The Covid injection (depopulation) perpetrators. Take a good look. We may say, this or that 'elected' official is forcing us to socially distance, wear masks, and get injected. In the end one group of …More
The Covid injection (depopulation) perpetrators. Take a good look. We may say, this or that 'elected' official is forcing us to socially distance, wear masks, and get injected. In the end one group of people, the globalists, ultimately responsible, are shockingly similar!
There is more to this story that the world may never know a lot of things are very sinister ,I would say even evil ,But we have a God that loves all good willed man ,and there will be a time to choose the sheep from the goats
mhudec shares this
Maybe Israel got saline injections.... they may be the most "vaccinated" country but they certainly rank as having the most breakthrough Covid cases as well.
Go learn some medieval history, Steve-O. The Muslim invasion of Europe was headed by Muslims, not Jews. The latter were considered "dhimmi" just like Christians.
Zero relevance to the Muslim invasion of Europe, Islam attempted to expand by force in every direction. It wasn't "da jooz" that sent Islam north and west into Europe. It wasn't "da jooz" who spread Islam eastward into India and even as far as China. It wasn't "da jooz" who led the sack of Constantinople.
2 more comments from Ultraviolet
Protip: Any bigot can cherry-pick only minorities or only whites or only Catholics to "prove" they're all leftitsts. This is why your "examples" always fail, Steve-O. Here's your booby-prize.
"I was referencing recent history not medieval times." @Steve D
...and you're still wrong. Overwhelmingly, the European leaders promoting this "invasion" are NOT Jews.
"And your NAXALT fallacy of presenting outliers as actually being representative of the mean, just gets tiresome."
Actually, that's the mistake you're making, Steve-O. Irony much? NAXALT is just a pseudo statstical variation of …More
"I was referencing recent history not medieval times." @Steve D

...and you're still wrong. Overwhelmingly, the European leaders promoting this "invasion" are NOT Jews.

"And your NAXALT fallacy of presenting outliers as actually being representative of the mean, just gets tiresome."

Actually, that's the mistake you're making, Steve-O. Irony much? NAXALT is just a pseudo statstical variation of Cherry Picking. pic related.

Let's use Europe's leaders as an example since you're blaming them for the "muslim invasion of Europe." Supply a ethnographic break-down showing the majority of Europe's leaders supporting unrestricted immigration are Jews. Put up or shut up.

"Just because you can name exceptions (assuming they're true) doesn’t mean the principle is wrong."

...implying your Jew-hating principle is right. :P Get back to me when you've got that data ready. I'll wait. Apologies for the delay. I was busy getting a more serious pest banned.
According to your logic, Israel then ought to be the least "vaccinated" country.
Using logic to cure anti-Semitism doesn't work. I speak from first-hand experience here on GTV.
Yes, reading GTV is becoming more and more laborious, fewer and fewer kernels of grain amongst the hulls. Though I do enjoy some of the eviscerations.
This maybe what Our Lady uses to covert the Jews! Ave Maria
I wonder if any of these schmendricks go to Temple.
I don't think Mortimer Buckley is jewish either.
Angelo Santelli
Pope says fake news, disinformation on COVID, is human rights violation
Bergoglio is a sick minded plant of satan. It gets worse by the day. My own cardiologist forbade me from taking the Covid vaccine. I'm beginning to think this Bergoglio is genuiiney evil. Looks hands down that he is.More
Pope says fake news, disinformation on COVID, is human rights violation

Bergoglio is a sick minded plant of satan. It gets worse by the day. My own cardiologist forbade me from taking the Covid vaccine. I'm beginning to think this Bergoglio is genuiiney evil. Looks hands down that he is.
Jeffrey Ade
Are they dual citizens? They sure aren't nice even that Emma Walmsley!
Krystian N.
Emma Walmsley is not jewish, I'm afraid.