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Remarried divorcees are denied teaching posts at Catholic schools

10/13/2011 Remarried divorcees are denied teaching posts at Catholic schools Belgium's Primate, André-Joseph Léonard Belgium’s Primate André-Joseph Léonard, head of one of the nation’s most “liberal …More
Remarried divorcees are denied teaching posts at Catholic schools
Belgium's Primate, André-Joseph Léonard
Belgium’s Primate André-Joseph Léonard, head of one of the nation’s most “liberal” churches has tightened the rules for the employment of remarried divorcees in Catholic schools. The ban extends to the whole of Europe
Giacomo Galeazzi
vatican city
No teaching in Catholic schools for anyone who has divorced and remarried. And anyone who does not have a canonically sound private life has no hope of becoming headmaster at any school run by religious congregations.
The "crackdown" on religion teachers and heads of schools comes from the Catholic Primate of Belgium, Andre-Joseph Leonard. The head of one of the more “liberal” churches is therefore, reverses the usual progressive line of the Belgian episcopate and is setting the standards for what is happening in the rest of Europe, where divorced persons hardly go into teaching religion in Catholic schools let alone become …More