This happened in the middle of Madonna’s concert. My heart breaks for those who cannot see. Evil has become so blatantly brazen. The devil knows his time is running out. She is the high priestess of …More
This happened in the middle of Madonna’s concert. My heart breaks for those who cannot see. Evil has become so blatantly brazen. The devil knows his time is running out. She is the high priestess of Satan’s church.
Don't even want to know how many celebrities have become worshipers of the beast. I suspect they receive some "powers" that make them feel like magicians and demi gods not realizing it's a contract, a loan contract that comes due at their death. What is especially sad is that so many adults today would not even recognize that the words she was mocking was from the Bible. It's been such a "show" with …More
Don't even want to know how many celebrities have become worshipers of the beast. I suspect they receive some "powers" that make them feel like magicians and demi gods not realizing it's a contract, a loan contract that comes due at their death. What is especially sad is that so many adults today would not even recognize that the words she was mocking was from the Bible. It's been such a "show" with these creeps for so long, the audience is probably lapping it up like it is some script and not "real". God help them wake up.
English Catholic
I suspect a lot of these pop stars (like Madonna, Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga etc, etc, etc,) who frequently use satanic imagery, have sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune. It would explain why so many of them, with so little (if any) talent, make pots of money and attract many.