Cardinal Ambongo: Was 'Fiducia Supplicans' Buried?

Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, of Kinshasa president of the African bishops' conferences, agrees with Cardinal Robert Sarah on Fiducia Supplicans, he said at a press conference in Nairobi on 25 April.

Cardinal Sarah explained last month that the document was the latest example of pushing for a "culture of relativism" rather than "the universality of the faith". The Church in Africa had been "ignored and scorned by those whose sole obsession is to please Western lobbies", he said.

According to, Ambongo commented: "I followed Cardinal Sarah's speech (in Cameroon) with great attention and I think what he said is true."

Cardinal Ambongo added that the document 'Fiducia Supplicans' was not about "cultural aspects" - as Francis had claimed. It is against "theology, morality, the Bible and the Magisterium".

People all over the world agree with the Church in Africa, he said, "so we will no longer talk about 'Fiducia Supplicans'. That text has been buried".

In reality, corrupt bishops and priests in many countries have been orchestrating homosexual "blessings" before 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Now they are performing them like public marriages, while the other priests [including 'Fidei Donum' priests from Africa] are forced to "bless" homosexual sin out of "obedience".

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsOjfmlzvlir

Sorry, I don't think it is right to 'obey' the Pope with respect to homosexual blessings. Clearly it is a question of following the teachings of the Bible and of the Church, rather than a question of obedience.
Stay strong, Cardinal Ambongo. Thank you for being a good shepherd!