This image of the face of Christ dates back 2000 years, is a photographic negative, has no natural explanation, and can only have been imprinted on the fabric by a massive explosion of ultraviolet or …More
This image of the face of Christ dates back 2000 years, is a photographic negative, has no natural explanation, and can only have been imprinted on the fabric by a massive explosion of ultraviolet or Xray radiation.
Das "katholische" Italien steht vor einem katastrophalen Zusammenbruch: Zahl der Gottesdienstbesucher auf 10 % der Bevölkerung gesunken.

Catastrophic Collapse of Catholic Faith in Italy – Mass Attendance Falls to 10%

Traditionally Catholic Italy is facing a catastrophic collapse of the faith as Mass attendance falls precipitously to 10 …
“Sixteen new Christians were baptised in Port Sudan during the Easter Vigil and 34 adults were confirmed at Kosti.”

Aid to the Church in Need | SUDAN: Signs of growth despite year of war

The flag of Sudan. Civil war has caused the Sudan’s small Christian minority to decline drastically – but there are signs of new …
“We really try to pray the Rosary every evening together” - Harrison Butker, Kansas City Chiefs
Did you know that prayer?
St Michaele Archangele, Defend us in the battle
pater pauperum shares this
St. Michael Erzengel, verteidige uns im Kampfe.....
Did you know the term ‘thermometer’ was coined by a French Jesuit catholic priest?. Fr. Jean Leurechon SJ (1591-1670) first coined the word “thermometer” in 1624 in his best-selling book, Récréation …More
Did you know the term ‘thermometer’ was coined by a French Jesuit catholic priest?. Fr. Jean Leurechon SJ (1591-1670) first coined the word “thermometer” in 1624 in his best-selling book, Récréation Mathématique.
Rita Rizzo (Mother Angelica) as drum majorette in high school.
Billy F
She is awesome!!!
Eindrücke vom Müncher Marsch für das Leben.
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael shares this
Während des Münchner Marsches für das Leben erzählte Isabel Vaughan-Spruce auf Englisch, wie sie mit ihrer ungerechtfertigten Verhaftung und dem anschließenden Verfahren nach ihrem stillen Gebet in …More
Während des Münchner Marsches für das Leben erzählte Isabel Vaughan-Spruce auf Englisch, wie sie mit ihrer ungerechtfertigten Verhaftung und dem anschließenden Verfahren nach ihrem stillen Gebet in der Nähe einer Abtreibungsklinik umging.
Novena - Oremus shares from Irapuato
It came to the attention of Blessed Margaret of Castello that a certain man named Alonzo was being falsely imprisoned. With no one to care for his wife and young son, they quickly became destitute. When …More
It came to the attention of Blessed Margaret of Castello that a certain man named Alonzo was being falsely imprisoned. With no one to care for his wife and young son, they quickly became destitute. When Alonzo was not released, and learned that his son had died of starvation, he fell into despair and blasphemed against God and went into uncontrollable rages.
One day when Margaret visited Alonzo she fell into an ecstasy. Her face surrounded by a brilliant light, she levitated almost two feet into the air. When the ecstasy ended, Margaret begged Alonzo to repent and cease his blaspheming. Alonzo tried to speak against God, but found he could not do so. Instead, he pleaded to Margaret, “Little Margaret, please pray for me.”
Blessed Margaret of Castello - April 13 Today is the feast day of Blessed Margaret of Castello. Ora pro nobis. Blessed Margaret of Castello was born blind, lame, deformed, hunchbacked and a dwarf, into …More
Blessed Margaret of Castello - April 13
Today is the feast day of Blessed Margaret of Castello. Ora pro nobis.
Blessed Margaret of Castello was born blind, lame, deformed, hunchbacked and a dwarf, into a family of nobles in the castle of Metola, in southeast of Florence. As a child, her parents Parisio and Emilia imprisoned her for 14 years so no one would see her, though she could attend Mass and receive the sacraments. Her parents took her to the tomb in Citta di Castello of a holy man named Fra Giacomo, where miracles were reportedly being wrought, to pray for a cure for her birth defects. When no miracle happened, they abandoned her.
She was cared for by various families of the city and earned money for her board by attending small children. Her cheerfulness, based on trust and love of God, endeared her to everyone. Blessed Margaret of Castello became a Dominican tertiary and devoted herself to the sick and dying, but she showed special solicitude toward prisoners.
It came to the …More
Alles für das Geld?
“Wherever God is — there is peace. And the opposite is self-evident: where there is envy, enmity, impatience, self-love — there is the devil. Wherever the devil is — there, everything is ruinous, …More
“Wherever God is — there is peace. And the opposite is self-evident: where there is envy, enmity, impatience, self-love — there is the devil. Wherever the devil is — there, everything is ruinous, proud and hostile.”
St. Anatoly of Optina

Father Goyo Hidalgo Diagnosed with Cancerous Tumor

I need strong prayer. The more the better. I believe in it. I believe in miracles. So please call anybody you know. Groups. Convents. Anybody." 2) "I …
pater pauperum
🙏 🙏 🙏
A Catholic nun was abducted and assaulted in Malawi on April 11
Jeffrey Ade
Poor thing! Should always have an every day carry pistol! Or pepper spray! Beware of the modern "Good Samaritans!" Our Lady of Fatima, pray for her and …More
Poor thing! Should always have an every day carry pistol! Or pepper spray! Beware of the modern "Good Samaritans!" Our Lady of Fatima, pray for her and us, and save us!
Wie man Leute im Notfall transportieren kann.
Novena - Oremus shares from
No mere man was of infinite dignity, so as to make adequate satisfaction for an offence against God" (St Thomas Aquinas, 'De Rationibus Fidei', ch. 7).

Tucho's Infinite Dignity Is "Sheer Balderdash"

Philosophers and journalists comment on social media on Tucho Fernàndez’ latest production entitled "Infinite Dignity" and its first line: “Every human person [allegedly] possesses an infinite dignity.”More
Philosophers and journalists comment on social media on Tucho Fernàndez’ latest production entitled "Infinite Dignity" and its first line: “Every human person [allegedly] possesses an infinite dignity.”
Edward Feser: "No, as the Catholic faith has always taught, only a single human being possesses that – Christ, and only because He is God, not because He is human. God alone has infinite dignity."
Peter Kwasniewski: "No creature has an infinite dignity. That’s sheer balderdash. Only God has, or rather is, infinite dignity; and those who participate in Christ share, finitely, in his dignity as Son of God. Those who rebel against God lose the dignity."
And: "That which is ‘infinite’ is literally that which has no limits or definitio or end outside itself (that’s why God is rightly called infinite). But man’s dignity is very much tied to his nature and his end. If his dignity were truly infinite, then he would stand in no need of God or of redemption/salvation."
And: „Roma locuta, causa …More
Jeffrey Ade
@SonoftheChurch Ouch! We are witnesses to the most sorrowful sight of our Holy Mother the Church being ravaged by wolves! May we not be willing participants …More
@SonoftheChurch Ouch! We are witnesses to the most sorrowful sight of our Holy Mother the Church being ravaged by wolves! May we not be willing participants! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
@Jeffrey Ade Hmmm….That fella? Well, around these parts we call him “Kissy”…..otherwise known as the Pervert of the Dicastery for the Destruction of …More
@Jeffrey Ade Hmmm….That fella? Well, around these parts we call him “Kissy”…..otherwise known as the Pervert of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith.
3 more comments
Birgit Kelle: "Es ist ein Irrtum, zu glauben, es ginge beim geplanten Selbstbestimmungsgesetz um die Frage von Geschlecht. Dieses Gesetz ist ein Angriff. Wir haben einen historischen Moment, in dem …More
Birgit Kelle: "Es ist ein Irrtum, zu glauben, es ginge beim geplanten Selbstbestimmungsgesetz um die Frage von Geschlecht. Dieses Gesetz ist ein Angriff. Wir haben einen historischen Moment, in dem Frauenrechte in Deutschland wieder rückabgewickelt werden, weil man ihre Rechte hinten anstellt zugunsten all jener, die gerne Frau wären, es aber nun mal nicht sind. Mit brachialer Gewalt wird wider jeden vernünftigen Einwand und unter Ignoranz der schlechten Erfahrungen, die man im Ausland bereits mit solchen Gesetzen gemacht hat von der regierenden Koalition aus Sozialisten, Grünen und Liberalen das Recht geschaffen, dass jeder Insasse in unserem Tollhaus Deutschland demnächst sein neues Geschlecht imaginieren und seinen Mitmenschen die bedingungslose Kapitulation vor der Wirklichkeit aufzwingen darf." Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz kommt: Ab Freitag können Vergewaltiger in den Frauenknast, wenn sie es wollen
Als es aber spät geworden war, gingen seine Jünger zum See hinab, bestiegen ein Boot und fuhren über den See, auf Kafarnaum zu. Es war schon dunkel …More
Als es aber spät geworden war, gingen seine Jünger zum See hinab, bestiegen ein Boot und fuhren über den See, auf Kafarnaum zu. Es war schon dunkel geworden, und Jesus war noch nicht zu ihnen gekommen. Da wurde der See durch einen heftigen Sturm aufgewühlt. (Joh 6,16-18)
Popular Social Media Priest Father Goyo Hidalgo Diagnosed with Cancerous Tumor
English Catholic
Poor Father. I've never heard of him, but God bless and heal him. I'm hearing this awful news about younger people being diagnosed with cancer nearly …More
Poor Father. I've never heard of him, but God bless and heal him. I'm hearing this awful news about younger people being diagnosed with cancer nearly every day now. Was Father covid-vaccinated? "Highly respected veteran consulting oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish has called for the immediate suspension of COVID vaccines because of the high rate of adverse events. The professor went on to say: I have no doubt that the vaccines are associated with the current increase in cancers that are being witnessed around the world.
… they suppress the innate and T-cell system, making your body much weaker at defending itself from new viruses … This also has the additional effect of disturbing the T-cell surveillance of dominant cancers.
… the message RNA of the spike of the vaccine binds to genes that normally control cancer
… It is high time that patients and the medical profession rose against the dreadful imposition of what was essentially mandatory vaccine with no informed consent."
Und hier war es auch u.a. das Vorbild der Heiligen Caterina, das mich dazu bewogen hat. Sie ist in ihren Schriften hart mit der Kirche und dem Klerus ins Gericht gegangen und hat deren Verfehlungen …More
Und hier war es auch u.a. das Vorbild der Heiligen Caterina, das mich dazu bewogen hat. Sie ist in ihren Schriften hart mit der Kirche und dem Klerus ins Gericht gegangen und hat deren Verfehlungen schonungslos angeklagt und doch auf wunderbare Weise klar gemacht, dass die Kirche heilig ist und wir in dieser Kirche nach Gottes Willen vereinigt sein sollten.

Riccardo Wagner wurde katholisch: „Ich wollte nie Christ sein. Ich war Atheist“

Suche Suchen Sie im Archiv in über 70000 Artikeln: Top-15 meist-diskutiert Der sakramentale Lockdown der Kirche …