
Francis: "Everyone Is Welcome In Church"

Francis officially joined World Youth Day in Lisbon on August 3. In the morning, he presided over a Eucharist for an elderly French pilgrim who had died the previous day after a fall and a head injury …More
Francis officially joined World Youth Day in Lisbon on August 3. In the morning, he presided over a Eucharist for an elderly French pilgrim who had died the previous day after a fall and a head injury in Lisbon on Monday.
He then met with 15 young Ukrainian pilgrims at the Apostolic Nunciature and posed for photographs with the Ukrainian flag.
In his speeches, Francis didn't talk about Christ, sin or salvation, but rambled on about being "protagonists of a 'new choreography' and putting the human person at the centre."
During his keynote address to 500K in Lisbon's Eduardo VII Park, where the stage looked like a rubbish incineration plant, he lied that “there is room for everyone in the Church, for everyone, for everyone…including for those who make mistakes, who fall or struggle.”
He made the crowd to repeat three times “per todos” (for everyone). At Francis' World Youth Day, there is hardly any place for the Roman Mass and for good Catholics.
Francis added that “God loves us all. He …More
Novena - Oremus shares this
“All are welcome” message: Welcome to what? Why does it matter? It’s just so empty of substance.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Well, at least a few abusers got their place in the clergy - satisfied with that, Senhor Bergoglio?
He is a hateful man but we must still pray for him.
Jason l
The pope will reveal himself when he approves of gay blessings and female priests......we are living in the end times for sure.
Sally Dorman
There is indeed room for every *repentant* sinner.
He who is a lover of the world is an enemy of God.
"And whosoever doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple" (Lk 14:27).
Santiago Gracia
...and God loves, above all, and particularly from among the rest of humanity, good and devoted socialists and communists...
P. O'B
God loves us; but if we die in mortal sin, we still go to Hell.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
That would cut our most of the Gloria TV audience.
Only those who believe in what the Church teaches should join.
John A Cassani
The subtext is that those who endeavor to cooperate with grace, and leave a life of sin behind, are not particularly welcome.
Jeffrey Ade
So WYD has its own human sacrifice, "an elderly French pilgrim who had died the previous day after a fall and a head injury in Lisbon on Monday." Very interesting! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Francis emphasises a critical element of a more synodal church: “There is room for everyone in the Church…including those who make mistakes, who fall or struggle…everyone, everyone, everyone!”
Louis IX
Someone needs to ask Francis “when has the church ever turned away the penitent sinner?”.