MDM told us so... The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything Sunday, 23 December 2012 @ 15:30 Message 651 My dearly beloved daughter, many of those sacred servants …More
MDM told us so...
The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything
Sunday, 23 December 2012 @ 15:30
Message 651
My dearly beloved daughter, many of those sacred servants of mine, are to face a terrible challenge.
This will be one, which will convince them to take one of two separate paths.
It will be up to each, by his own free will, as to which path he must choose.
For the abomination will make itself known shortly. Many of My sacred Servants will not be immediately aware of what is happening. It will only be when they read letters, given to them from those in high places, that they will find difficulty. Those who uphold my holy word, given to man through the gift of the holy Bible, will be challenged and urged to accept amendments. These amendments will be given to them and they will be expected to swallow them, and accept them as the truth. They amount to one thing. They will urge those holy sacred servants of mine, to accept tolerance of sin. They will …More
Bergoglio unleashed (MDM prophecies) MDM prophecies fulfilled about the False prophet. mdmlastprophet.comMore
Bergoglio unleashed (MDM prophecies)
MDM prophecies fulfilled about the False prophet. mdmlastprophet.com

The Only Way to Resist during this Dark Times: A letter to Traditionals, Neo-Catholics and all Christians who are worried and scandalized by 'pope' …

PLEASE SHARE. Our Forefathers have laid the foundation to resist those enemies (who were prophesied through Saints and the Blessed), who have seized for themselves the Holy Temple in Rome, our Lady …More
Our Forefathers have laid the foundation to resist those enemies (who were prophesied through Saints and the Blessed), who have seized for themselves the Holy Temple in Rome, our Lady warned us in La Salette France, that Rome would lose the faith and becomes the seat of the antichrist and this, is a NOW reality.
'Pope' Francis has declared himself: 'he ignores those who are rigid (traditionalists), as "they" do their thing and he keeps working, doing his thing', by this admission with deep disgust, he acknowledges that there's a huge split in the Catholic Church... those who honors the traditions of old and those who cheers for the world, this is a Great Schism inside.
The way to resist is simple yet hard...
While those are drunk in Liberalism and denying sin as repulsive and grave in the Eyes of our Lord; we need to reject that and PERSEVERE in the path laid down in the past, by our Forefather's Teachings, through their Sacrifice and Blood.
We need to reject everything …More

Small Minded

The favorite insult of 'papa' Bergoglio, this time in Poland, coincidentally the same Church that rejected his poisonous exhortation of Amoris laetitia when it didn't exist (but it wouldn't surprise us …More
The favorite insult of 'papa' Bergoglio, this time in Poland, coincidentally the same Church that rejected his poisonous exhortation of Amoris laetitia when it didn't exist (but it wouldn't surprise us if it did exist), by rejecting the poison spread in the second Synod of the Family in 2015, when the Polish said they would resist such betrayal.
"People may judge to be dreamers, because you believe in a new humanity,one that rejects hatred between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers and can cherish its own traditions without being self centered or small minded." Francis in Poland, WYD 2016.
In September 2013 'pope' Francis gave an interview to various Jesuit magazines including the America magazine in the United States, in which he called indirectly, the laws proclaimed by our Patriarchs and Forefathers as small minded.
"The church sometimes has locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules," Francis says. "Ministers of the church must be ministers of mercy …More

True Priest

Each time my priest enters the House of God to offer the Holy Sacrifice to Almighty Father, in remembrance of the pain, humiliation, and death of His only begotten Son: Jesus, we all bow our heads while …More
Each time my priest enters the House of God to offer the Holy Sacrifice to Almighty Father, in remembrance of the pain, humiliation, and death of His only begotten Son: Jesus, we all bow our heads while he enters, showing respect to the one who said yes.
In my mind (while we bow when our priest approaches), I say: "How beautiful is the feet of those who brings peace", this is part of a song that Neo Catholics sings while at mass sometimes, but it is actually His Holy word:
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7
Indeed He Reigns regardless of our bad deeds and unbelief, despite our wickedness He allow Humans to receive babies, allows the sun to shine, but it is also written that He will allow the sun to go dark on us for our perpetual unbelief and lack of charity.
Yet Holy wombs bring forth priests all over the world in order to open eyes …More
The World in 2017: These Events Prove Something is Going On! This video is from Jason A youtube channel (here), I hope it open your eyes, our Lord is coming, destruction is being planned, executed in …More
The World in 2017: These Events Prove Something is Going On!
This video is from Jason A youtube channel (here), I hope it open your eyes, our Lord is coming, destruction is being planned, executed in certain extent and the signs of the times are everywhere.

Eating Blood

"You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell." Acts 15:29 Sheeps, this …More
"You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell." Acts 15:29
Sheeps, this is how deep our ignorance grows about our Faith, the Holy Spirit is talking to us through the Holy Apostles yet we disobey.
Why would Peter tell us to stay away from such things, specifically from blood?
Let us walk back to those days when the Apostles were in this world, they saw how pagans behaved and how hungry our Lord is to save them all, right before the first council ever, when circumcision and Judaic law was laid to rest, they knew that pagans loved orgies, had idols, behaved immorally and drank and ate blood.
When blood is mentioned, we are not talking about vampirism or cannibalism (both are an abomination), all of the mentioned above, was done even in daylight and in front of all... when pagans accepted Christ they no longer were pagans but Christians, even though, their strange …More
Freemasons will be happy. Trump and Hillary, Hillary and Trump whoever wins will get there by Catholic vote and Freemasons get their president either way. George Soros, Stewart Rahr, Michael Cohen, …More
Freemasons will be happy.
Trump and Hillary, Hillary and Trump whoever wins will get there by Catholic vote and Freemasons get their president either way. George Soros, Stewart Rahr, Michael Cohen, Rothschilds they back either of the two... Catholics voting for evil or the 'lesser evil' will cast out God.
In the upper corner of the photo Hillary receives the blessing of a shaman, George Soros one of the greatest anti american ever supports Hillary, above Soros there's one of the Rothchild's: a family who supports Hillary... Now Trump is supported by Stewart Rahr and Michael Cohen who are Zionists... Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them", can you trust Trump, Hillary or anyone on the Libertarian progressive party. TRUST Jesus and if you love Him in all His Commandments you will not cast a vote for Evil or a 'Lesser evil'
In the upper corner of the photo Hillary receives the blessing of a shaman, George Soros one of the greatest anti american ever supports Hillary, above …More
In the upper corner of the photo Hillary receives the blessing of a shaman, George Soros one of the greatest anti american ever supports Hillary, above Soros there's one of the Rothchild's: a family who supports Hillary... Now Trump is supported by Stewart Rahr and Michael Cohen who are zionists... Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them", can you trust Trump, Hillary or anyone on the Libertarian progressive party. TRUST Jesus and if you love Him in all His Commandments you will not cast a vote for Evil or a 'Lesser evil'

The White Flag Church

Obama became president with 56% of Catholic voting in the USA in 2008, after years of his term forcing the abortion agenda, 50% Catholics still voted for Obama... Journalist Michael Voris from the …More
Obama became president with 56% of Catholic voting in the USA in 2008, after years of his term forcing the abortion agenda, 50% Catholics still voted for Obama... Journalist Michael Voris from the Churchmilitant.com site reported, that close to 80% of the American Bishops voted for Obama.
For two thousand years many Judas has been proclaiming an strange Gospel inside our Church, sheeps all over the world has fallen for their trap and relax and compromised their souls, today it feels, that we have the highest percentage of traitors inside our Church, than any other time or crisis in our 2000 years of existence.
When Bishop Joseph Kurtz was elected to be the head of the conference of Bishops here in the USA, the congratulations given by "pope" Francis was: "I don't want ideology", Kurtz known as a notorious pro-lifer, who didn't hesitate to kneel and pray the Rosary in front of abortion clinics, he was warned about the "rigidity" that liberalism always proclaimed that the pro-life ideology …More
There is a political phrase with the acronym, "RINO" for Republican In Name Only. Maybe we should come up with a new one. We could call it, "COIN" …More
There is a political phrase with the acronym, "RINO" for Republican In Name Only. Maybe we should come up with a new one. We could call it, "COIN" meaning, "Catholic Only In Name" or a tongue-twister, "CLAPSED" for Catholic lapsed. 😀 🙏

Trump = Hillary, freemasons win.

There is a saying I heard a long time ago, each country deserves its leader... Cuba deserves the Castro brothers, Libya deserved Qaddafi, South Africa deserved Mandela and the United States deserves …More
There is a saying I heard a long time ago, each country deserves its leader... Cuba deserves the Castro brothers, Libya deserved Qaddafi, South Africa deserved Mandela and the United States deserves Obama.
My father is conservative and it is only logical that I lean for the Republicans, but they too sold their values to the highest bidder... the Gay agenda in this country is now the right and the normal way to go, is the popular thing to back and Republicans cheers.
Abortion, homosexuality and contraception is a "hot topic button", and going against those, is unpopular...
Both parties serve the same master. make no mistake, pleasing the world or in other words, being political correct, is what the bible describes as being friends of the world and by pleasing the world God is cast out, this is why God says that those who are friends of the world are His enemies.
"You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses …More
Nonsense... even St Paul didn't wait for those Jews to kill him so he fled in a basket, why he didn't stay and convert them? You admitted that Trump is …More
Nonsense... even St Paul didn't wait for those Jews to kill him so he fled in a basket, why he didn't stay and convert them? You admitted that Trump is a lesser evil because you said:
"Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you?"
I prefer NEITHER, I will get my family out from a window, If I can't then I'll accept martyrdom and my blood will be in their hands.
I am pro life BUT I will not break God's commands because of a "little wound"
So... I have the fallacy? Despite you admitting the lesser evil is better by taking the little wound for a higher and righteous cause? You sound like the CIA when they formed the "pepes" in colombia trying to take out Pablo Escobar and then the CIA calling the pepes a necessary evil and boy did the pepes did a lot of evil and the CIA couldn't control them anymore.
VOICEOFTHESHEEP This is a formal fallacy with no middle term. Either candidate will force you to open doors and rule over you. Now who would you rather …More
VOICEOFTHESHEEP This is a formal fallacy with no middle term. Either candidate will force you to open doors and rule over you. Now who would you rather choose to enter your doors? Someone who would murder you or the other who will only wound you? Boycott is desertion and fleeing your house without your family. If you prayed to God and convince others there is a greater probability that the less dangerous will convert and might even help you.
10 more comments

The hidden Hand

Many Christians around the world can see the horror unleashed in diverse places, people sit in awe in the worse way, seeing how massacres unleashes here and there. You can see the hidden hand moving …More
Many Christians around the world can see the horror unleashed in diverse places, people sit in awe in the worse way, seeing how massacres unleashes here and there.
You can see the hidden hand moving to push ruin, moving their agenda of an unified world, and when is noted to those in power about the genocide of Christians, it takes years for them to accept such and do nothing afterwards, continuing their omission.
The top of our Church? They side with the hidden hand, with their coward words: "reductionism."
Everywhere I turn I see chaos creeping in, handshakes and laughter, secret meetings, even in our faces: bullying, for them... it is a good time for an unified world under the flag of evilness.
I'll give some examples of what is creeping in:
Russia... many Christians are falling in love with the Orthodox nation and I don't blame them, as they see their own nations drowned in pure wickedness proclaimed as a right, now, understand this, the Russian Orthodox Church was taken apart by …More

Tiny Hope

* This commentary comes from pieces of the homily of a Catholic priest in front of a packed Church, with 2 more priests co-celebrating, this happened here in Florida, the name of the city, church and …More
* This commentary comes from pieces of the homily of a Catholic priest in front of a packed Church, with 2 more priests co-celebrating, this happened here in Florida, the name of the city, church and the priests are not named for security and NO, it wasn't the SSPX, as the city I'm speaking about doesn't have an SSPX within.*
Fr. Brave: "Let me tell you something about this pope... he (Francis) has proclaimed a lot of things that are heretic!... People should know that, this is not new in the Church, the Catholic Church had many antipopes in the past (Fr. Brave mentioned the names of some of the antipopes)... All we can do right now is pray for his soul (Francis), that's all we can do..."
I apologize that I don't have the full text of the homily... but I just had to share this with all... Hope is brewing, tiny hope, that, some have their eyes open.
Fr. Brave is the name I'm giving to this Holy man, you could see the people seating down hearing his words nodding their heads saying yes..…More

3 pm

All around the world at 3 pm, remembrance on the death of the one who Love us first, comes, most people go about their daily lives not caring, some who do know... don't care, and the vast majority …More
All around the world at 3 pm, remembrance on the death of the one who Love us first, comes, most people go about their daily lives not caring, some who do know... don't care, and the vast majority doesn't know.
It's just, a jaw dropping and marvelous feeling to reach Him, our Lord Jesus Christ remembering at 3 pm: His death, all of His pain, suffering and abuse for the sake of mankind, at the Holy Mass, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet or, with a true and sincere personal prayer... His Mercy is reached.
From my house in the United States at 8 am: Jerusalem has its 3 pm, in Singapore would be 3 am here, Vatican 9 am, Japan 2 am, Hawaii 9 pm, Argentina 2 pm, Sidney Australia 1 pm... all of this at my 3 pm, AND... at the same time, many masses around the world being celebrated at the same time.
It is truly the hour of great Mercy... Divine Mercy.
Not the 'mercy' that the world offers in 'tolerance' and bizarre 'ecumenism'...
Read more at: www.voiceofthesheepblog.wordpress.com

Living in Glory

Christians who are trying to get the Gospel to all hearts, have all sorts of obstacles and sufferings because of it, the most greatest spiritual pain is given by those of his/her own family. I remember …More
Christians who are trying to get the Gospel to all hearts, have all sorts of obstacles and sufferings because of it, the most greatest spiritual pain is given by those of his/her own family.
I remember a long time ago, a friend of mine told me: "we need to live the Glory of God here on earth", bit by bit, people who desire to be more spiritual, try to please God in all His Commandments, things once seen as normal, now it's a big sin, usual conversations becomes worldly, lies are no longer tolerated and every venial sin feels like mortal.
Priests loose their cool around you, people flee from you, even those who swore eternal love at the feet of Almighty Father... Loneliness grows big around you and feeling like a Leper with your family becomes "normal."
Your mind for long suggest horrible things, such things that are unrepeatable, you suffer and struggle, you try to reach to Heaven, asking for help and it feels like help is not coming, you beg: "Please Lord, save me from myself" is your …More

Mama's boy

I was always happy, my Mom gave me a lollipop because I didn't pee the bed... but... I did, just a little bit. I love my mother... and I enjoyed that special lollipop which had gum inside. Had lovely …More
I was always happy, my Mom gave me a lollipop because I didn't pee the bed... but... I did, just a little bit. I love my mother... and I enjoyed that special lollipop which had gum inside.
Had lovely toys... remember a white and yellow helicopter my Mom gave me and it was gorgeous, with tires underneath and the cab with inside lights and it made lots of sounds... I had much joy in me, but... I wondered, what was inside that made all those lights? Unfortunately I had to know, so I threw my toy from the 2nd floor down, to see what was inside and the toy cracked wide open, sadness followed, no more lights and I couldn't understand what made those lights anyways, sorry Mom.
Nighttime, sleeping and dreaming, I saw myself with my favorite shirt: pink with red airplanes all around, me running to the balcony, jumping and flying off... what a sweet dream, good thing is, that when awake, I knew what happened to my helicopter, so no cartoonish ideas about jumping off the balcony.
I went to Church …More

First "pope"ever...

Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous …More
Let's be clear, 1st thing: "papa" Frank is not crazy as he only shoots his arrows to Catholics and no one else, 2nd: his so called opinions and "no part of the magisterium" exhortations, have dangerous statements that we would've understand if a demon is the one proclaiming them.
* 1st "pope" ever to condemned capitalism many times in different stages and NO condemnations to communism, further more, the only time he address communism was when he said he enjoyed when young communist magazines and that he knew "good" communist people.
* 1st "pope" ever to call names on traditionalists... EVER, I mean calling them: hermenuticals, Rosary counters, dead inside, etc...
* 1st "pope" ever to tell atheists "to do good and we'll meet there" rejecting what Jesus said: "Whoever does not believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16), and his intentions on atheists are clear, as he stated on atheists in his autobiography 'on heaven and earth': "I will not say that their life is condemned"
* 1st "pope" ever …More
Leonard Wessell shares this
He is a materialist, through and through. His supporters, insofar as they find 'truth' in what he proclaims, are nothing more.

Private revelation anyone?

Why private revelation is needed? Because, people won't take seriously public revelation and what it's worst, priests nowadays are preaching more and more strange teachings, that's why, if God doesn't …More
Why private revelation is needed? Because, people won't take seriously public revelation and what it's worst, priests nowadays are preaching more and more strange teachings, that's why, if God doesn't give us private revelations to reignite our conversion, even the elect would be lost.
Private revelation is a tricky term, because "private" means that it belongs to the person who is handling whatever it was given to them, BUT all true revelations given by God eventually are meant to be shared to all, so after it's shared, technically speaking, is no longer private.
Some private revelations don't come from God, if they don't come from God it comes from the enemy, that's when... in theory, a revelation could remain private when the Church mandates not to follow such when a proper investigation is done and with that in mind the faithful stays away.
It is also TRUE, that sometimes our Church misses the mark and rejects revelations which were directly proclaimed as true by Holy men like Padre …More

On The Vortex—Rome Be Damned

Dear Sheeps, my heart aches when I see truth used to hide or dismissed truth, sometimes it happens with bad intentions, some when you are bind to an idea/agenda for so long, then it clouds our judgment …More
Dear Sheeps, my heart aches when I see truth used to hide or dismissed truth, sometimes it happens with bad intentions, some when you are bind to an idea/agenda for so long, then it clouds our judgment and tries to cloud the sun with a finger.
We could use a hand or both hands to hide it, but the brightness of the sun will still light the day.
There is no doubt that our dear Catholic Church is in crisis, there is no doubt that wicked men today pastor their flocks, in most Dioceses, with hellish ideas to please the world and not God.
Recently I heard a great Catholic man speaking in his weekly show: on blaming the "pope" for the confusion lived today, my heart aches but I have to correct this amazing man with love.
Saint Paul stood in front of everyone (Jews and gentiles), and addressed our First Pope, Apostle Peter, with the authority given by the Holy Spirit, St. Paul told Peter the truth:
"When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, BECAUSE HE STOOD CONDEMNED. For before …More


When St. Patrick prayed the breastplate prayer, it wasn't just a prayer to God, this prayer teaches us something that you can't find anywhere: Incantations of false prophets. Such a beautiful prayer,…More
When St. Patrick prayed the breastplate prayer, it wasn't just a prayer to God, this prayer teaches us something that you can't find anywhere: Incantations of false prophets.
Such a beautiful prayer, puts us before the Holy Trinity embracing Divine Love, pleads for protection from the devil and his false prophets, who, constantly proclaim falsities made in the abyss.
Make no mistake, all the wickedness in this world comes from the father of lies, all his minions in hell chant his lies, they go out through the world and with subtleness whisper:
"Homosexuality is not a sin, how can God reject love between 2 men (woman)?", "All men are saved", "Abortion is not murder", "No regrets!", "Let yourself go" (into sin that is)... etc.
Each and every time a "man of God" proclaims something which is chanted by demons, that priest/pastor or even laity is proclaiming an incantation, something that is pure evil but at the same time is made so attractive to all, hard shake such proclamations as: "Once …More

4th of July

I thank You Almighty Father for me been born in the United States, this land fought against tyranny, to slowly and sadly go back to tyranny. Please Lord Jesus spare all the decent families in the USA,…More
I thank You Almighty Father for me been born in the United States, this land fought against tyranny, to slowly and sadly go back to tyranny. Please Lord Jesus spare all the decent families in the USA, spare those who try to Love you despite the reigning wickedness.
Sweet, sweet Jesus... You are the Will of Your Father and His Will is, that all knees on earth, Heaven and the abyss kneel before You Lord, and there, we Love You and shall do Your commandments... please, spare all the decent families who Love You despite living in this wicked land.
Wicked, as this land has embraced all that was bad and and call it good, bullied the good calling it bad... good families are at the entrance like Lot. We are waiting for You my Lord, don't delay. Come my Love... come, 4th of July is here and we are grateful, spare all who have endured evil.
This is no longer a Nation under God, this is a Nation who has rejected God and persecutes anyone who Loves You... Poor soldiers, poor workers, poor all those …More
Amen, and Happy 4th of July from, "just outside the beltway." 👏 🙏