John A Cassani
John A Cassani

The Socialist government has BANNED Catholics from praying the Rosary in public on June 8th or 9th. …

If the bishops had an ounce of courage, they would call on all Catholics to hold rosary rallies, and dare the government to arrest everyone. But, the bishops are craven cowards, generally.
John A Cassani

Like Americans overall, Catholics vary in their abortion views, with regular Mass attenders most …

This is definitive proof of the absolute failure of the Church in the United States in our time.
John A Cassani

Spin has begun..

The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master run religious goods shops and make vestments (generally very ugly, modernistic vestments). They also do sacristan work. They are present in Boston and L.A. in the US, at least. They come under the Pauline religious umbrella.
John A Cassani

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

In Boston, it was “Disciples in Mission,” which went by its apt initials, DIM. Millions were wasted on it.
John A Cassani

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

I wonder if these bishops will ever stop telling the lie that these consolidations are meant to “reinvigorate evangelization” or something similar. Parishes are going bankrupt because they need to be well supported by their current parishioners, who are too few and too overburdened to be able to do so.
John A Cassani

Yesterday was Chesterton 150th birthday. What is your favourite quote? Comment below

The free man is not he who thinks all opinions equally true or false; that is not freedom but feeble-mindedness. The free man is he who sees the errors as clearly as he sees the truth.
John A Cassani

Who was more impactful?

He may attack the liturgy. He has, in many ways. But, it was Paul VI who promulgated a new Rite which was completely unmoored from tradition, and who, effectively, forbid the TLM to all but elderly priests to celebrate in private.
John A Cassani

Who was more impactful?

It has to be Paul VI. He presided of the destruction of the liturgy. He appointed so many heretical bishops. By 2013, the Church barely even resembled what it was in 1963.
John A Cassani

He met "HUNDREDS" of "gay priests". How would he know this?

Let’s be honest: Most “gay” priests are very easy to spot. And they are everywhere, and they represent a frighteningly large percentage of priests ordained from the late 60s through the 80s, at least. They need to be excised from the ranks of active priests.
John A Cassani

Stuck in a Box of Suicidal Madness - The Catholic Thing

Those running the Church are in the same position as those running Western governments; every failure just means that more time, money, and effort needs to be expended doing the same things. The Eucharistic Congress this year is an example of this. Also, the people who keep pushing this agenda are of the very small minority of Catholics who have remained enthusiastic about the way the Church has …More
Those running the Church are in the same position as those running Western governments; every failure just means that more time, money, and effort needs to be expended doing the same things. The Eucharistic Congress this year is an example of this. Also, the people who keep pushing this agenda are of the very small minority of Catholics who have remained enthusiastic about the way the Church has done business over the past 60 years, despite all that has gone on.
John A Cassani


I doubt an electric chair would work well on battery power.
John A Cassani

Vatican II and the Work of the Spirit - Inside The Vatican

Swift, sweeping changes that profoundly affect the lives of, literally, hundreds of millions of people are almost always fraught with disaster. The Holy Spirit certainly didn’t prevent Vatican II from continuing this pattern.
John A Cassani

Pope Uses the “F word”: Tells Italian Bishops Not to Admit Gay Seminarians, because “there’s already …

💯 Yes, they need to be kept out of seminaries, but it’s far more important to get rid of all of the ones from back in the days when the average seminary was a “Pink Palace.” A seminary can be ruined by having just one pervert on the faculty.
John A Cassani

Kaiser Permanente Is Begging the Doctors They Fired Over the Covid "Vaccine" to Come Back - 🔔 The …

Any company that mandated the jab deserves to go bankrupt, with their boards and senior executives going to prison for the rest of their lives, and that goes double for any bishop who mandated it for diocesan employees and priests.
John A Cassani

Wow Poland!! These fuckers are stealing everyone's countries

Thankfully, so does the US Constitution, in explicitly forbidding “bills of attainder.” They forbid them because they had been abused by the British, and by others over time.
John A Cassani

While the media's focus has largely been on Butker's promotion of traditional family values, let's …

His criticism of bishops over their cowardice, especially in the face of covid lockdowns has also been ignored.
John A Cassani

Ted Cruz demolishing CNN’s Kaitlan Collins to her face on Live TV on Voter Fraud

The only reason that it has become important that the “loser” concedes is because there is no confidence in the election system, and thus a concession seems to give a whiff of legitimacy.
John A Cassani

Top Doctor Sounds the Alarm: 'Nearly ALL Vaxxed Are Suffering Strokes and Death'

Some of the diseases the jab is causing are progressive, and could take years to kill. Also, there are still people taking boosters, and the chance of severe complications and death rises with each. I don’t think it’s going to get everyone, but if it gets 5-7%, that would be beyond catastrophic.
John A Cassani

Francis: "No" There Will Be No Deaconesses in the Church

What would be the point of it then?