Some of the practices most beneficial to the souls in Purgatory

1. — There is holy alms, in its different forms: the poor, the sick, the ignorant who are given the bread of instruction, the afflicted who are consoled, the downcast hearts who are lifted up. The …More
1. — There is holy alms, in its different forms: the poor, the sick, the ignorant who are given the bread of instruction, the afflicted who are consoled, the downcast hearts who are lifted up. The blessing of the poor is a refreshing rain to those consumed by the fire of atonement. “It is alms,” says Holy Scripture, “which covers the multitude of sins. »
2. — The holy sacrifice of the Mass, the august Victim, which is the ransom of the world, offered to its Father for the payment of human debts.
3. — Prayer, fervent prayer, this cry of the heart which is an all-powerful supplication to GOD. Not a few words spoken without attention and without confidence, but a true prayer, entirely thoughtful, entirely ardent, entirely holy. Prayer, assures Our Lord, obtains everything. Ah! if the souls in purgatory could pray for themselves in an effective manner, with what victorious fervor they would do so! However, they are waiting for us to replace them...
4. — Corporal mortification: fasts, …More
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