
Woman Takes Over Offertory In Bishop‘s Mass (Video)

San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, 66, USA, presided Pentecost Mass facing a big computer screen which connected people via video-stream. This turned McElroy's Eucharist into a Zoom-conference. The Mass …More
San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, 66, USA, presided Pentecost Mass facing a big computer screen which connected people via video-stream.
This turned McElroy's Eucharist into a Zoom-conference. The Mass was co-presided by Auxiliary Bishop John Dolan and Vicar General Michael Pham.
McElroy went as far as incensing the computer screen. The screen-population said the general intercessions.
During the offertory, McElroy sat down, and a woman in alb took over. She performed the "offertory" which - luckily - in the Novus Ordo is abolished.
Woe to the bishop who is leading souls into Satan's kingdom.
Few Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
If you did, you would know that only consecrated hands can touch the Host, the chalice, the tabernacle. Or even enter into the Sanctuary.
We kneel in the presence of the Host while receiving Communion on the tongue. We do this out of reverence because we recognize that Christ is King.More
Few Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

If you did, you would know that only consecrated hands can touch the Host, the chalice, the tabernacle. Or even enter into the Sanctuary.

We kneel in the presence of the Host while receiving Communion on the tongue. We do this out of reverence because we recognize that Christ is King.
Ipsa conteret
And, we kneel and receive on the tongue not only because Christ is King - but also, and even more importantly, because Jesus Christ is God the Son, consubstantial with God the Father. Modernism has totally obscured, and even in cases, denied this eternal Truth and dogma of the Catholic Faith.
Ipsa conteret
How sad that women have allowed themselves to become pawns of those clerics involved in modernism and the novus ordo! Any gifts that women could bring to the Church have been co-opted and hijacked by these heretical clerics.
To be fair, the lady was preparing the gifts and the altar. This task can be done by a deacon, acolyte or in the absence of deacon/acolyte, a lay-person can assist at the altar. She did not do the prayer over the offering, designated to the main celebrant. What I don't understand is that there are 2 concelebrants. One of them should have assisted the bishop in preparing the gifts because the priest …More
To be fair, the lady was preparing the gifts and the altar. This task can be done by a deacon, acolyte or in the absence of deacon/acolyte, a lay-person can assist at the altar. She did not do the prayer over the offering, designated to the main celebrant. What I don't understand is that there are 2 concelebrants. One of them should have assisted the bishop in preparing the gifts because the priest was ordained a deacon first. Once a deacon, you're always a deacon or a servant.
Alex A
A female should not be on the Altar precinct during Mass. Period!
They take great care to purposely plan these events. It looks like a case of slowly boiling the frogs... slowly get them used to seeing women on the altar, so that after a while, they start going along with that which that have become accustomed... and then start to wonder why the woman cannot be the priest, since she’s already familiar with preparing the gifts on the altar, etc. Maybe they’ll …More
They take great care to purposely plan these events. It looks like a case of slowly boiling the frogs... slowly get them used to seeing women on the altar, so that after a while, they start going along with that which that have become accustomed... and then start to wonder why the woman cannot be the priest, since she’s already familiar with preparing the gifts on the altar, etc. Maybe they’ll decide she can speak better and therefore give better homilies!?!
I’m a Catholic, college educated, woman and I agree whole heartedly agree with Alex A. in the statement, “A female should not be on the Altar precinct during Mass. Period.” Women should not be in the sanctuary. Girls should not be altar servers. It should be males only in the sanctuary and at the altar. The priest is In persona Christi... Christ is male and therefore so are the priests who are on the altar.
That is an abomination.
I'm just going by the Church's G.I.R.M. Please point me to where it says that "female should not be on the altar precinct during Mass"? If Mary, and other Mary's were at the foot of the Cross with Christ and the Mass is the representation of Christ sacrifice on Calvary, then why shouldn't women be near the altar? I said this not because I am pushing for feminism or anything. I'm just trying to …More
I'm just going by the Church's G.I.R.M. Please point me to where it says that "female should not be on the altar precinct during Mass"? If Mary, and other Mary's were at the foot of the Cross with Christ and the Mass is the representation of Christ sacrifice on Calvary, then why shouldn't women be near the altar? I said this not because I am pushing for feminism or anything. I'm just trying to understand why.
Novella Nurney
No one can be surprised at this. Disgusted, horrified, offended for the sake of Our Lord , but not surprised.
Let's see, the back of the cross on my nearest rosary says" Behold this heart which has so loved men, Father, ( image of sacred heart) forgive them". I'll add pray for thier conversion, for the greater glory of GOD.
Sodomite mcelroy is part of bergoglio antichurch. Disgusting.
Novella Nurney
Yes he is.