
Gloria Global am 3. Juni. Menschliche Logik versus göttliche Vorsehung Wer sind die Kriegstreiber? …

Auf dem alten Gotteslob war doch auch kein Kreuz, oder?

Weihbischof Melzer am Christkönigsfest 2012:

Das ist eine wunderbare Predigt! Vielen Dank fürs Hochladen!

The English-speaking editorial staff of Gloria.TV distances itself from the German Bishops

Where is the "proof" that Kardinal Meisner allowed abortive pills? Show it to me and I will correct my opinion about him. If you can't proof it to me, I will keep defending the Bishop. I read all his original statements and publications and I don't need "English-speaking" or any other dubious media to tell me what to think.
I forgive you for the injustice you did to me.
May God save your …Mehr
Where is the "proof" that Kardinal Meisner allowed abortive pills? Show it to me and I will correct my opinion about him. If you can't proof it to me, I will keep defending the Bishop. I read all his original statements and publications and I don't need "English-speaking" or any other dubious media to tell me what to think.

I forgive you for the injustice you did to me.

May God save your soul!

The English-speaking editorial staff of Gloria.TV distances itself from the German Bishops

It really amazes me how little you are interested in the truth.
@Holy Cannoli
We are here to discuss this matter and despite the fact that you should know better now, after reading what Kardinal Meiser REALLY said about the morning-after pill (which is totally in line with the church's teaching on the dignity of man from the moment of conception), you are still holding on to your point of view that …Mehr
It really amazes me how little you are interested in the truth.

@Holy Cannoli
We are here to discuss this matter and despite the fact that you should know better now, after reading what Kardinal Meiser REALLY said about the morning-after pill (which is totally in line with the church's teaching on the dignity of man from the moment of conception), you are still holding on to your point of view that he is "betraying the Catholic faith they ostensibly represent in addition to betraying the Lord and Giver of Life".

It makes me so angry and sad that Meisner is accused of such a grave sin which he did not commit. He is not a liberal, nor did he yield to spirit of the age (which you can't know because all you know about him is what the media told you). Look at the picture above. Could be more biasing? Lightning strikes on the photographs of 6 Bishops, as if they were the devil in person. Doesn't this way of exposition make you doubt if the auther only wants to inform about the way things are? Why is there no word on what Kardinal Meisner really said about the pill ("If a preparation, whose mechanism of action it is to inhibit nidation, is employed with the intention of averting the nidation of an already fertilized ovum, it is still NOT JUSTIFIABLE, because thereby the fertilized ovum, to whom the protection of the dignity of man corresponds, is deprived actively of its source of life.") or even on what the german conference of bishops said? Are you so ignorant that you rather keep harassing a bishop instead of correcting your image of him being the foe in person? He has served Christ for so many years and been faithful to his bride the church. It is simply wrongful to ascribe the opposite to him.

The English-speaking editorial staff of Gloria.TV distances itself from the German Bishops

Perhaps you can post the relevant quote and include the link showing where Meisner retracts his earlier statement giving his approval of the morning-after pill to be used in Catholic hospitals?
Meisner never made a statement giving his approval of the morning-after pill to be used in hospitals. The only statement he made, and did not retract was the one I translated for you below. It was the german …Mehr
Perhaps you can post the relevant quote and include the link showing where Meisner retracts his earlier statement giving his approval of the morning-after pill to be used in Catholic hospitals?

Meisner never made a statement giving his approval of the morning-after pill to be used in hospitals. The only statement he made, and did not retract was the one I translated for you below. It was the german media that did not read his statement thoroughly and wrote things like "Meisner permitts morning-after pill" or "Meisner changes his mind about the pill" without mentioning the conditions in which it is be justifiable. He did not change his mind! He was and is and will be pro life and against any kind of homicide. Here is the full statement if you don't believe me:

As you have written:
There is not such a pill that ONLY prevents conception and does not also operate abortive.

You know that, I know that and all pro-life Catholics in the world know that. Is it your contention that the Cardinal Archbishop of Cologne, Joachim Meisner does not know that?

Appearantly Kardinal Meisner was badly advised by "experts" and he refered to a wrong study by Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Cecilia Berger, P.G.L. Lalitkumar. He did not know that there is no morning-after pill that does not operate abortive.

The English-speaking editorial staff of Gloria.TV distances itself from the German Bishops

Ok, since everyone seems to have ignored my clarification below, again:
Kardinal Meisner did NOT permit abortive morning-after pills!
You are doing great injustice to him by alleging such a slander.
This is what he said concerning the morning-after pill:
"If, after a rape, a preparation, whose mechanism of action it is to prevent a conception, is employed with the intention of averting a …Mehr
Ok, since everyone seems to have ignored my clarification below, again:

Kardinal Meisner did NOT permit abortive morning-after pills!

You are doing great injustice to him by alleging such a slander.

This is what he said concerning the morning-after pill:

"If, after a rape, a preparation, whose mechanism of action it is to prevent a conception, is employed with the intention of averting a fertilization, THEN it is, from my point of view, justifiable."
Wenn nach einer Vergewaltigung ein Präparat, dessen Wirkprinzip die Verhinderung einer Zeugung ist, mit der Absicht eingesetzt wird, die Befruchtung zu verhindern, dann ist dies aus meiner Sicht vertretbar.

If a preparation, whose mechanism of action it is to inhibit nidation, is employed with the intention of averting the nidation of an already fertilized ovum, it is still NOT JUSTIFIABLE, because thereby the fertilized ovum, to whom the protection of the dignity of man corresponds, is deprived actively of its source of life."
Wenn ein Präparat, dessen Wirkprinzip die Nidationshemmung ist, mit der Absicht eingesetzt wird, die Einnistung der bereits befruchteten Eizelle zu verhindern, ist das nach wie vor nicht vertretbar, weil damit der befruchteten Eizelle, der der Schutz der Menschenwürde zukommt, die Lebensgrundlage aktiv entzogen wird.

This Meisner did not know when he made his statement: There is not such a pill that ONLY prevents conception and does not also operate abortive. However, that means his statement is obsolete. HE NEVER PERMITTED CATHOLIC HOSPITALS TO GIVE OUT ABORTIVE PILLS!!!

And now PLEASE stop twisting the truth the way you want it and stop harassing Kardinal Meisner, who is a very good shepherd to our diocese in Cologne!

The English-speaking editorial staff of Gloria.TV distances itself from the German Bishops

Kardinal Meißner is neither pro abortion, nor did he permit the morning-after pill. I know his statement concerning contraceptives was very ambiguous, nevertheless I think before you make judgments about him, I would ask you to really READ his clarification about the morning after pill. He said that IF there is a morning-after pill that does NOT cause the abortion of an ovum which is already …Mehr
Kardinal Meißner is neither pro abortion, nor did he permit the morning-after pill. I know his statement concerning contraceptives was very ambiguous, nevertheless I think before you make judgments about him, I would ask you to really READ his clarification about the morning after pill. He said that IF there is a morning-after pill that does NOT cause the abortion of an ovum which is already fertilized (= killing a human being) but ONLY prevents that a conception will take place, he does not see a reason why it should not be permitted IN THE CASE OF A RAPE. The thing is that in Germany there is not such a pill yet, which is why what he said is obsolete. Meißner was referring to a research study that said a morning-after pill that ONLY operates contraceptive and not abortive exists in fact, which turned out to be wrong. So apparently he had a very bad adviser and his clarification was very confusing, but HE NEVER PERMITTED ABORTIVE PILLS! That the german catholic hospitals and doctors are disobedient to Kardinal Meißner and prescribe these morning-after pills anyway, that's something else... (However not very surprising to me)