In an article in 2006, Horacio Verbitsky, a prominent Argentine investigative journalist and one-time Leftist guerrilla, said of the new Pope: “Bergoglio is the most overwhelming and conflicting personality of the Argentine Church in decades, equally loved and detested.
“Depending on the source, he’s either the most generous and intelligent man who ever said Mass in the country or a Machiavellian …More
In an article in 2006, Horacio Verbitsky, a prominent Argentine investigative journalist and one-time Leftist guerrilla, said of the new Pope: “Bergoglio is the most overwhelming and conflicting personality of the Argentine Church in decades, equally loved and detested.
“Depending on the source, he’s either the most generous and intelligent man who ever said Mass in the country or a Machiavellian felon who betrayed his brothers and had them disappeared and tortured by the military in the name of an insatiable ambition.”

Pope Francis: Saviour of the poor, or traitor who betrayed his fellow priests?

Pope Francis is one of Argentina’s most divisive Church leaders; loved by many for his humility; detested by others who …
De Profundis
"Even if I were still on earth, I would have the courtesy not to say 'I told you so'"