Life or death – part II (prophetic word for Ukraine) Life or death – part II (prophetic word for Ukraine) Dear representatives of political parties, dear newly elected Members of Parliament, in this …More
Life or death – part II (prophetic word for Ukraine)

Life or death – part II
(prophetic word for Ukraine)
Dear representatives of political parties,
dear newly elected Members of Parliament,
in this historic time, when temporal and eternal life is at stake, our Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate turns to You to emphasize Your responsibility before God and the nation. The three preceding points pointed out the crimes of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, the means of genocide of the nations and the strategy of a covert war.
Now, the fourth point shows the solution.
In the first place it is necessary to cancel all newly adopted laws that have a conflict of interest in relation to the nation and the Constitution. These laws promote the hidden gender-gay ideology and mechanisms of juvenile justice. Without this purge a reform and revival of the nation is not possible. Only a moral nation is strong. An immoral nation is doomed to self-destruction!
Today, a politician must be like a physician who clearly diagnoses a disease and uses remedies for recovery. A democracy which allows one politician to promote life and another one death is a pseudo-democracy. All politicians who represent the nation must have a unity of interest with the people and not a conflict of interest.
Today, the primary interest of Ukraine is that the politicians become warriors of the nation who in this covert war will fight to liberate Ukraine from modern occupiers.
If nowadays the MPs fail to set a clear-cut policy of preservation of national and family values against the pressure of homosexualism and juvenile justice mechanisms, they will become an instrument of autogenocide of the nation. Today it is necessary that all political parties in Ukraine should adopt a single policy. If those who have launched a demoralizing and genocidal attack on Ukraine are in unity, those who defend Ukraine must be in unity too. Those who promote the so-called international standards and cooperate with the so-called charitable funds and organizations from abroad no longer work for the benefit of the nation but for its destruction.
Besides the abolition of all newly introduced laws that have a conflict of interest with the nation and the Constitution, the means towards the salvation of Ukraine are as follows:
1) Proper instruction of all statesmen. Every politician must know the true nature of gender ideology and juvenile justice and fight to the death against the implementation of these mechanisms.
2) A personnel purge is necessary with the purpose of removing traitors of the nation from the key positions.
3) Mass media should serve a moral reform and not the genocide of the nation. Otherwise, they have a conflict of interests.
4) The Constitution must be preserved unchanged.
5) All foreign organizations and funds which establish gender centres and covertly introduce juvenile justice mechanisms must be expelled.
6) Ukraine must withdraw from the Council of Europe and free itself from its genocidal policy.
7) Preference must be given to the family consisting of father, mother and children as the basis of the existence of the nation.
8) The programme must be launched of sound education of children and youth and their protection from destructive influences. Young generation must be educated for responsible parenthood.
9) Masonic associations must be dissolved as they work towards moral genocide and destruction of the nation.
10) Civic organizations must be deprived of the competence through which they have been elevated to the level of governmental bodies. They promote the interests of foreign organizations and have a conflict of interests with the nation.
11) It is necessary to demand that the President of Ukraine should cancel the new Criminal Procedural Code since it is contrary to the Constitution and promotes juvenile justice mechanisms. This Code was accepted by deceit on Good Friday at 4 o’clock in the morning, and that only by 50 MPs out of a total of 450.
Other principles:
Every politician today must be extremely alert so as to be able to unmask the cunning hidden behind the promotion of juvenile mechanisms and gender ideology with the use of vague terms. Those who promote it are traitors and have a conflict of interest in relation to their nation.
In these very days, until changes in the Parliament are completed, it is possible to formulate the state policy of a true reform and to establish such structures that would work towards the preservation of the family and nation from the destructive pressures from the West.
Ukraine has the greatest potential to be an autonomous state, fully independent of both the West and the East. It has natural wealth, fertile soil, and as regards trade, it can be an equal partner of all other states. Ukraine has no reason for yielding to economic or political pressures leading to self-destruction. Ukraine will not gain prestige by becoming a cesspool of the West but rather by becoming an independent and economically prosperous state.
The official Church in Ukraine either promotes antivalues and amorality, such as the initiative group of Card. Husar in cooperation with Freemasons, or is passively silent and thus paralyzes the Christians of Ukraine. Therefore, regardless of these attitudes of the Church, the Parliament must openly defend true family values. Our salvation will come neither from the East nor from the West but from Almighty God.
Every Member of Parliament who wants to lead and represent the nation and protect moral and national values must communicate with God and in this way seek solutions concerning the future of Ukraine. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby appeals to every Member of Parliament to make a promise to God these days that every day throughout the year he will spend one hour with God in a personal prayer.
The Patriarchate appeals to all Christians of Ukraine too to join together and pray at least for one hour every day. Those who keep so-called prayer guard shall pray for two hours every day for a period of one week every month. Christians will thus create a net of continual prayer. God will then save Ukraine from the programmed autogenocide.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

Lvov (Ukraine), 9 November 2012

Copies to:
- President of Ukraine
- President and State Duma of the Russian Federation
- Mass media