Eating healthy is God's Plan. God did not intend humans to eat GMO foods. The Nazi state will come and take your organic food away.More
Eating healthy is God's Plan.

God did not intend humans to eat GMO foods. The Nazi state will come and take your organic food away.
holyrope 3
It is unreal that the government feels they have a right to dictate what people can and cannot eat! One would think they could care less, even if humans took the chance of becoming ill, as they want you to believe. Yet they HAIL the Pro-death Abortion Mills for their great work of appeasing to a woman's 'choice' to kill her baby. Something seriously wrong with this picture! ✍️
It is unreal that the government feels they have a right to dictate what people can and cannot eat! One would think they could care less, even if humans took the chance of becoming ill, as they want you to believe. Yet they HAIL the Pro-death Abortion Mills for their great work of appeasing to a woman's 'choice' to kill her baby. Something seriously wrong with this picture! ✍️

www.latinmasstimes.com 👍