
Austria: Bishop Back-Stabs Human Rights Activists

Hundreds of people demonstrated on 23 March at a 'March for Life' in Innsbruck, Austria.

The pro-homosexual propagandist and local Novus Ordo bishop, Hermann Glettler, internationally known as a promoter of blasphemious art, stabbed the pro-lifers in the back.

On the day of the demonstration, he told Kathpress.at that "lasting persuasion is more likely to succeed through conversations and personal encounters than through demonstrations in the streets".

The "hardened fronts" around the issue of abortion would require a "common disarming of words and gestures, respectful listening and approaching each other" - which the Novus Ordo bishops have been doing for decades, with the result that they themselves support laws that allow abortion.

During the event, parish priest Ignaz Steinwender, a cleric from the region, found words that correspond to the Gospel.

He said that "Church representatives who do not courageously throw themselves into the fight" against abortion are "no longer servants of God and no longer servants of man", but "mere hirelings, 'useful idiots' for the abortion lobby, false prophets or wolves in sheep's clothing".

Picture: JugendFuerDasLeben.at, #newsYymfpjgwdf

Novena - Oremus shares this
Shouldn't Andreas Wailzer have written about that on LifeSiteNews.com? This is a major scandal that should spread far and wide.
An unspeakable betrayal. Such treachery makes this wolf in shepherd’s clothing no less than fully complicit in the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies murdered by the millions in their own mother’s wombs. His words and inaction thrusts the bloody blade into the beating hearts of unborn children. Hell awaits him in eternity…and may a millstone hang heavy upon him in this life.