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Pontifikalamt mit Weihbischof Schneider. 13. September, Fest Maria Namen, in Wien.Mehr
Pontifikalamt mit Weihbischof Schneider.

13. September, Fest Maria Namen, in Wien.
Dear DaveS
I must say one thing please: to quote you. " I have no problem with occasionally participating in a service that reminds us of the important tradition of the Church. "
That is not why a Catholic Attends the TLM. A Catholic attends the TLM because it is Totally Christ Centered , It is Holy /Reverent and the Most Perfect Form of public worship a Catholic can offer/assist at.
Just so you …Mehr
Dear DaveS

I must say one thing please: to quote you. " I have no problem with occasionally participating in a service that reminds us of the important tradition of the Church. "

That is not why a Catholic Attends the TLM. A Catholic attends the TLM because it is Totally Christ Centered , It is Holy /Reverent and the Most Perfect Form of public worship a Catholic can offer/assist at.

Just so you know what draws Traditional Catholics {so-Labeled} to the Traditional Latin Mass.

I would not dispute that a celebration like this is beautiful and awe inspiring, and I have no problem with occasionally participating in a service that reminds us of the important tradition of the Church. Also it would be wrong of me to suggest that people cannot be strengthened in their faith by these celebrations. But I have to ask people....where in the entire Bible do Jesus or any of his apostles …Mehr
I would not dispute that a celebration like this is beautiful and awe inspiring, and I have no problem with occasionally participating in a service that reminds us of the important tradition of the Church. Also it would be wrong of me to suggest that people cannot be strengthened in their faith by these celebrations. But I have to ask people....where in the entire Bible do Jesus or any of his apostles indicate that is this how they wished their Church to behave. These services do not project the image of Christ. They project the image of a Church that lost its way somewhere in the Middle Ages when it was taken over by nobility and power and monarchy and tried to convince people that building and worshiping in huge cathedrals dripping with riches and opulence was somehow representative of the Jesus of the New Testament who told people to give up their riches and follow him.
Gracias a Dios, por que existe Mons. Schneider gran Obispo defensor de la Santa Misa Catolica de San Pio V.
Optime! 👍
Francesco Federico
Deo gratias !
Dear ACLumsden,
maybe it is not ideal, but it still gives a high sense of the sacred, of God, it is elevating, inspiring towards God.
So it is still a trillion, an infinite time better than the awful, ungodly, saltless , "beige" , dead-within catholicism that was a consequence of the Vatican II council.Mehr
Dear ACLumsden,

maybe it is not ideal, but it still gives a high sense of the sacred, of God, it is elevating, inspiring towards God.
So it is still a trillion, an infinite time better than the awful, ungodly, saltless , "beige" , dead-within catholicism that was a consequence of the Vatican II council.
While the music at this Mass is amazing, (here, Mozart's Mass in C perhaps?), the return to the Missa Concerta of the Baroque is quite anachronistic. Rome did put an end to this form of Liturgical Music at the first council of the vatican. The concert hall must be separate and distinct from the Domus Dei or Church building (sacred space being just that, not a space in which to be entertained).…Mehr
While the music at this Mass is amazing, (here, Mozart's Mass in C perhaps?), the return to the Missa Concerta of the Baroque is quite anachronistic. Rome did put an end to this form of Liturgical Music at the first council of the vatican. The concert hall must be separate and distinct from the Domus Dei or Church building (sacred space being just that, not a space in which to be entertained). This is Opera not Roman Catholic Liturgy. This is just as bad as the entertaining 'clown' Masses of the Americas and the like.

The proper music to the Roman Rite is Gregorian Chant (see sacrosanctum concilium Vat.II) - renaissance polyphony is next....
🤗 😇
glaub ich gerne----leider gibt es solche echten highlights nur an bestimmten orten - 🤗
Albertus Magnus
👍 👏
Die Messe war sehr, sehr schön.Mehr
👍 👏

Die Messe war sehr, sehr schön.