Pater Pio bei der Hl. Messe. Bild aus dem Film von Pfr. Hans Buschor.Mehr
Pater Pio bei der Hl. Messe.

Bild aus dem Film von Pfr. Hans Buschor.
da ist mir eine person eingefallen,die eine wichtige rolle für pater pio gespielt hat,eine seiner ersten geistlichen töchter-ich glaube sie hieß MARY PILE oder ähnlich,weiss hier jemand was genaueres und kennt eine internetseite über sie?????
I am looking for a small prayer book written in 1954, I believe, by Fr. Frederick Abresch. Titled, "SURSUM CORDA".....if there is anyone out there that may know where I might be able to obtain this small book, PLEASE LET ME KNOW... I have been seeking it for quite some time with no success. OH, yes, I believe it was printed in FOGGIA< ITALY.
St. Padre Pio, Pray for us!Mehr
I am looking for a small prayer book written in 1954, I believe, by Fr. Frederick Abresch. Titled, "SURSUM CORDA".....if there is anyone out there that may know where I might be able to obtain this small book, PLEASE LET ME KNOW... I have been seeking it for quite some time with no success. OH, yes, I believe it was printed in FOGGIA< ITALY.

St. Padre Pio, Pray for us!