Live Mike
WHY SOLELY RUSSIA?! - For those who think 'the Consecration Solely of Russia is unimportant' or that 'the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine will do'... you need to understand Satan's plan and the …More
WHY SOLELY RUSSIA?! - For those who think 'the Consecration Solely of Russia is unimportant' or that 'the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine will do'... you need to understand Satan's plan and the Blessed Mother has met him on his chosen field of battle. - (former Judge) Fr. Jim Anderson, M.S.A. - Our Failure To Obey The Message of Fatima, October 2012, Florida, USA
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POURQUOI UNIQUEMENT LA RUSSIE ? ! - Pour ceux qui pensent que 'la Consécration de la Russie uniquement est sans importance' ou que 'la Consécration de la Russie et de l'Ukraine fera l'affaire'... vous devez comprendre le plan de Satan et la Sainte Mère l'a rencontré sur son champ de bataille choisi. - (ancien juge) P. Jim Anderson, M.S.A. - Our Failure To Obey The Message of Fatima, octobre 2012…More
POURQUOI UNIQUEMENT LA RUSSIE ? ! - Pour ceux qui pensent que 'la Consécration de la Russie uniquement est sans importance' ou que 'la Consécration de la Russie et de l'Ukraine fera l'affaire'... vous devez comprendre le plan de Satan et la Sainte Mère l'a rencontré sur son champ de bataille choisi. - (ancien juge) P. Jim Anderson, M.S.A. - Our Failure To Obey The Message of Fatima, octobre 2012, Floride, États-Unis.
Jeffrey Ade
@James A Mitchell Of course it is, but not for the likes of us. I bet you are better prepared to meet your maker because you know these things, rather then those who could care less! God knew that too! I do not think Russia will be consecrated before June 13, 2029. This is mockery of the highest order! Maybe even to bring down the material destruction foretold by Our Lady!
sam yeager
Fr. Kramer or Fr. Gruner says (according to Frere Michel the consecration will take place only when the third secret is released.
Jeffrey Ade
@sam yeager Thanks for letting me know that! Well I guess it won't be released for a little while yet, but we're getting closer! Do you remember where and when they said that?
Jeffrey Ade
@Live Mike Isn't that simply not the next pope after BXVI but the one after that?
Live Mike
The validly elected and legitimate successor to Pope Benedict XVI
Jeffrey Ade
@Live Mike Got it! That is what I thought. So doesn't that coincide with the three days of darkness? I don't expect a validly elected pope until after that!
Live Mike
Some students of Catholic Prophecy think the 3 Days of Darkness comes at the very end of the Chastisement... after The Fire comes down from Heaven [to purify the earth] mentioned by Our Lady of Akita.
Jeffrey Ade
That is my position and after that, the New Holy Father!
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. I personally believe this is the final insult to Our Lady, and will unleash the very material aspect of this chastisement!
Live Mike
We'll see soon enough
Her request is obviously too simple to be fulfilled by sophisticated post-conciliar Vatican.
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. Our Lady's request is non-negotiable. These 'prelates' are in full-on satanic mockery mode! This act is an act of belligerence and they will be calling down God's wrath upon us because that is what they want! They serve the devil. If you don't believe
me just look at the thing Francis wore over his white cassock!More
@V.R.S. Our Lady's request is non-negotiable. These 'prelates' are in full-on satanic mockery mode! This act is an act of belligerence and they will be calling down God's wrath upon us because that is what they want! They serve the devil. If you don't believe

me just look at the thing Francis wore over his white cassock!
@Jeffrey Ade
I know. Another example of post-modernist sophistry. A simple Catholic crucifix is not enough - it should be somehow broken, crooked or Crucified Christ must go and be replaced by something with some more or less obscure meaning. As St. Paul said: He is unto Gentiles a folly and for Jews - a stumbling block. And today Vatican does not want to look before eyes of the world like a bunch …More
@Jeffrey Ade
I know. Another example of post-modernist sophistry. A simple Catholic crucifix is not enough - it should be somehow broken, crooked or Crucified Christ must go and be replaced by something with some more or less obscure meaning. As St. Paul said: He is unto Gentiles a folly and for Jews - a stumbling block. And today Vatican does not want to look before eyes of the world like a bunch of fools or make Jews stumble (they would deem it an antisemitic act).
Please help me understand that freaky language: "especially Russia" is a part of:
A. ourselves,
B. Church,
C. humanity?
cf. This is the prayer that Pope Francis will say to consecrate Russia and UkraineMore
Please help me understand that freaky language: "especially Russia" is a part of:
A. ourselves,
B. Church,
C. humanity?

cf. This is the prayer that Pope Francis will say to consecrate Russia and Ukraine
Live Mike
Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine. Sad Trombone Wah Wah Wah Fail Sound Effect
Jeffrey Ade
@Live Mike Any other time I'd have laughed at your sound effects sans sound! But this is deeply troubling!
James A Mitchell
It's just so simple. Our Lady asked it be done a certain way. She is completely submitted to the Will and Glory of The Most Holy Trinity in perfect humility. Do we think we are better than God? Do we think we are better than Our Lady? Also, the Fatima Apparitions are unique in having a miraculous conclusive event witnessed by many thousands. There's more to Our Lady's request for the special …More
It's just so simple. Our Lady asked it be done a certain way. She is completely submitted to the Will and Glory of The Most Holy Trinity in perfect humility. Do we think we are better than God? Do we think we are better than Our Lady? Also, the Fatima Apparitions are unique in having a miraculous conclusive event witnessed by many thousands. There's more to Our Lady's request for the special consecration of Russia than a cause-and-effect blessing; Our Lady is prophesying a necessary order of future events as known from The Omniscient God's Eternal Perspective. It does appear that the age of peace will not come until the consecration is done correctly; and the Eternal Mind of God has seen this. So do we want this triumph of Our Lady's Heart or not?
Live Mike
Unfortunately, Francis' latest statement issued 20 March 2022 is at variance with the Vatican Press Office bulletin 15 March 2022: "I invite all the faithful to join me on Friday 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, in carrying out a solemn consecration of humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that the Queen of Peace may obtain peace for the world"More
Unfortunately, Francis' latest statement issued 20 March 2022 is at variance with the Vatican Press Office bulletin 15 March 2022: "I invite all the faithful to join me on Friday 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, in carrying out a solemn consecration of humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that the Queen of Peace may obtain peace for the world" Hmmm... From where I sit, this will not pass muster with the Mandate of Heaven. Catholic Sat on Twitter +++ Dichiarazione del Direttore della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, Matteo Bruni
If the Consecration of "Russia" had taken place in 1929 (when Our Lady requested it ) - a few OTHER places would have received the benefits of the Consecration!
Ukraine was ALSO called Russia (at least according to a map of "Russia" dated 1920) In 1920 the area which is now Southern "Ukraine" was called "New Russia"& the area of North Ukraine called "Little Russia"
So, - (Gulp) Francis may be right …More
If the Consecration of "Russia" had taken place in 1929 (when Our Lady requested it ) - a few OTHER places would have received the benefits of the Consecration!

Ukraine was ALSO called Russia (at least according to a map of "Russia" dated 1920) In 1920 the area which is now Southern "Ukraine" was called "New Russia"& the area of North Ukraine called "Little Russia"

So, - (Gulp) Francis may be right to Consecrate Ukraine to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart! 🤪 Yet what about the other areas that would ALSO have received the benefits of the Original Consecration if it had been performed back in 1929? Apparently on this 1920 map, the east side of Poland was known as "White Russia" and so were Belaruse and Lithuania! So perhaps they need to be Consecrated along with modern day Russia and Ukraine ??? Just to be on the safe side, so Our Pope can make sure that ALL gets Consecrated that Heaven meant to be Consecrated back in 1929!

On the other hand, Our Lord proved by His words to Sr Lucia in Tuy, that foolish as they were, the Act of the Consecration would be done late.... like the long-delayed Consecration of France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus requested of King Louis XIV. (the neglect of that Consecration had led to the French Revolution and a removal of the authority of the King) That nightmare could be awaiting the Pope - as Our Lord's words to Sr Lucia infer...

The Apparition at Rianjo (1931) | The Fatima Center

Maybe Jesus (knowing it would be late) in fact wants Russia consecrated as it is NOW! His omniscience would have foreseen both the long delay as well as the boundary changes and perhaps He means the Modern Map after all?

If I were the HF, I wouldn't take any risks - so perhaps an addendum to the now being prepared Consecration Text is a good idea.

"I hereby Consecrate to the Immaculate Heart of Mary "Russia" as requested by Our Lady in 1929" 😬

I think next time Our Lord requests something, it is imperative that we do it as soon as He asks. Then it will be done exactly as He wishes it to be done.
- and there will be no need for us to spend a lot of time pouring over these old maps ! 🙂
Jeffrey Ade
I agree! But ...gulp... we need a "Holy Father" to do it correctly, and there doesn't appear to be any around right now, just "Bishops dressed in white!"
James A Mitchell
There are two separate questions with, I believe, the same answer; but it is not for me to say. What form of the consecration fully satisfies Our Lady's request from Heaven's perspective? What form of the consecration will end all or nearly all of the remaining controversy over whether the consecration has ever been correctly done?
Live Mike
On 5 August 1978, he asked her in person, “Has Our Lady ever spoken to you about the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart? And she replied, “NO, Father Umberto, NEVER! At the Cova da Iria in 1917, Our Lady promised: ‘I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia…’.”
Father Umberto Maria Pasquale, S.D.B., had known Sister …More
On 5 August 1978, he asked her in person, “Has Our Lady ever spoken to you about the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart? And she replied, “NO, Father Umberto, NEVER! At the Cova da Iria in 1917, Our Lady promised: ‘I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia…’.”
Father Umberto Maria Pasquale, S.D.B., had known Sister Lucy since 1939. Up to 1982, he had received 157 letters from her. On May 12, 1982, Father Umberto wrote in L’Osservatore Romano (the Pope’s own newspaper) that Our Lady of Fatima never asked for the consecration of the world but only of Russia. “What Our Lady Wants Is the Consecration of Russia” | The Fatima Center @Kevin
Don't doubt it Jorge Bush had already plans to finish what his father had started , they just need an excuse
Jeffrey Ade
I doubt the IRAQ war would have started if it hadn't have been for the mega human sacrifice ritual of the 2 tow-er's attack. Remember the Christians in IRAQ were practically wiped out! This is what these evil satanists, Putin, Biden, Xi, you name them, are all about! Our Lady of Fatima pray for us!
Evil works through many countries in the form of lies and persuation not long ago the west and USA bombed Iraq over a nuclear bomb lie millions were killed ,these are the same people that want us to go into a nuclear war with Russia ,the media is the voice of evil
Live Mike
Satan's pride compelled him to reveal his hand in the destruction of Holy Russia from the start of the revolution. In 1905 when Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty (Ekaterina Fyodorovna Kolyschkine de Hueck Doherty / Founder of Poustinia Movement: Encountering God in Silence, Solitude and Prayer) was a nine year old girl living comfortably with her family in rural Russia, it was …More
Satan's pride compelled him to reveal his hand in the destruction of Holy Russia from the start of the revolution. In 1905 when Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty (Ekaterina Fyodorovna Kolyschkine de Hueck Doherty / Founder of Poustinia Movement: Encountering God in Silence, Solitude and Prayer) was a nine year old girl living comfortably with her family in rural Russia, it was customary for pilgrims to walk long distances to pray at its many shrines. One evening a single old woman pilgrim sought shelter at the farm of Catherine's family and the family and servants eagerly gathered by kerosene lamps around a crackling fireplace to hear her tell of her pious adventures. Well into the evening, after relating many blessings received at the holy shrines, the woman told of passing through a thick forest with a growing sense of an evil presence that even set the forest creatures on edge. Around a bend another road joined hers and a single man walking in her direction joined her. Although she sensed some evil about him he behaved well. He didn't use a Christian greeting, just calling her Granny. When she told him of her holy pilgrimage he laughed about religion being superstition fed to peasants by priests to pacify them to accept the many injustices that afflicted them. He was eloquent and persuasive and she soon began to believe him. Then he began mocking the Blessed Mother and calling the virgin birth fiction and devotion to Mary idolatry. She quietly took a small bottle of holy water and sprinkled him with it in the name of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. He screamed, fell twisting to the ground and before vanishing cried out: "You old fool! All Russia will be covered with rivers of blood over the things I've said. Millions will think like I do. There will be moaning and groaning and tears all over the land. I am out to win it and win it I will. And neither your God nor your Blessed Virgin will be able to save it." The old woman fainted in terror. Awakening, she continued walking cautiously.
Suddenly, there was a very great light on the road, and a young woman, dressed just like her in a pilgrim's garb, with an icon on Her breast, came up gently to my side. 'Fear not, Grandma, ' She said, 'it is true what the man said, but he was not a man. These things will come to pass so that Holy Russia may hang on the Cross with my Son to redeem the world. The only way the world can be redeemed is through suffering with my Son. Fear not. There will come a day when, under the Sign of my Son, I will lead Russia to show my Son's face to the world.' Then She vanished too, and I saw the lights of the village.
Now, for those who think 'the Consecration of Russia is unimportant' or that 'the Consecration of the world will do' you need to understand that this is Satan's plan and the Blessed Mother has met him on his chosen field of battle and that's why it has to be done and there are more reasons why it has to be done exactly as the Blessed Mother said… this is not just something trivial.

Like the blasphemy Goliath hurled against God, Satan's blasphemy against Christ echoes through our times waiting for a modern David to crush him to uphold the honor of God (Benedict or the next). Young David had only five smooth stones and his skill with his sling. Yet his faith and his courage vanquished Goliath because God was with him! As we shall see, our Pontiffs have the promise of Jesus' Holy Mother Mary that when the Pope together with his Bishops solemnly consecrates Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and leads the Church in First Saturday reparatory devotions to Her Immaculate Heart, She will convert Russia and a period of peace will be granted to the world.
Is that not the "day when, under the Sign of my Son, I will lead Russia to show my Son's face to the world" prophesied by Mary to the pilgrim in Catherine Doherty's story?

Is not this leadership of the Blessed Mother in the Church's war against Satan prophesied in Genesis 3:15-16 and Revelation 11:19-12:6, 13-17? Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant.
- Fr. Jim Anderson - Our Failure To Obey The Message of Fatima, October 2012, Florida, USA @SIGNOS DE LOS TIEMPOS
[Photo of Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty below]
Live Mike
De Profundis