Jeffrey Ade
Jeffrey Ade

Du poulet et du graphène. J'avais déjà vu un vidéo du genre il y a 3 ans environ, où le type coupait …

@Claudius Cartapus has the translator! Sometimes the translation is funny! God bless you!
Jeffrey Ade

Du poulet et du graphène. J'avais déjà vu un vidéo du genre il y a 3 ans environ, où le type coupait …

Oh sure! You go to a lot of trouble and it is very important for us to know how to detox!
Jeffrey Ade

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design

I love Intelligent design!
Jeffrey Ade

Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

MASSIVE REVELATION! James O'Keefe Releases Undercover Video of CIA Contractor Admitting CIA Director …

Okay, does that make his royal highness clean? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

Man Who Sees Angels, Demons - Spirit Daily Blog

He sees demons, wow! really? Who would have guessed?
Jeffrey Ade

Dr. David Anders was a Calvinist who pursued his PhD to disprove the Catholic Faith. He came out …

@chris griffin Thanks for letting us know the skinny on the "convert." God bless us, one and all! Our lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

L'Etat profond contre le bien commun

"The assassination of JFK by the CIA was repeated with the fraudulent elimination of President Trump in the 2020 election fraud; but even before that with the forced resignation in 2013 of Pope Benedict XVI,"
God bless Arch Bishop Vigano, but he has this totally wrong! To compare JFK to Trump is so far out of the ballpark that one has to wonder what he is smoking? Seriously does anyone listen to …More
"The assassination of JFK by the CIA was repeated with the fraudulent elimination of President Trump in the 2020 election fraud; but even before that with the forced resignation in 2013 of Pope Benedict XVI,"

God bless Arch Bishop Vigano, but he has this totally wrong! To compare JFK to Trump is so far out of the ballpark that one has to wonder what he is smoking? Seriously does anyone listen to what Trump actually says and who he owes his allegiance to? America was sliced up and eviscerated during and after the civil war. That was the coup de grâce! Sorry, but it is over! When Trump gets back into office be prepared for the rise of the Fourth Reich, it is his destiny and the end of the united states as we know and loved it! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

Note to NO Priests…

Welcome to! How about going to a TRL mass? I believe they are more edifying! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

Mary of Agreda about dryness in prayer - WORDS OF THE QUEEN THE VIRGIN MARY SPEAKS TO SISTER MARY OF …

Keep it up! I am sure others around the globe can benefit from these posts! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

Nairobis Erzbischof: Die Kirche zu lieben, ist gerade schwierig

@Jesus Freak Yes, I agree with you! Our solution is to remain faithful to the Blessed Virgin Mary and fulfill her Fatima requests! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade

Novus Ordo Liturgie, zelebriert vom Budapester Erzbischof Peter Erdo

@Quaerens I like your comment. I thought at first of course you are right, but then it is a Novus Ordo Mass after all! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade


It was about that time in my life when the space invaders game came out that I forever ruined my chances at budgeting money! It was stupefying how fast quarters depleted your saving!
Jeffrey Ade

SPD-Bürgermeister wollte Mitarbeiter bei Unternehmen anschwärzen

@Tina 13 I am sorry but that it is a horrible picture!
Jeffrey Ade


It is pretty amazing, that we could save souls just by kneeling and praying! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!