Laura Yunque
Laura Yunque
Savanah Hernandez - DODGER STADIUM-The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are recognized for Pride night to a mostly empty audience. Two Dodgers fan nearby begin loudly booing after they’re announced: …More
Savanah Hernandez - DODGER STADIUM-The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are recognized for Pride night to a mostly empty audience. Two Dodgers fan nearby begin loudly booing after they’re announced:
DODGER STADIUM-The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are recognized for Pride night to a mostly empty audience. Two Dodgers fan nearby begin loudly booing after they’re announced: Savanah Hernandez on Twitter
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
With luck, maybe either Francis, or one of the big names who is a big supporter of the Francis/LGBTQ agenda will suddenly be called home to their reward …More
With luck, maybe either Francis, or one of the big names who is a big supporter of the Francis/LGBTQ agenda will suddenly be called home to their reward before the Synod, thus lessening the influence of it on the Church.
Thank you for posting this! I tried and could not get it to work! How wonderful that the stadium is all but empty when these fake "sisters" were honored …More
Thank you for posting this! I tried and could not get it to work! How wonderful that the stadium is all but empty when these fake "sisters" were honored. There are videos of thousands who came to pray and process tonight at Dodger Stadium - and the prayers of so many WORKED - All Praise be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus working through the Immaculate Heart of Mary! Let this be a sign to us to stand firm against the perversion in our Church - wherever we see it - and pray with all our hearts that the Sacred and Immaculate Heart will crush this EVIL happening in the Catholic Church - which will try to reach full flower in the upcoming Synod -
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Laura Yunque
Purification (Candlemas) (2 February): Do Not Despair temple, candlemas, virtue, presentation, simeon,More
Purification (Candlemas) (2 February): Do Not Despair
temple, candlemas, virtue, presentation, simeon,
Laura Yunque
Fr. Chad Ripperger on the State of Evil in the World Renown exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger talks about the state of evil in the world in 2023 -- and why we have reason for hope. The talk was delivered …More
Fr. Chad Ripperger on the State of Evil in the World
Renown exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger talks about the state of evil in the world in 2023 -- and why we have reason for hope. The talk was delivered Jan. 5, 2023, at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church in Pine Bluff, Wisconsin.
Alejandrina Reyes
Gracias gracias Laura
Laura Yunque
WEF Insider Reveals 'Bug-Eating Agenda' Is About Destroying the Human Soul Most humans have a natural aversion when it comes to insects. The sight of some types of bugs, like cockroaches for instance,…More
WEF Insider Reveals 'Bug-Eating Agenda' Is About Destroying the Human Soul
Most humans have a natural aversion when it comes to insects. The sight of some types of bugs, like cockroaches for instance, provokes an instant feeling of disgust.
This is a near universal trait in humans. It is believed to be instinctual. Our natural inclination to recoil when a bug is anywhere near us could be our brains warning us that these things could bite, sting, infect or even poison us to death. Also, considering the fact that insects feed on filth, decay, and excrement, the mere sight of them is enough for our brains to send an alarm signal telling us that something is wrong.
With all of that being said, the global elite (most notably the World Economic Forum) want us to put cockroaches in our mouths, chew on their crunchy exterior, and swallow their viscous green insides. They want us to eat cockroaches while smiling, owning nothing, and pretending to be happy.
The bug-eating agenda is not a joke. …More
Laura Yunque
SIEGE at MAR-a-LAGO: A Globalist Panic Attack. In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt comments on the unprecedented FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida. What’s …More
SIEGE at MAR-a-LAGO: A Globalist Panic Attack.
In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt comments on the unprecedented FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida. What’s going on here, and who’s behind what history will surely describe as one of the most embarrassing scandals in US political history?
Speaking of scandals, what’s with Cowboy Dick Cheney calling Donald Trump the “most dangerous man in the history of our nation”? This from the guy who’s responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq?
Man, there’s a lot of fear in the enemy camps right now!
And while all this was going on, the CDC quietly (and radically) changed its COVID-19 guidelines, making recommendations that no longer bother to distinguish between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. So much for Bill and Tony’s excellent adventure!
Do you suppose all the crazy has anything to do with the November midterm elections? The question answers itself. What we’re witnessing now is …More
Jeffrey Ade
I'll get back to you!
Laura Yunque
The dystopian future is Ukraine.
V.R.S. shares this
Budowniczowie przyszłości: "Ukraina ma nadzieję na współpracę z Big Tech w celu realizacji wielkich planów, aby uczynić rozdarty wojną kraj "cyfrowo …More
Budowniczowie przyszłości:
"Ukraina ma nadzieję na współpracę z Big Tech w celu realizacji wielkich planów, aby uczynić rozdarty wojną kraj "cyfrowo niezniszczalnym" (...) Głównym celem jest przejście do społeczeństwa bezgotówkowego poprzez wprowadzenie niekryptograficznych pieniędzy cyfrowych, a także wykorzystanie systemów AI nawet do takich celów jak tworzenie "raportów przedprocesowych i przed wyrokiem oceniających ryzyko ponownego popełnienia przestępstwa ". Inicjatywa o nazwie "Digital4Freedom" została przedstawiona przez ukraińskiego wicepremiera i ministra transformacji cyfrowej Mychajło Fedorowa w Szwajcarii. Fedorow jest opisywany jako wieloletni przyjaciel prezydenta Wołodymyra Zełenskiego oraz entuzjasta wprowadzania coraz większego poziomu cyfryzacji. Ukraina prosi o pomoc we wdrożeniu "cyfrowego planu Marshalla" i zmianie w "europejski Izrael". Plan zakłada maksymalną cyfryzację i uczynienie kraju "cyfrowo niezniszczalnym". źródło
linki: 1 (ang.), 2 (ang.), 3 (ang.)
Laura Yunque
@aderito - this was posted by Mykhailo Federov of the Ukraine government
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Laura Yunque
Dark and pointed humor here. Come, Lord Jesus.
Laura Yunque
@Just me I just posted the link which is from YouTube.
Laura Yunque