Die Mutter aller Vigilien, nämlich die der Auferstehung des Herrn, wurde am Samstagmorgen des 29. März in der Grabeskirche in Jerusalem gefeiert.
@T H @Oenipontanus Da haben sich dem Anschein nach die zwei richtigen gesucht und gefunden, um in ein Loch zu reden - bzw. postet der @Oenipontinnitus …More
@T H @Oenipontanus
Da haben sich dem Anschein nach die zwei richtigen gesucht und gefunden, um in ein Loch zu reden - bzw. postet der @Oenipontinnitus jetzt auch unter @T umber H ans-Wurst!! 🙃
Das muss man sich vorstellen: Moslems (alte osmanische Uniformen!) müssen dafür sorgen, dass sich die Christen in der Grabeskirche nicht fetzen.
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GUATEMALA Holy Week honours Jesus the Nazarene of Good Death
This is an actual funeral for Jesus, according to an ancient custom which dates back to the 15th century. The liturgy was presided over by the Custos of the Holy Land.
Novena - Oremus shares this
In einem Ritus, der auf das 15-Jahrhundert zurückgeht, wurde Jesus ind der Grabeskirche in sein Grab gelegt.
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MALAGA The incredible Holy Week procession as part of Semana Santa events
Viva Christ the King
Kreuzweg im Heiligen Land
Kirchen Maus
scheint sehr anstrengend zu sein…wie man hier durchgeschleust wird
Hundreds participated in the Way of the Cross procession in Auckland, New Zealand
Well done NZ.
Kreuzweg in Sydney, Australien
Der Agonie des Herrn im Garten Gethsemane wurde gestern Abend an dem Ort gedacht, an dem sie sich ereignete; Rosenblätter wurden auf den Stein gestreut, auf dem unser Herr kniete, betete und Blut …More
Der Agonie des Herrn im Garten Gethsemane wurde gestern Abend an dem Ort gedacht, an dem sie sich ereignete; Rosenblätter wurden auf den Stein gestreut, auf dem unser Herr kniete, betete und Blut schwitzte.
....sollen wohl auch die Blutstropfen darstellen, die JESUS für uns geschwitzt und vergossen hat.
Oh, Erlöser
Am Gründonnerstag hat der Lateinische Patriarch von Jerusalem, S.E. Kard. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, die feierlichen Liturgien des österlichen Triduums mit der Feier der Missa in Coena Domini eröffnet.
Heiliges Land: Die Gläubigen und die Brüder begaben sich in die Basilika der Heiligen Sepulchre zur traditionellen Verehrung der Säule der Geißelung Christi: Die kostbare Reliquie wird in der Kapelle …More
Heiliges Land: Die Gläubigen und die Brüder begaben sich in die Basilika der Heiligen Sepulchre zur traditionellen Verehrung der Säule der Geißelung Christi: Die kostbare Reliquie wird in der Kapelle der Erscheinung aufbewahrt
In Spanien überlebten viele Karwochentraditionen.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Die Liebe zum gekreuzigten Heiland drückt sich in der katholischen Religion durch wundervolle Rituale aus. Bilderstürmerei war einmal protestantisch.…More
Die Liebe zum gekreuzigten Heiland drückt sich in der katholischen Religion durch wundervolle Rituale aus. Bilderstürmerei war einmal protestantisch. Verächtlichmachen der Rituale ist kulturferner Snobismus. @T H
Despektierlich könnte man sagen: Theater für Leute, die einst nicht lesen konnten - aber Spaß beiseite: Mitmachen beeindruckt natürlich.
More believers are killed for their faith in Nigeria each year than everywhere else in the world, combined.
Bp Athanasius Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans “is in itself against divine revelation, we cannot accept this, in no way, even when it’s a papally approved document, it is against Divine revelation. It …More
Bp Athanasius Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans “is in itself against divine revelation, we cannot accept this, in no way, even when it’s a papally approved document, it is against Divine revelation. It is promoting sin & therefore it is an abuse of magisterium.”…
Ivan Tomas
... an therefore it is...!!! How (even) on earth a legitiem Pope can BE, let alone ACT against Divine revelation? 2+2 can never be 5! Can it?More
... an therefore it is...!!!
How (even) on earth a legitiem Pope can BE, let alone ACT against Divine revelation?
2+2 can never be 5! Can it?
On the Feast of Saint Joseph, discover the holy cloak of St. Joseph, a unique relic of the foster father of Jesus, kept in the Basilica of Saint Anastasia for 16 centuries.
Conosci le reliquie della Santa Famiglia a Roma? Nella Chiesa di Sant'Anastasia, nei pressi del Circo Massimo, vi è un tesoro raramente mostrato agli occhi del grande pubblico: il Sacro Manto di San …More
Conosci le reliquie della Santa Famiglia a Roma? Nella Chiesa di Sant'Anastasia, nei pressi del Circo Massimo, vi è un tesoro raramente mostrato agli occhi del grande pubblico: il Sacro Manto di San Giuseppe
Giovanna Delbueno
? Anche Divina Famiglia viene usato. Io resto ancorata a Sacra Famiglia.
"Santa" Famiglia o "Sacra" Famiglia ? Negli anni postconciliari prevale "Santa". Termine senz'altro più appropriato, in questo caso, rispetto a "Sacra"More
"Santa" Famiglia o "Sacra" Famiglia ?
Negli anni postconciliari prevale "Santa". Termine senz'altro più appropriato, in questo caso, rispetto a "Sacra"
This happened in the middle of Madonna’s concert. My heart breaks for those who cannot see. Evil has become so blatantly brazen. The devil knows his time is running out. She is the high priestess of …More
This happened in the middle of Madonna’s concert. My heart breaks for those who cannot see. Evil has become so blatantly brazen. The devil knows his time is running out. She is the high priestess of Satan’s church.
Don't even want to know how many celebrities have become worshipers of the beast. I suspect they receive some "powers" that make them feel like magicians …More
Don't even want to know how many celebrities have become worshipers of the beast. I suspect they receive some "powers" that make them feel like magicians and demi gods not realizing it's a contract, a loan contract that comes due at their death. What is especially sad is that so many adults today would not even recognize that the words she was mocking was from the Bible. It's been such a "show" with these creeps for so long, the audience is probably lapping it up like it is some script and not "real". God help them wake up.
English Catholic
I suspect a lot of these pop stars (like Madonna, Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga etc, etc, etc,) who frequently use satanic imagery, have sold their …More
I suspect a lot of these pop stars (like Madonna, Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga etc, etc, etc,) who frequently use satanic imagery, have sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune. It would explain why so many of them, with so little (if any) talent, make pots of money and attract many.
Ein Fussballer zeigt die Illusion einer Levitation
Erich Christian Fastenmeier
Das konnte Pater Pio auch. 😉
Bethlehem 2014
Kapier ich trotzdem nicht: ich würde mir dabei sämtliche Haxen brechen. Da werde ich lieber heilig und mach das ganze "konventionell-konservativ"... 😇
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Andrea Bocelli: Amazing Grace | The Journey Times Square New York Premiere | TBN Andrea Bocelli performs Amazing Grace from Times Square in New York City at the premiere event for The Journey! The …More
Andrea Bocelli: Amazing Grace | The Journey Times Square New York Premiere | TBN
Andrea Bocelli performs Amazing Grace from Times Square in New York City at the premiere event for The Journey!
The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli is exclusively in theaters April 2 to 9th only.
*Get tickets at The Journey – A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli
This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.
For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks …More
Francesco, in un'intervista rilasciata a febbraio, invita l'Ucraina a praticare il "coraggio della bandiera bianca, a negoziare" per evitare ulteriori perdite di vite umane: "Negoziare non è mai …More
Francesco, in un'intervista rilasciata a febbraio, invita l'Ucraina a praticare il "coraggio della bandiera bianca, a negoziare" per evitare ulteriori perdite di vite umane: "Negoziare non è mai arrendersi. È il coraggio di non portare il Paese al suicidio".
Klaus Elmar Müller
Putin sta assassinando il Paese. Ma Bergoglio ha esperienza: ha capitolato davanti alla Cina comunista molto tempo fa. E ora lo raccomanda come modello. …More
Putin sta assassinando il Paese. Ma Bergoglio ha esperienza: ha capitolato davanti alla Cina comunista molto tempo fa. E ora lo raccomanda come modello. Putin mordet das Land. Aber Bergoglio hat Erfahrung: Vor dem kommunistischen China hat er schon lange kapituliert. Und das empfiehlt er jetzt als Vorbild.