Just when you thought, thanks to the truckers and easing of restrictions all over the globe, (with the exception of certain really disadvantaged regions).
we could breathe a little easier, and maybe forget the whole virus thing, the Feds are demanding social media turn in anyone guilty of spreading disinformation, and telling people to rat on their friends and relatives!

‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’

Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill that could criminalize First Amendment rights, while the …
About the misinformation and disinformation from the fake news media spewing fear everyday ?
Rand Miller
It's ironic since the disinformation and misinformation is from the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, the executive branch, and the medical establishment.
Hound of Heaven
Diabolic. George Orwell was prophetic (yet again).