US Archbishop: No Pope Can Change God’s Revelation

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas, USA, said in a statement on 12 January that the current controversy surrounding the Church is a result of Tucho's idea to "bless" homosexual "couples".

The term "blessing" homosexual "couples" includes what radical homosexual activists have been seeking, the archbishop observes.

He describes the difficulties surrounding the propaganda piece 'Fiducia Supplicans' as "predictable" [= planned]. Homosexual activists inside (sic!) and outside the Church have been demanding the Church's blessing of homosexual concubines as a necessary step towards the Church's conforming to the homosexual culture: "'Fiducia Supplicans' has confused many people with its attempt to broaden the understanding of the blessing."

His key phrase: "No Vatican dicastery or successor of Peter can change the biblical teaching, the teaching of Jesus himself and the consistent 2,000-year-old perennial teaching of the Church".

Naumann urges his clergy to strive never to create confusion about the true nature of marriage or the Church's moral teaching on true love.


This is NOT tucho's doing, the power to release such heretic paper was Francis alone.
P. O'B
Right, Bishop Naumann. But an antipope can pretend to change God's revelation.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Two weeks ago it was Francis and Tucho's pro-homo blessing manifesto. On Sunday on Italian TV Francis in an interview said that he thinks that Hell is empty, that God forgives everything and everyone.
When are Faithful Catholic going to rise up in Italy and everywhere and demand that Pope Francis resign, along with his gay companion Tucho.
Simon North
"Naumann urges his clergy to strive never to create confusion about the true nature of marriage or the Church's moral teaching on true love." Good. But has he formally forbidden his clergy to issue these blessings? "Urge" is not the language of a command. I'm hoping he said more.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is confirming the unrepentant homosexuals in their rebellion against God and against Catholic moral doctrine.
Simon North
Fr. Murray = Captain Obvious
Tony M
His key phrase:"No Vatican dicastery or successor of Peter can change the biblical teaching, the teaching of Jesus himself and the consistent 2,000-year-old perennial teaching of the Church". Well Bishop have just stated the obvious..... so given that the current occupant of the Chair of Peter is from that Chair attempting to change biblical stating the opposite of it …More
His key phrase:"No Vatican dicastery or successor of Peter can change the biblical teaching, the teaching of Jesus himself and the consistent 2,000-year-old perennial teaching of the Church". Well Bishop have just stated the obvious..... so given that the current occupant of the Chair of Peter is from that Chair attempting to change biblical stating the opposite of it....repeatedly.....without any retractions....over the last 11 years......let's cut to the chase.......WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE VALIDITY OF THIS SERIAL, PERTINACEOUS HERETIC OCCUPYING THAT CHAIR??? If you don't tackle this problem by acknowledging the full nature of it....Jorgy is going to continue full steam ahead with his church destroying activities, while the majority of the hierarchy.... like good little ostriches... put their heads in the sand....and let him do it!!!
See: "Is The Pope Catholic?" -- a conference seeking the Truth about the "Two Popes." (
Opera 369
Don't want to comment too soon on the words of this Archbishop, but for now, they are 'refreshing' in the very muddy circumstances.