In this clip of Gates, apparently from 2005, he is talking about a project involving an engineered virus which would immunize against the vmat2 gene, a gene he states which is indicative of religious …More
In this clip of Gates, apparently from 2005, he is talking about a project involving an engineered virus which would immunize against the vmat2 gene, a gene he states which is indicative of religious extremism.or fanaticism. The name of the Project was FunVax .
According to Gates, religious extremism, like that responsible for fundamentalist attacks in the middle-east, is easy to test for; subjects are read a text in which God is mentioned. Normal subjects experience disgust, while religious fanatics do not show discomfort in brain scans, that is, that part of the brain responsible for religious fanaticism does not light up.
The plan was to kill the gene which was responsible for religious extremism, the vmat2 gene. The method of delivery was a virus, a respiratory virus. This project had been submitted at the time Gates addressed the CIA, he was quite confident it would be a very successful program.
Live Mike
Fact Check: Bill Gates and the “God Gene” Vaccine - DEBUNKED BY CORBETT REPORT
Well, I like and respect Corbett; still I have to say, this video seems to be Gates, and he seems to be saying we have to immunize people who have this gene which is linked to religious extremism. So, maybe that isn't the god gene Gates is talking about here - more the religious fanaticism gene.
He is aiming to eradicate Faith by force? That's a luciferian concept if ever I have heard one. He's clearly the slave of some devil out to purge freedom of action from our society.. Only a very proud, vain and narcissitic MEAN soul would seek to control the thoughts, views and behaviour of anyone who disagrees with him by using these methods
If this video could be seen by millions of people his …More
He is aiming to eradicate Faith by force? That's a luciferian concept if ever I have heard one. He's clearly the slave of some devil out to purge freedom of action from our society.. Only a very proud, vain and narcissitic MEAN soul would seek to control the thoughts, views and behaviour of anyone who disagrees with him by using these methods

If this video could be seen by millions of people his foul nazi methodology would be exposed. As we saw during the US Election, the crimes of the left are hushed up by the "elitists"
They prefer to make a demi-god out of Gates whilst the views of Christ are considered evil. ? So does Lucifer. His rule is furthered by the likes of Gates.
God spare the righteous from these godless monsters. Our Lady of Fatima warned us of these times.

communityofhopeinc.org/Prayer Pages/Saints/marie julie.html

Live Mike
@Caroline03 Please watch ... the Corbett Report... this is a complete hoax ! However, I'm certain there are Luciferians who would love to do exactly what we see presented in the hoaxed video... no doubt about that.
Hello - he is creating a wish for people to be slaves of a new Master. That's what I concern myself with. Manipulating other people's mental capacities LAWFULLY and being supported in these aims, confirms just how far mankind has fallen during the prophecised rule of the Devil allowed by Christ as a test during the end times, specifically the 20th century. (whether he is able to achieve it or not …More
Hello - he is creating a wish for people to be slaves of a new Master. That's what I concern myself with. Manipulating other people's mental capacities LAWFULLY and being supported in these aims, confirms just how far mankind has fallen during the prophecised rule of the Devil allowed by Christ as a test during the end times, specifically the 20th century. (whether he is able to achieve it or not - probably NOT - Gates in this video BELIEVES he will be able to do it - and that is the chief concern. God Bless


Live Mike
Dear Caroline, the man in the video is NOT Bill Gates. May God bless you
Wayside Shrine Maker
This to me does not appear to be Bill Gates.
This is evil at its worst ,and this man because of his money and power can do what ever he pleases ,The world is really sick