611 pages
No man can consider himself learned or informed, lest he read and understand this book.
Susan Bromley
The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible

The book that Beck and Dr. Paul so lavishly endorse is, to put it gently, full of bold claims and jarring extrapolations that require a willing suspension of disbelief.

The Creature from Jekyll Island is marketed as “the most important book on world affairs you will ever read.” And if everything it alleges …More
The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible

The book that Beck and Dr. Paul so lavishly endorse is, to put it gently, full of bold claims and jarring extrapolations that require a willing suspension of disbelief.

The Creature from Jekyll Island is marketed as “the most important book on world affairs you will ever read.” And if everything it alleges regarding the international “money cabal” were true, it truly would be.


“We theorized a strategy, dubbed the Rothschild Formula, in which the world’s money cabal deliberately encourages war as a means of stimulating the profitable production of armaments and of keeping nations perpetually in debt,” Griffin warns. “This is not profit seeking, it is genocide. It is not a trivial matter, therefore, to inquire into the possibility that our elected and non-elected leaders are, in fact, implementing the Rothschild Formula today.”

The fatal flaw in Griffin’s analysis and breathless fear-mongering is, as is the case with so many prevalent conspiracy theories, that it takes a grain of truth and turns it into a salt mine of utterly laughable bullshit.

The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible
Sean Johnson
You mean the banksters don’t like being exposed? Shocking!
Susan Bromley
You mean conspiracists lapping up another conspiracy because they don’t want to be left out. 😮
Sean Johnson
I don’t think you’re getting the mileage out of the “conspiracist” canard that you think you are.
Susan Bromley
😂 that a note to self, eh?
I guess they shifted you over from peddling the injection for a while, or is this your full-time specialty?
Sean Johnson
Yes, it is his full time job.
Live Mike
Sean Johnson
Another good resource!