Honest Discussion on Abortion Needed in Africa. Human Life International Regional Director of French-speaking Africa George Wirnkar: "One thing ... Africa needs is to begin discussing abortion as openly …More
Honest Discussion on Abortion Needed in Africa.

Human Life International Regional Director of French-speaking Africa George Wirnkar: "One thing ... Africa needs is to begin discussing abortion as openly and as freely as possible ... so that people have the facts about it."

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"One thing we are trying to do and which Africa needs is to begin discussing abortion as openly and as freely as possible. Not in the sense of telling people where they can go get it or telling people there's nothing wrong with it, but bringing it to the fore so that people have the facts about it. Because as long as you keep it hushed lies fly around. A lot of the times people are told it's just a blob of tissue. A lot of the times people are told 'well it's okay to have one or two.' So the facts about abortion need to be known. But I would like to tell you something we find interesting in Africa because abortion in many countries is not legally available but is defacto available. Which means people know where they can find it, people know how much it costs and so on. What the challenge of the pro-life message in Africa is to be able to bring abortion to the fore, to be able to heal people from all shades and colors, from all walks of life, who have been involved or who have had abortions, or have in any way abated or supported it, to be able to find help. Because it is not just enough to talk about it, it's not just enough to criticize people about it. What people who are living in a situation of difficulty need is help to be able to see the light and to be able to follow it."