
⚑ Bergoglio covered up and protected the homosexual predator Juan Carlos Maccarone within the Catholic …

Posted by "Christ is the Lord", Blog "Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd", Saturday, July 28, 2018 4christum.blogspot.com/…/bergoglio-prote… Panorama católico internacional: Maccarone was a person close to …More
Posted by "Christ is the Lord", Blog "Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd", Saturday, July 28, 2018
Panorama católico internacional:
Maccarone was a person close to the Kirchners. Maccarone was also dean of the Faculty of Theology of the UCA, Pontifical University of Buenos Aires, whose Grand Chancellor was then the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
The homosexual pedophile priest Maccarone was caught infraganti VIDEO.
The 23-year-old Alfredo Serrano filmed the homosexual relationship in a vengeful manner because Maccarone had promised him a public job that he never fulfilled.
Serrano maintained that he assumed that attitude in "revenge" because the prelate had promised him that he would take steps to get him a job in the provincial public administration, the main labor source of the district of 500,000 inhabitants. However, the Catholic Church, the country's main cult, attributed the 15-minute home shoot to a "political …More
La falsa Chiesa guidata dal suo falso papa Bergoglio.
Francesco I
la verdad prevalece
How can the church continue to close its eyes? scandals multiply and become banal. No reaction of our cardinals because it is the pope... don't touch 🙏
Who is the Archbishop Fulton Sheen, please ?
One more comment from avecrux.avemaria
Ben ça alors ! Même pas que tu fais l'effort de parler en anglais 🥴 tu mérites une bonne bible sur la tête ✍️ ohlalala J'espère que les anglais ne t'ecouteront 😎 pour le rosaire, ils ont bien intérêt de le réciter ! Ils n'ont pas le privilège d'avoir Saint Louis Marie de montfort, Saint Curé d'Ars, Sainte Bernadette ... 🙏
Montfort AJPM
Nous pensons comme les français,
Me disent les sieurs anglais !
Et je leur réponds illico :
Allez adorer Bergoglio !
Moi, j'ai beaucoup mieux à faire :
Je récite le saint Rosaire !
Faites comme moi, les amis,
Et nous nous verrons en Paradis.
Écoutez-moi, anglais,
Moi qui suis un français !
L'Antéchrist est Bergoglio
Qui se prend pour le Très-Haut,
Se définissant un crapaud
Qui est moche et pas beau !
Mais voilà, les français l'adorent !
Qu'en pensez-vous, anglais, dès lors ?