
Second O Antiphon - O Adonai. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas …

Dear mathew 789,
You wrote "but what do I do when I feel that I cannot forgive myself?". You go to confession, you are not to forgive yourself, this is for others to do. but for your peace of mind and soul you need God's forgivness, this also lessens your time in Purgatory.
Go to confession (It is Christ who you are confessing to), God knows you have done wrong things and thought wrong things, He …More
Dear mathew 789,
You wrote "but what do I do when I feel that I cannot forgive myself?". You go to confession, you are not to forgive yourself, this is for others to do. but for your peace of mind and soul you need God's forgivness, this also lessens your time in Purgatory.

Go to confession (It is Christ who you are confessing to), God knows you have done wrong things and thought wrong things, He needs you to admit to Him that you recognise your physical wrong doings, your sinful thoughts and your spiritual faults. You need to recognise your sins in all forms and confess them to Christ (through the priest).

Do not abuse Gods ears with details or names, so instead of confessing that you have committed adultery with mrs smith, you say I have committed sins of the flesh, or I have had lustful thoughts or I have supported sinful acts on the internet or a movie by watching them instead of turning away. Don't say you stole $50.00 from Mr. Johnson of 23 Main street, just confess that you have stolen money. the priest may ask for more info, eg, can you return the money? etc...... this is so he can help you do what is morally right.

We can not forgive ourselves in the true sense of the word. God will forgive you and all you need do is ask for his forgivness via the confessional. Trust in his endless mercy. remember He will forgive you but he will not allow you to forget the sin or sins, that way you will always remember to never repeat those things. How wise is that !

God Bless you.
Happy Holy days of Christ-mas to you and your family.