This week's Tablet... "we need married priests — and women priests — this would solve all our problems!" See the Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc..
Opera 369
Oh sure, married priests, (busy changing diapers and running to buy groceries for their wives) and women priests, women without a natural identity or most likely frustrated by not having found a 'mate'.. or who don't even like themselves, when they look in the mirror; these are the people 'who will resolve all the problems of the society'!? Sure, what an illusion! 🤕
English Catholic
@Seidenspinner The Tablet is a notoriously heretical rag, mostly read by ageing Anglicans, although allegedly Catholic. How it has survived so long, when other similar rags have gone under, is a complete mystery. Someone rich must be backing it.
John A Cassani
Fr. Z used to call it The Bitter Pill, or RU-486.
Billy F
No heretics!