He Said, She Shred. American Life League explains the miscarriage of justice in Kansas and calls for Kathleen Sebelius' resignation.More
He Said, She Shred.
American Life League explains the miscarriage of justice in Kansas and calls for Kathleen Sebelius' resignation.
We would all do well to look up a few words, for reasons of orthography as well as orthodoxy.
Tu es Petrus (You are Peter - Yup. 3 years of Latin in high school and 1 year at the university level).
Hey, buddy, have you ever heard of "pollemic" ?
I know that it is a big word.
Please look it up.More
Tu es Petrus (You are Peter - Yup. 3 years of Latin in high school and 1 year at the university level).

Hey, buddy, have you ever heard of "pollemic" ?
I know that it is a big word.
Please look it up.
SSPXer, I'm sure that's not what God wants for her, so you may have to answer for those comments. "Father forgive them, they know not what they do" is so much more Christian.
May Kathleen Sibelius burn in hell forever.
The people of her State need to take Sebelius out and bayonet her until she stops moving.