Live Mike
Text reads: Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens Two Hens in the Back Yard for Each Person in the House Will Keep a Family In Fresh Eggs EVEN the smallest back yard has room for a …More
Text reads: Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens
Two Hens in the Back Yard for Each Person in the House Will Keep a Family In Fresh Eggs
EVEN the smallest back yard has room for a flock large enough to supply the house with eggs. The cost of maintaining such a flock is small. Table and kitchen waste provide much of the feed for the hens. They require little attention only a few minutes a day.
An interested child, old enough to take a little responsibility, can care for a few fowls as well as a grown person.
Every back yard in the United States should contribute its share to a bumper crop of poultry and eggs in 1918.
In Time of Peace a Profitable Recreation
In Time of War a Patriotic Duty
Public domain
alfred dunn
Probably not a great idea if you live in a hi-rise.
What to do in a country where winter is 7 to 8 months with frozen soil and snow ? 2 hens we are allowed
Live Mike
reinforced green house
The solution to modernity and the consequences brought about, for example a rejection of essences, relativism, the belief that human nature is a social and self creation, through the erroneous default metaphysical world view of materialism in Western societies may be a return to the land and a simplified lifestyle.
So, growing a garden and getting some hens in the backyard is a good start. And, of …More
The solution to modernity and the consequences brought about, for example a rejection of essences, relativism, the belief that human nature is a social and self creation, through the erroneous default metaphysical world view of materialism in Western societies may be a return to the land and a simplified lifestyle.

So, growing a garden and getting some hens in the backyard is a good start. And, of course, don't forget a statue of St. Francis.
Rand Miller
This article is correct. We have 10 hens and they are entertaining as well as providing eggs for us and our friends.
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