Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo reveals he is suffering from COVID vaccine side effects - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In an interview with a vaccine-injured nurse practitioner, pro-vaccine former CNN anchor …
Remember Cuomo's Chronicles from the Basement when he had Covid. As if he was reporting from a deadly enemie's camp, yet he emerged from the basement triumphant when he beat the enemy covid. And then he goes on to get the vax, AFTER recovering from Covid in order to not get Covid? I saw this over and over again: people who got Covid, found out it was nothing more than the flu, got over it, and then …More
Remember Cuomo's Chronicles from the Basement when he had Covid. As if he was reporting from a deadly enemie's camp, yet he emerged from the basement triumphant when he beat the enemy covid. And then he goes on to get the vax, AFTER recovering from Covid in order to not get Covid? I saw this over and over again: people who got Covid, found out it was nothing more than the flu, got over it, and then leapt at getting the vax. One was a family member. I asked WHY are you doing something so dumb, you already GOT this... oh because they didn't want to get it again... Insanity.
Sean Johnson
What a conspiracy theorist. Quick, Google, delete this misinformation before millions of lives are lost by not injecting the nano particle clotshot! He should be imprisoned for saying such a thing. That’s America!