesied Garabandal Warning although it can't be ruled out as a manifestation of something much greater. Fr Martins comment is interesting none the less. I appreciate your reply and the possible scriptural connection.
Geminiano Secundo
Mari Loli: "In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will …More
Mari Loli:
"In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God."
Beeteljuice exploded in the fall of 2019, when the Pachamama festival was taking place in Rome. In the spring of 2020, churches were closed around the world and the Holy Mass was not celebrated freely. Thus, the conditions for the general warning announced in San Sebastian de Garabandal are fulfilled.
Orion is the constellation of Jacob the Patriarch, from his left leg (star Rigel) flows Jordan (Eridan) - the river of his descendants.
If Beeteljuice exploded, Jacob took the boulder out from under his head, which means he woke up. The Lord God sends a second Comforter to save the Church and the dying world! Paraclete comes from the family of the Patriarch Jacob-Israel.
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Restorationist Jimbo shares from Pierre Henri
"LEAKED ANTARCTICA" Discovery PROVES They've Been HIDING this for 70 YearsMore
"LEAKED ANTARCTICA" Discovery PROVES They've Been HIDING this for 70 Years
Restorationist Jimbo shares from en.cartoon
Leftwing Ultramontanism Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsJtfraqubftMore
Leftwing Ultramontanism
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsJtfraqubft
Chapter Four from the book Prometheus: the Religion of Man
The Establishment of the NEW Catholic Religion after Vatican II "Religion is the collection of dispositions and acts through which we render worship to divinity. Religion is true when worship is rendered …More
The Establishment of the NEW Catholic Religion after Vatican II
"Religion is the collection of dispositions and acts through which we render
worship to divinity. Religion is true when worship is rendered to the true God
in the proper way. The end of true religion, then, is the One and Triune God,
and the proper means is Jesus Christ, “because there is no other name under heaven given to men, by whom we should be saved” (Acts 4:12)"
Video recording is done on the 4th Chapter of Prometheus: The Religion of Man by Fr. Alvaro Calderon
SSPX Catholic Doctrine A number of SSPX Priests explain Catholic doctrine for non-Catholics.More
SSPX Catholic Doctrine
A number of SSPX Priests explain Catholic doctrine for non-Catholics.