Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images. Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images 10. Visions of …More
Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images.
Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images
Hell is Real- Warning- this video contains disturbing images 10. Visions of Hell and Purgatory
Although St Bridget writes of both God's tender mercy for the repentant and his severe judgment
on unrepentant sinners, a greater proportion of the revelations deal with the latter. In this she
echoes the thought of St Augustine, who stated that "although the best kind of men are drawn by
love, the majority need fear to move them." 10 Indeed some very vivid and striking imagery relating to both hell and purgatory can be found in the Revelations. Bridget hears these words describing the lecherous Queen Giovanna of Naples, for example "This woman is a monkey that sniffs at its own stinking posterior. . . ." And the queen is seen in a vision by St Bridget as "wearing a crown of twigs spattered with human excrement. . . and sitting naked on …More
Wow, a scary reminder. Wish it was a lot shorter, some audio clips like the one about Don Bosco are great!!
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