"Hate Crime": Don't Touch the Devil!

Michael Cassidy, a former Navy pilot and Republican candidate for the Mississippi House of Representatives, has been charged with a "hate crime" (sic) for beheading a statue of Satan at the Iowa Capitol …More
Michael Cassidy, a former Navy pilot and Republican candidate for the Mississippi House of Representatives, has been charged with a "hate crime" (sic) for beheading a statue of Satan at the Iowa Capitol in December.
Many, including Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, said the Satanic display was offensive. Reasonable voices called for its removal. Cassidy removed the idol, which featured a ram's head on a mannequin covered in mirrors.
In secular regimes, Christian statues are destroyed and no one is charged; churches are burned down and no one is held accountable; pro-life centres are vandalised and destroyed but no culprit is found. But if someone touches the devil...
Bonnie Louise
Burn it next time, or throw it in the river, like the Pachamama demon.
Vincent Capuano
This demonstrates the stupidity of “hate crimes “. Which is worse? Killing a victim because the killer hates moral reprobates or a contract killing ?
Everyday for Life Canada
In Canada, over 100 Christian churches have been burned, desecrated and vandalized over the last three years and not a word from those in charge. No hate crimes here. Move on; there’s no Islamophobia, transphobia and homophobia here.
Sean Johnson
Looks like a good place to urinate.
Those who prosecute brave men like this are filled with hatred for Christ and therefore any Christian.
In 723, Saint Boniface cut down a "sacred" oak (donar oak) that was venerated by pagans. From the wood, he built a chapel dedicated to St. Peter. It was the beginning of the Christianization of the Netherlands and Germany