Questioning the official account

Questioning the official account - Miles Christi - 10/19/2020
Seven months of sanitary tyranny - As time progresses, we run the risk of falling into an insidious accustoming to this completely abnormal situation, unprecedented in the history of humanity, which we have suffered for seven interminable months: confinement, isolation, distancing, masking, etc. To try to minimize this eventuality, I am attaching several links to a wide and varied material that could contribute to feed our reflection on the current situation. Documentation that certainly contrasts sharply with the dominant discourse of the "mass media" of the system, which peremptorily rules out as "conspiratorial" any questioning of the official account, both with regard to the nature and origin of the supposed "pandemic" and to the purported benefits of "confinement" and other government measures.

Articles in English:

1. COVID-19 Pandemic: Group of Reserve Officers Investigation Report - COVID-19 pandemic group of reserve officers investigation report

2. An example of the prevailing madness: the Australian case - An example of the prevailing madness: the Australian case

3. The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order - The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order

4. Socialists are using hysteria over COVID as a weapon of economic destruction - Socialists are using 'hysteria over COVID as a weapon of economic destruction'

5. The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of A “Universal Lockdown” - The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of A “Universal Lockdown”

6. The New Pathologized Totalitarianism - The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism - CJ Hopkins

7. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - Six months of Global Health Tyranny

8. Why we should oppose covid-19 vaccination - Why we should oppose covid-19 vaccination

9. If Bill Gates Was President - If Bill Gates Was President

10. Health Passport Ireland - Health Passport Ireland

11. The Pandemic is a Test Run - The Pandemic is a Test Run

12. What is the World Health Organization - What is the World Health Organization

13. Only Sociopaths Reject the New Normal - Only Sociopaths Reject the New Normal

14. COVIDOCRACY: Trump vs. Fauci, Sachs, Bergoglio & Stupid - COVIDOCRACY: Trump vs. Fauci, Sachs, Bergoglio & Stupid

15. Crimes against Humanity - Crimes against Humanity

16. COVID-19 - INTERNATIONAL ALERT MESSAGE from health professionals to governments and citizens of the world - COVID-19 - INTERNATIONAL ALERT MESSAGE from health professionals to governments and citizens of the world.

17. Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century? - Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century?

18. THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump - THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

19. Health Totalitarianism: Doctor arrested for telling the truth - Health Totalitarianism: Doctor arrested for telling the truth

20. Obey or Die - Obey or Die - Ben Garrison

21. Pregnant Australian woman arrested at home for promoting anti-lockdown protest on Facebook - Pregnant Australian woman arrested at home for promoting anti-lockdown protest on Facebook


23. Construction of Panic for World Governance - Construction of Panic for World Governance

24. Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind - Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind

25. COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed - The Root Fraud Exposed « Jon Rappoport's Blog

26. The Great Reset: Three Enlightening Examples - The Great Reset: Three Enlightening Examples

27. Question the official account - Question the official account

28. The right time - The right time - Miles Christi - 09/29/2020

29. The signs of the times - The signs of the times

30. The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved - The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved

31. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes - 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes

32. The government takes care of you - "The government takes care of you"

33. It's just a mask for the greater good - It's just a mask for the greater good.

34. Big Brother wants us at home - Big Brother wants us at home

35. The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religión - The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion

Articles in Spanish:

1. Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial - Seis meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial

2. “El gobierno te cuida” - “El gobierno te cuida”

3. El tiempo propicio - El tiempo propicio - Miles Christi - 29/09/2020

4. La vacuna de Bill Gates en Argentina - La vacuna de Bill Gates en Argentina

5. La construcción del pánico para la gobernanza mundial - La construcción del pánico para la Gobernanza Mundial

6. Bill Gates, enemigo del género humano - Bill Gates, enemigo del género humano - Miles Christi - 01/10/2020

7. Periodista español denuncia el “plandemonium” - Periodista español denuncia el “plandemonium”

8. El caballo de Troya - El caballo de Troya

9. Covid-19: El virus que no existe - Covid-19: El virus que no existe

10. Crímenes contra la humanidad - Crímenes contra la humanidad

11. Cuestionar el relato oficial - Cuestionar el relato oficial


13. Gran Reseteo: Tres ejemplos esclarecedores - Gran Reseteo: Tres ejemplos esclarecedores - Miles Christi - 30/09/2020

14. La pandemia es un portal hacia el mundo del futuro - La pandemia es un portal hacia el mundo del futuro

15. Retirar la financiación de la OMS - Retirar la financiación de la OMS

16. Dictadura Sanitaria Mundial y Mentira Universal - Dictadura Sanitaria Mundial y Mentira Universal

17. Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y ahora va a por nuestra alimentación - Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y ahora va a por nuestra alimentación

18. Médicos por la verdad España - Doctor Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas responde a periodista - Médicos por la verdad España - Doctor Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas responde a periodista

19. MENSAJE DE ALERTA INTERNACIONAL de profesionales de la salud a los gobiernos y ciudadanos del mundo - MENSAJE DE ALERTA INTERNACIONAL de profesionales de la salud a los gobiernos y ciudadanos del mundo

20. El Vaticano promueve la apostasía y una religión global - El Vaticano promueve la apostasía y una religión global

21. Big Brother nos quiere en casa - Big Brother nos quiere en casa

22. Defendamos nuestros derechos contra el NOM - Defendamos nuestros derechos contra el NOM

23. Coronavirus: ¿El engaño del siglo? - Coronavirus: ¿El engaño del siglo?

24. ¡Vamos a recobrar nuestros derechos! - ¡Vamos a recobrar nuestros derechos!

25. Un virus a pedir de boca para instaurar el NWO - Un virus a pedir de boca para instaurar el NWO

26. Declaración de médicos contra el confinamiento - Declaración de médicos contra el confinamiento

27. Apuntes para tiempos de peste - Javier Anzoátegui - Apuntes para tiempos de peste - Javier Anzoátegui

28. Doctora española denuncia la impostura de la pandemia - Doctora española denuncia la impostura de la pandemia

29. ¿Quién es Hugo Sigman, el encargado de fabricar la vacuna en Argentina? - ¿Quién es Hugo Sigman, el encargado de fabricar la vacuna en Argentina?

30. Vacuna Covid: Entrevista a la Dra Roxana Bruno - Vacuna Covid: Entrevista a la Dra Roxana Bruno

31. Encierro y control de la población: un análisis del proyecto globalista - Encierro y control de la población: un análisis del proyecto globalista

32. Una médica denunció que inflan el número de contagiados de coronavirus en Buenos Aires Una médica denunció que inflan el número de contagiados de coronavirus en Buenos Aires

33. Los signos de los tiempos - Los signos de los tiempos

34. Nuevo boletín informativo - Nuevo boletín informativo - III

35. Voluntario vacuna covid: No podré tener hijos por dos años - Voluntario vacuna covid: No podré tener hijos por dos años

36. Cien días de confinamiento totalitario en Argentina - Cien días de confinamiento totalitario en Argentina

37. Tres meses de confinamiento totalitario en Argentina - Tres meses de confinamiento totalitario en Argentina

38. Pandemonium: ¿de la pandemia al control total? - Pandemonium: ¿de la pandemia al control total?

39. Es solo una mascarilla por el bien de todos - Es solo una mascarilla por el bien de todos

40. Contra la política de confinamiento - Contra la política de confinamiento
Super Omnia Veritas and 2 more users link to this post
Thanks for posting the links. I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason and as he has described himself as the father of the vaxx, there should be no links that celebrate him. He is 'the snake' in the poem that he reads out loud at many of his rallies. He is as dangerous as they come because of his deceit and lies that he has convinced so many Catholics/Christians …More
Thanks for posting the links. I am of the opinion that Donald Trump is a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason and as he has described himself as the father of the vaxx, there should be no links that celebrate him. He is 'the snake' in the poem that he reads out loud at many of his rallies. He is as dangerous as they come because of his deceit and lies that he has convinced so many Catholics/Christians to think that he is on our side.
Montfort AJPM shares this
Summary of Miles Christi's articles on sanitary tyranny
Montfort AJPM
He gives help to all,
It heals the incurable soul:
(Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort)
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The Dictator Pope (Marcantonio Colonna)
"If you speak to the Catholics of Buenos Aires, they will tell you of the miraculous change that has taken over Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Their dour, unsmiling archbishop was turned overnight into the smiling, jolly Pope Francis, the idol of the people with whom he so fully identifies. If you speak to anyone working in the Vatican, they will tell you about the …More
The Dictator Pope (Marcantonio Colonna)

"If you speak to the Catholics of Buenos Aires, they will tell you of the miraculous change that has taken over Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Their dour, unsmiling archbishop was turned overnight into the smiling, jolly Pope Francis, the idol of the people with whom he so fully identifies. If you speak to anyone working in the Vatican, they will tell you about the miracle in reverse. When the publicity cameras are off him, Pope Francis turns into a different figure : arrogant, dismissive of people, prodigal of bad language and notorious for furious outbursts of temper which are known to everyone from the cardinals to the chauffeurs..."