Bishop Paprocki: Biden ‘mocks our Catholic faith’ by using sign of the cross to promote abortion - …

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois (LifeSiteNews) — Springfield’s Bishop Thomas Paprocki has stated President Joe …
Father Karl A Claver
With wolves like this, is it any wonder why many Catholics are fleeing the Church to become Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, or just plain agnostics?
Dr Bobus
What do you expect him to do about it?
Ivan Tomas
How about to say the same, i.e. explain the things about his other alleged el presidente in Rome?
You can always do more good than you do.More
How about to say the same, i.e. explain the things about his other alleged el presidente in Rome?

You can always do more good than you do.
That's obvious. Now, good bishop, what are you going to do about it?