Greece has legalized same-sex marriage, the measure was pushed through by Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ New Democracy party with the support of four left-wing parties.

First Orthodox Christian country legalizes gay marriage

Greek lawmakers have voted to legalize same-sex weddings in the country, despite staunch opposition from the Orthodox Church of Greece and almost …
Anyone paying attention to happenings in the Greek Orthodox world know that their leadership is ALL IN with the "gay agenda" as much as Francis! No …More
Anyone paying attention to happenings in the Greek Orthodox world know that their leadership is ALL IN with the "gay agenda" as much as Francis! No surprises.
Ivan Tomas
Coincidentally, one that is, and not only, militarily very connected to the West?

Nephilim: Angels cannot make babies!

Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''. The Sons of God are not angels! Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5 …More
Genesis 6, verse 2 ''the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose''.
The Sons of God are not angels!
Epistle to the Hebrews 1:5
For to which of the angels did God ever say:
“You are my son; this day I have begotten you”?
Or again:
“I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me”?
--------------------- Sons of God= Not angels= Men= Adam & Eve and their children= Us. ---
Event B = Daughters of men= Monsters created by men are breeding with men, the result is visible in the skulls classified as Homo Ergaster, Homo Erectus, etc.= Recent history. --- Implied Event A= Men impregnating female monkeys= Creation of monsters. --- Verse 4, not the exact same event described in verse 2! Event C = Genesis 6 verse 4 Now, giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went into the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. --- Here is the …More
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for that! I understand the Fathers of the Church to say "the Sons of God, "to be the offspring of Seth, and the "daughters of men," to be the …More
Thank you for that! I understand the Fathers of the Church to say "the Sons of God, "to be the offspring of Seth, and the "daughters of men," to be the others that were not righteous. It is conjecture to find a deeper significance than the simple fact, "[4] "Giants": It is likely the generality of men before the flood were of a gigantic stature in comparison with what men now are. But these here spoken of are called giants, as being not only tall in stature, but violent and savage in their dispositions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust." Mankind lived longer and hence were naturally bigger.
Adrien shares this
Reply to FilipekK K and his video: Biblical story of the Nephilim
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Normand Thomas, Founder of a New Religion on GloriaTV. Love is the new God. The physical writers of the Holy Scriptures (Bible) have nothing more than us!

I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse). "For the author of Genesis, by …More
I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse).
"For the author of Genesis, by this biblical passage ... The author had not yet learned to distinguish between evil... ''
Apparently, the fact that God is the Author of the Book of Genesis didn't come to your mind.
''We know that God cannot reprove, condemn, curse, this is absolutely not in his nature.''
Who is ''we''?
God can send a curse on one’s flesh (Numbers 12:10).
About the soul, God can condemn or curse someone following a sin or a life of sin. If one is still alive, there is always some hope for Salvation. One can escape from the Hell already present in his soul. The sentence or condemnation can be removed.
The difference with a normal situation of a sinner is that the removal of a pronounced condemnation is difficult to achieve. But when someone has been thrown in the physical Hell that is not in this Universe, only then his condemnation is eternal.
''God doesn’t …More
Normand Thomas removed a comment on the page linked in this post, I will put it here in picture.
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Macron to insert abortion in French constitution

The procedure is currently legal until 14 weeks and requires two doctors to sign off for later terms The right to have an abortion will soon be enshrined …
chris griffin
The right to Hell is already enshrined in the Bible.
Warning: RT's news writers are clearly pro-abortion.

At least 2,000 children killed in Gaza – charity

Israeli airstrikes are killing minors “indiscriminately,” aid organization Save the Children has said At least 2,000 children have died in Israel’s …

FSSPX: Mgr Vitus Huonder est-il vraiment un évêque?

Suite à un long article écrit par l'abbé Dominique Rousseau (ex-FSSPX, maintenant Reconquista) posté sur GloriaTV par @AveMaria44 , dans lequel l'abbé met en doute l'épiscopat de Mgr Vitus Huonder …More
Suite à un long article écrit par l'abbé Dominique Rousseau (ex-FSSPX, maintenant Reconquista) posté sur GloriaTV par @AveMaria44 , dans lequel l'abbé met en doute l'épiscopat de Mgr Vitus Huonder, citant Mgr Lefebvre qui disait que le nouveau rite était douteux, je tiens à apporter un début de réponse à ce seul point.
Que Mgr Lefebvre ait dit que les nouveaux rites des Sacrements étaient douteux est une chose, mais il y a une différence entre avoir des doutes et avoir une certitude. Si des rites sont révisés, il est normal d'être prudent au début. Puis on procède à une analyse et lorsque la validité du rite est confirmée, il devient alors fort inconvenable de traiter le rite de ''douteux''.
Les deux autres aspects c'est que Marcel Lefebvre ne possédait pas la science pour procéder à l'analyse des nouveaux rites (contrairement à l'abbé Gregory Hesse qui a démontré que le Sacrement de l'Ordre dans le nouveau rite romain est valide) et que Mgr Lefebvre n'avait pas non plus le don surnaturel …More
@dmargot Le Sacrement de l'Ordre comporte trois degrés : l’épiscopat, le presbytérat et le diaconat. (Selon le Pape Pie XII). Consécration épiscopale …More
Le Sacrement de l'Ordre comporte trois degrés : l’épiscopat, le presbytérat et le diaconat. (Selon le Pape Pie XII).
Consécration épiscopale: Plénitude du Sacrement de l'ordre par lequel on devient évêque.
Pour la prêtrise, on dit ordination sacerdotale ou ordination presbytérale.
Dans chaque cas, on reçoit le Sacrement de l'Ordre.
Quelque rite que ce soit: (Les différents rites catholique.) Rite syro-malankar, rite copte, rite melkite-byzantin, rite syriaque, nouveau rite romain, ancien rite romain, etc. La liste est trop longue.
Tous les rites du Sacrement de l'ordre sont valides même s'ils sont souvent très différents les uns des autres, en autant que l'ordinant touche physiquement à celui qui reçoit le Sacrement.
Un homme baptisé pourrait validement recevoir l'épiscopat sans auparavant être ordonné prêtre. J'ai le parfait exemple dans mon bref article avec Matthias dans le livre des Actes des Apôtres chapitre 1 versets 15 à 26, sans oublier les Apôtres eux-mêmes qui n'ont …More
"L'important dans n'importe quel rite de consécration épiscopale, c'est l'imposition des mains car le Sacrement de l'Ordre se transmet par contact …More
"L'important dans n'importe quel rite de consécration épiscopale, c'est l'imposition des mains car le Sacrement de l'Ordre se transmet par contact physique. " Parlez-vous de l'ordination sacerdotale ou du sacre épiscopal ? Le doute le plus important porte sur l'ordination sacerdotale; si celle-ci est douteuse, le sacre subséquent l'est aussi. N'oublions pas que, selon un cardinal repenti sur son lit de mort, le but des ennemis n'est pas de détruire les sacrements mais de les rendre douteux. La principale action de Mgr Lefebvre aura été de les garder intégralement sûrs ! Maintenant, la FSSPX entre aussi dans le cadre douteux. (Cela fait d'ailleurs un certain temps que les prêtres arrivant dans la FSSPX ne sont plus ré ordonnés sous condition : tous les sacrements qu'ils donnent entrent alors dans la catégorie douteuse)
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A priest denied the proper reception of the Blessed Sacrament to a faithful, at the funeral Mass for Pope Benedict XVI.


Are transgenders going genocidal?

John A Cassani
They are the mob outside of Lot’s house.
Media don't mention that the killer of Nashville is a transgender (female acting as a male). Should transgenders not be allowed near schools anymore?

Covenant School shooter identified as 28-year-old Audrey (Aiden?) Hale (he/him)

NBC News says it has confirmed the identity of the suspect in a deadly shooting earlier today at Covenant School, a private …
The media they are sick too
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Gay couple charged with raping their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring.

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report …

A gay couple from Georgia charged with molesting their two adopted sons and using them to record …
Louis IX
Will they be providing names of clients to authorities?
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Deux Enfants Se Font Violer Par Un Couple De Sodomites Mais Il y a Plus.

Un couple est accusé d'avoir abusé de leurs fils adoptifs

L'enquête visant un couple de Géorgie, aux États-Unis, accusés d'avoir abusé de leurs deux fils adoptifs et de les avoir utilisés pour …
Même situation en Australie en 2005. Pedophiles Adopt and Molest Boy Ainsi qu'au Royaume Uni en 2007. Abuse of sanity: The truth about how a council …More
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Vom Affen zum Menschen oder besser gesagt vom Menschen und Affen zum Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo Ergaster usw...

- Weihrauch -
Tiere und Menschen sind von Gott jeweils erschaffen worden in einem extra Schöpfungsakt, am 5. und am 6. Schöpfungstag. Die Evolutionstheorie n. Darwin …More
Tiere und Menschen sind von Gott jeweils erschaffen worden in einem extra Schöpfungsakt, am 5. und am 6. Schöpfungstag. Die Evolutionstheorie n. Darwin ist falsch. Außerdem ist die Menschheitsgeschichte nur wenige Tausend Jahre alt, siehe Bibel, dort sind alle wichtigen Menschengeschlechter aufgeführt. Wer der Bibel nicht glaubt, irrt. Die sog. Wissenschaft hat diesbezüglich nur Hypothesen aufgestellt, viele Wissenschaftler mit voller Absicht gegen Gott, obwohl sie selber wussten, dass sie nur Hypothesen aufstellten.
Große Unterschiede innerhalb der tatsächlichen menschlichen Rasse
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Francisco fue excomulgado en 1999

Desde antes de ser sacerdote era un hereje excomulgado latae sententia.
Vg2 Jamás ha habido que un grupo de obispos que se hayan atrevido a excomulgar a un Papa. Sería algo contradictorio e inusual. La Iglesia militante ha …More
Vg2 Jamás ha habido que un grupo de obispos que se hayan atrevido a excomulgar a un Papa. Sería algo contradictorio e inusual. La Iglesia militante ha sido confiada al Papa actual. Porque él es la "piedra" sobre la que Jesús fundó dicha Iglesia. ¿Es que quieren cambiar dicha "piedra". ¿Por qué no se dedican a rezar y dejan de malinterpretar todo lo que dice el Papa?
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Waagerl shares this
Carlus shares this
Bei Bergoglio liegen viele Bestimmungen und kirchlichen Gesetze bis zur Konklave Ordnung vor die darauf hinweisen, er kann und ist niemals zum Papst …More
Bei Bergoglio liegen viele Bestimmungen und kirchlichen Gesetze bis zur Konklave Ordnung vor die darauf hinweisen, er kann und ist niemals zum Papst durch Gott berufen worden und niemals durch ein angeblich rechtmäßiges Konklave gewählt worden.
Den geraubten Ehrenname Franziskus dürfen wir Bergoglio niemals gewähren. Das ist eine Blasphemie des Heiligen Franziskus. Die Freimaurerei handelt mit Namen, Bezeichnungen und Zahlen, die der katholischen Kirche entnommen sind, siehe hierzu
Johannes XXIII. für Roncalli, wie sein Vorgänger ein Konzil, welches den Führern in der Welz die Macht in der Kirche geben soll!
Paul VI. für Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, wie der Völkerapostel Paulus wird er zum Völkerapostel der neuen dämonischen Religion
und nun
Franziskus für den Hochgradfreimaurer Bergoglio, wie der Heilige Franziskus, so auch er für seinen Gott wird die Kirche erneuern.

Jeder Name sagt etwas aus und gibt wieder was in diesem angeblichen Pontifikat geschehen wir.
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Adrien here Message in a Bottle (23:15) is a thread with more circumstantial evidence on Bergoglio being a freemason, referred to recently by Fr Paul …More
Adrien here Message in a Bottle (23:15) is a thread with more circumstantial evidence on Bergoglio being a freemason, referred to recently by Fr Paul Kramer on his FB, presented by the head of vatican intelligence in Argentina...
Cassandra Laments
Adrien - I missed this at the time. Do you know if anyone else has published/written anything about this? Any higher clerics doing anything with this …More
Adrien - I missed this at the time. Do you know if anyone else has published/written anything about this? Any higher clerics doing anything with this - or at least trying to? You would think it would be a smoking gun. Many thanks.
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Dr Jim Kellner

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | November 02, 2021 A Canadian doctor pushing COVID-19 vaccine shots for children ages 5 years and up who’s been featured in numerous media reports received nearly $2 million in …More
By Dr. Joseph Mercola | November 02, 2021
A Canadian doctor pushing COVID-19 vaccine shots for children ages 5 years and up who’s been featured in numerous media reports received nearly $2 million in Pfizer funding for vaccine research.
Whether it was intentional or if the media kinda-sorta forgot to mention the conflict, or if they simply didn’t bother doing their own research before using Dr. Jim Kellner as a lead adviser on the COVID shot isn’t clear. But what is clear is that Pfizer has given the University of Calgary professor and pediatrician $1.9 million, with $787,004 of it still being allocated until 2022.
Kellner didn’t attempt to hide his conflict of interest; it’s easily found in his publicly posted curriculum vitae, with the current funding explicitly stated.
Yet, according to True North news, “Kellner’s name turns up over 41 times and appears in numerous videos and articles on the topic of vaccination without any indication of how much money he has received from the …More
Leider spielt Geld in der Corona-Krise eine große Rolle, das könnte das Rätsel des oft fragwürdigen Verhaltens von Medien, aber auch von Medizinern …More
Leider spielt Geld in der Corona-Krise eine große Rolle, das könnte das Rätsel des oft fragwürdigen Verhaltens von Medien, aber auch von Medizinern wohl erklären...
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Russie : la Douma vote un texte durcissant la législation contre la «propagande LGBT»

La chambre basse du Parlement russe a adopté en première lecture un texte ayant pour objectif de renforcer la lutte …
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur shares this
🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳
Adrien, pas qu'au Canada ! Dans le monde entier.
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NTI, Monkeypox and American Labs in Ukraine


TRADITIONIS CUSTODES: Who denies the Novus Ordo is valid?

The NO is odious to God.
Les Crispi
The NO is only valid insofar as it was always viewed as an option to the Mass of the Ages. Should Bergie the heretic succeed in suppressing the TLM for …More
The NO is only valid insofar as it was always viewed as an option to the Mass of the Ages. Should Bergie the heretic succeed in suppressing the TLM for good, the NO will be invalid.
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Courageous Opus Dei priest doubles down on dangers of Pope Francis’ teachings

The above comments; fat so to describe the Pope and Jesuit hates Opus Dei (therefore) chief ?prelate of Opus Dei is not bishop yet. As Randy Engel sees …More
The above comments; fat so to describe the Pope and Jesuit hates Opus Dei (therefore) chief ?prelate of Opus Dei is not bishop yet.
As Randy Engel sees it, Opus Dei is not of God; it uses the Catholic Church for its own ends which are money, power, and ultimately replacement of Christ’s Church with a One World Religion which would be far from the one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ.
Angelo Santelli
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