Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
St. John Bosco
Don Bosco (1936 movie,English dub) This is the first full length film of St John Bosco. 1936. Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini. From a play by R. Uguccione. Originally in Italian dubbed in English.More
Don Bosco (1936 movie,English dub)
This is the first full length film of St John Bosco. 1936. Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini. From a play by R. Uguccione. Originally in Italian dubbed in English.
Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Oliver Twist (1948) Full movie. had54 on Aug 13, 2011 Based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist is about an orphan boy who runs away from a workhouse and meets a pickpocket on the streets of …More
Oliver Twist (1948) Full movie.
had54 on Aug 13, 2011 Based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist is about an orphan boy who runs away from a workhouse and meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. Oliver is taken in by the pickpocket and he joins a household of young boys who are trained to steal for their master. This version of Oliver Twist is topped by Alec Guinness's masterly performance of arch-thug Fagin.
Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Saint John of the Cross. RemySadler December 14 Saint John of the Cross Doctor of the Church (1542-1591) Saint John of the Cross was born near Avila in Spain. As a child, he was playing near a pond …More
Saint John of the Cross.
RemySadler December 14 Saint John of the Cross Doctor of the Church (1542-1591) Saint John of the Cross was born near Avila in Spain. As a child, he was playing near a pond one day. He slid into the depths of the water, but came up unharmed and did not sink again. A tall and beautiful Lady came to offer him Her hand. No, said the child, You are too beautiful; my hand will dirty Yours. Then an elderly gentleman appeared on the shore and extended his staff to the child to bring him to shore. These two were Mary and Joseph. Another time he fell into a well, and it was expected he would be retrieved lifeless. But he was seated and waiting peacefully. A beautiful lady, he said, took me into Her cloak and sheltered me. Thus John grew up under the gaze of Mary.
One day he was praying Our Lord to make known his vocation to him, and an interior voice said to him: You will enter a religious Order, whose primitive fervor you will restore. He was twenty-one years old when …More
Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
Don Bosco 1936 1936More
Don Bosco 1936
Don Bosco (1936) by gravasco on Oct 11, 2013More
Don Bosco (1936)
by gravasco on Oct 11, 2013
Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
The Scarlet and The Black (1983) on Apr 21, 2012 by RosesEternalMore
The Scarlet and The Black (1983)
on Apr 21, 2012 by RosesEternal
Cathmomofive shares from latin
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Traditional Latin Catholic Mass. Traditional Latin Mass filmed on Easter Sunday ... (more) Added: July 28, 2006 Traditional Latin Mass filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows church in …More
Traditional Latin Catholic Mass.
Traditional Latin Mass filmed on Easter Sunday ... (more)
Added: July 28, 2006
Traditional Latin Mass filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chicago. The film presents the ceremonies of the Missa Solemnis or Solemn High Mass in full detail with narration by then-Mgr. Fulton J. Sheen. Celebrated by Rev. J. R. Keane of the Order of Servites (hence the white habits and cowls), the ceremonies are accompanied by a full polyphonic choir, orchestra, and fifty Gregorian Chanters.
The attention to detail in the ceremonies is impressive. Notice, for example, how the servers and ministers always take great care to move in order. Notice too that the servers are all almost identical in height. The Ordinary of the Mass, composed by Rev. Edwin V. Hoover, while pleasant in places, is very much a reflection of its time. The Proper on the other hand is timeless and sung admirably by a healthy throng of Seminarians from Mundelein, Illinois.
Cathmomofive shares from jamacor
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Church services and a Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests at the Dachau concentr...HD Stock Footage. Church services and a Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests at the Dachau concentr...HD Stock Footage …More
Church services and a Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests at the Dachau concentr...HD Stock Footage.
Church services and a Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests at the Dachau concentr...HD Stock Footage
Link to order this clip:…
Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD.
Church services and a Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany.
Church services at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany after its liberation towards the end of World War II. A Catholic Mass for imprisoned priests. A chaplain holds services for camp inmates. Individuals at the services. Location: Germany. Date: May 5, 1945.
Visit us at 57,000+ broadcast-quality historic clips for immediate download. Fully digitized and searchable, the CriticalPast collection is one of the largest archival footage collections in the world. All clips are licensed royalty-free, worldwide, in perpetuity. CriticalPast …More
Cathmomofive shares from exorcista
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
The Crusades. filmMore
The Crusades.
Cathmomofive shares from Bubuyog
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Le Dialogue des Carmélites. Le Dialogue des Carmélites est un film franco-italien de Philippe Agostini et de Raymond Leopold Bruckberger, et d'après les dialogues de Georges Bernanos inspiré de la …More
Le Dialogue des Carmélites.
Le Dialogue des Carmélites est un film franco-italien de Philippe Agostini et de Raymond Leopold Bruckberger, et d'après les dialogues de Georges Bernanos inspiré de la nouvelle La Dernière à l'échafaud de Gertrud von Le Fort. Le film, tourné en septembre-octobre 1959, sort à l'écran en 1960.
En mai 1789, deux jeunes filles entrent au Carmel de Compiègne. L'une prend en religion le nom de sœur Constance, tandis que sa compagne, Blanche de la Force, devient sœur Blanche de l'Agonie du Christ. La Révolution n'épargnant pas la vie des religieuses, le commissaire de la Révolution dispose d'un mandat de réquisition. Les Carmélites sont dès lors traquées et dépossédées de leurs biens, avant d'affronter l'ultime sacrifice.
Cathmomofive shares from frater_pl
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
Msza św. papieża Piusa XII w bazylice św. Piotra w Rzymie – 1942 „13 Maja 1942. Wielka rodzina katolicka świętuję 25-tą rocznicę sakry biskupiej ojca wszystkich.” Papież Pius …More
Msza św. papieża Piusa XII w bazylice św. Piotra w Rzymie – 1942
„13 Maja 1942. Wielka rodzina katolicka świętuję 25-tą rocznicę sakry biskupiej ojca wszystkich.”
Papież Pius XII składa Najświętsza Ofiarę w 25-tą rocznicę swojej sakry biskupiej, którą otrzymał 13 Maja 1917 roku z rąk papieża Benedykta XV w kaplicy sykstyńskiej.
Cathmomofive shares from tearlach
Pollyanna. movieMore
Pollyanna 2003 (Full Movie) Directed by Sarah Harding Writing Credits: Simon Nye & Eleanor H. PorterMore
Pollyanna 2003 (Full Movie)
Directed by Sarah Harding
Writing Credits: Simon Nye & Eleanor H. Porter
Cathmomofive shares from wirewrapper
Sorrowful Mysteries. SorrowfulMore
Sorrowful Mysteries.
Father Patrick Paytons Rosary Crusade: Fourth Sorrowful Mystery-The Carrying of the Cross to Calvary. Father Patrick Paytons Rosary Crusade: Fourth Sorrowful Mystery-The Carrying of the Cross to Calvary …More
Father Patrick Paytons Rosary Crusade: Fourth Sorrowful Mystery-The Carrying of the Cross to Calvary.
Father Patrick Paytons Rosary Crusade: Fourth Sorrowful Mystery-The Carrying of the Cross to Calvary
Is a part of the The Life of Christ series and can be purchase at, Holy Cross Family Ministry websites Store.
Cathmomofive shares from frater_pl
Splendor. PopeMore
Splendor Kościoła Świętego za Piusa XII. Urywek filmu 'Der veruntreute Himmel' ze zdjęciami z audiencji Piusa Więcej zdjęć na te-igitur.blogspot.comMore
Splendor Kościoła Świętego za Piusa XII.
Urywek filmu 'Der veruntreute Himmel' ze zdjęciami z audiencji Piusa Więcej zdjęć na
Cathmomofive shares from Irapuato
Movies. Don BoscoMore
Don Bosco
January 31: DON BOSCO. by Jose Arukatty on Jan 13, 2013More
January 31: DON BOSCO.
by Jose Arukatty on Jan 13, 2013