Cardinal Burke: Roman Rite Being Persecuted

Cardinal Raymond Burke spoke of a "persecution" of the Roman Rite [by Francis] during a men's breakfast in New York City on 23 April.

According to, he said that the Eucharist is "so diminished" today, "in part" because of post-Vatican II changes that have made it seem like a "common thing".

Cardinal Burke called it a scandal that there are US politicians "who can probably claim to be devout Catholics and who publicly promote abominations like abortion or this transvestite agenda or whatever it may be, and they approach Holy Communion".

Burke didn't mention names [Biden, Pelosi,...] because they are "obvious".

Francis' ex-synod of bishops leads to "apostasy", Burke explains: "I'm sorry, it's an objective fact."

The cardinal noted that today one has the impression "that obedience [in the Church] is blind". However, there are times "when obedience requires us to disobey" because "we do not obey anything that is contrary to the will of Christ".


Jan Joseph
Correcte weergave van de feiten, de Romeinse Rite, de mensen die het Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie worden door de Rooms Katholieke kerk en in het bijzonder door Paus Franciscus vervolgd. Dat betekent dat het schisma wat hierdoor is ontstaan steeds dieper en dieper wordt en binnen enkel jaren is de relatie niet meer te herstellen.
Het volgende Conclaaf zal …More
Correcte weergave van de feiten, de Romeinse Rite, de mensen die het Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie worden door de Rooms Katholieke kerk en in het bijzonder door Paus Franciscus vervolgd. Dat betekent dat het schisma wat hierdoor is ontstaan steeds dieper en dieper wordt en binnen enkel jaren is de relatie niet meer te herstellen.
Het volgende Conclaaf zal een Paus moeten kiezen die de Romeinse Rite weer al ruimte geeft in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Als dit niet gebeurd, dan is het schisma definitief en onomkeerbaar.
Better late than never I guess. When does he apologize to St Marcel Lefevbre?
P. O'B
Thank you for saying this obvious thing, but one which few seem to notice. Paul VI is canonized, and yet he did more damage to the Old Mass than Francis has done so far,
Mary Louise Veritas
He must have been sleeping the last 60+ years.
Opera 369
Dear Cardinal, you have waited too long already to say the obvious. Why don't you pick up your remaining courage and yell it out that what is 'dressed in white' is NOT THE POPE. The whole 2013 Conclave was 'manipulated' to get that 'man' on the Chair of Peter, for very obvious reasons that are even visible to the blind. It's not enough to say 'half-truths'!