Pt Murphy
Pt Murphy

Priest Arrested After Homosex Orgie

The book of Gomorrah by St Peter Damien calls for the death penalty for these perverts.
Pt Murphy

Bishop Doerfler: Bergoglio's Fiducia supplicans Is Lack of Charity

Yep. Blessing that which is intrinsically evil.
Pt Murphy

Israeli Army Murdered Two Innocent Catholic Women

"civilized country such as Israel does"
Your comment confirms that if you are not in the employ of the Zionist regime, you are a total f****** clown.More
"civilized country such as Israel does"

Your comment confirms that if you are not in the employ of the Zionist regime, you are a total f****** clown.
Pt Murphy

Israeli Army Murdered Two Innocent Catholic Women

Total clown comment.
Blame the victims of the Zionist murderers.
Look up and see what pope Sarto had to say about the Zionism.More
Total clown comment.

Blame the victims of the Zionist murderers.

Look up and see what pope Sarto had to say about the Zionism.
Pt Murphy

Benedict Resigned Because He Saw "No Danger For The Church"

Q level wishful thinking
Pt Murphy

Kindergarten: Francis Prefers Pelé

Credo... I will be more explicit for you.
If bergolio needs to convert (he does), he is not the head of the Catholic Church.
If he's the pope of anything, it's pope of the New World Order.More
Credo... I will be more explicit for you.

If bergolio needs to convert (he does), he is not the head of the Catholic Church.

If he's the pope of anything, it's pope of the New World Order.
Pt Murphy

Kindergarten: Francis Prefers Pelé

"pray for his conversion"??
So you correctly note he's not Catholic... Yet he is the principal of unity of the Catholic Church as Pope?More
"pray for his conversion"??

So you correctly note he's not Catholic... Yet he is the principal of unity of the Catholic Church as Pope?
Pt Murphy

Incompetent Francis Plays Climate Expert, Cheers "World Government"

Well... He's playing his role as religion spokesman for the NWO
Pt Murphy

Francis, "My Task Is Troublesome"

Let's not lament that the OD Cult is under the Francis microscope
Pt Murphy

US Bishop, 51, Dies Suddenly In His Sleep

"died suddenly" has become euphemism for vaxxxed into compliance
Pt Murphy

Archbishop Calls John Paul II Who Promoted Him, a Bad Theologian

It's very surprising that this character has had any desire for a woman.
Pt Murphy

Archbishop Calls John Paul II Who Promoted Him, a Bad Theologian

No. Overseeing the auto demolition of the church necessarily excludes this rosy assessment. Holding the line on a point of the moral law does not make one "Great."
Pt Murphy

Francis Dynamites Opus Dei

A priest is rightfully recognized as being set apart from the common layman.
Pt Murphy

Francis Dynamites Opus Dei

I respectfully submit that this latest move by bergolio should be lamented. Opus is a cult which rightfully should be disassembled. Regarding the sspx parishioners, this move will head off any ideations that they are part of a religious group other than the Catholic Church.
Pt Murphy

Francis Dynamites Opus Dei

This is very good that the fake conservative / traditional organization is being reigned in... In spite of their sycophancy
Pt Murphy

"Francis Is an Open Enemy of Catholicism"

@LifeJohn yep. And he confirms his malice on a daily basis, starting with his continual response to the dubia (silence.)
Pt Murphy

Fernández Wants To Replace John Paul II Morals

Theology of the body does not have enough eroticism for this character.
Pt Murphy

Opus Dei: Coup d’Etat in Torreciudad

good riddance...May the bishop's example be followed worldwide... In dismantling this cult.
Pt Murphy

Francis Couldn't Behave Properly - Not Even at Benedict's Funeral

"Why is it a good thing for Catholics to be so hateful for what God Himself is allowing? "
Because we are not Buddhists. Catholics also hate crimes switch cry to heaven for vengeance, such as abortion. We do not simply shrug our shoulders because God allows abortion to continue.
Regarding your wish that "Pope Francis" convert...Presumably to the Catholic religion... Suggest you think someone who …
"Why is it a good thing for Catholics to be so hateful for what God Himself is allowing? "

Because we are not Buddhists. Catholics also hate crimes switch cry to heaven for vengeance, such as abortion. We do not simply shrug our shoulders because God allows abortion to continue.

Regarding your wish that "Pope Francis" convert...Presumably to the Catholic religion... Suggest you think someone who does not hold the Catholic faith can be head of the Catholic Church.