"It is not against human enemies that we have to struggle..." Another Slovak Priest attacked due to fighting for the truth...the persecution size of the one we experienced during times of deep dark …More
"It is not against human enemies that we have to struggle..."

Another Slovak Priest attacked due to fighting for the truth...the persecution size of the one we experienced during times of deep dark communism returns

Stay bold and pray to persist.

Ephesians - Chapter 6

10Finally, grow strong in the Lord, with the strength of his power.

11 Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil's tactics.

12 For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens.

13 That is why you must take up all God's armour, or you will not be able to put up any resistance on the evilday, or stand your ground even though you exert yourselves to the full.

14 So stand your ground, with truth a belt round your waist, and uprightness a breastplate,

15 wearing for shoes on your feet the eagerness to spread the gospel of peace

16 and always carrying the shield of faith so that you can use it to quench the burning arrows of the Evil One.

17 And then you must take salvation as your helmet and the sword of the Spirit, that is, the word of God.

,,,,RTVS refused to broadcast the Greek Catholic liturgy

Radio and Television Slovakia refused to broadcast a recording of Greek Catholic Divine Liturgy, which was to be published Jan. 18 in the minority broadcasting on Radio Regina.

The priest Rastislav Baka not agree with interference in his homily where Radio Regina wanted to cut some parts. Baka preached the Gospel Sunday of Zacchaeus in this context mention the referendum and the dangers that lurk on the family. Liturgy in Church Slavonic language with a homily in Ruthenian was recording at Church of Holy. Cross the forest for housing development section. Prešovská archieparchia sees this as a violation of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and intolerable interference with the rights of national minorities.

opinion RTVS

RTVS has objected to the claims and the portal gave its opinion in which it Šulková Dominica spokeswoman said the following: "RTVS appreciates the freedom of expression and rejects accusations of censorship as well as any form of pressure. The problematic part was preaching spiritual Rastislav Baka. RTVS in this case acted strictly in accordance with the law and offered spiritual possibility of cutting out a part of the sermon. it was not the content that talked about values, but by RTVS was this part of the homily, contrary to current legislation. "

Homily was under other terms Šulková "in breach of the broadcasting RTVS before the referendum, borders, in our opinion, the statements that incite hatred (the so-called English language." Hate speech "), but also a violation of Slovak and international legislation.

The trampling of the rights of national minorities

Attitude towards the RTVS protested the MEP and Vice-President of the National Council Erika Jurinová (Olan) and MEP Branislav Škripek (Olan).

"I looked today discipline, which is now writes a lot. No hatred, I find in it. I find there are no similar output, which a year ago, Ms Romana Schlesinger in the Czech public television. As dared call civil society activists, I can not even pronounce. It was easier to name psychopaths. All right, this could broadcast the Czech public television, "she said at Wednesday's press conference Erika Jurinová.

The decision not to broadcast RTVS Homily was under Škripek walked on minority rights, as guaranteed by the Constitution. By MEP is a denial of the right to religious expression Rusyns.

The actual cut parts of the liturgy to which Prešovská archieparchia disagreed, Škripek called the denial of freedom of speech. At the same time MEP asks, "Who is Mrs. Šulková to censored? Whom it appointed to the role of censorship? Since that post was last censorship here before 1989. " severely twisted expression priest said Škripek

Portal also published a portion of the transcript of alleged hate sermons. The article, which was allegedly part of the published transcript bears the name of preaching against homosexuals: "Print totu soil beyond the state."

MEP Škripek also objected to the disclosure of sermons portal and is considering filing a criminal complaint. "I am available and I can look into this whole original sermons and severely twisted and induce expression of the priest spoke with hatred against homosexuals. It's not at all true, "said the MEP.

"The priest said that the phenomenon of taking children's dirt and cancer of the third millennium, and we have to defend it," explained Škripek.

Prešovská archieparchia asked RTVS of recording and consent to its disclosure

To the disclosure of the transcript was also objected Prešovská archieparchia, which in its opinion stated as follows: "As RTVS obstruct the transmission of a liturgy with the homily, which was heard in Sunday, January 18 at minority broadcasting of Radio Regina, Presov archieparchia asked RTVS pass on the entire liturgy with homily and consent to its disclosure. While we did not pass or consent received. A written transcript may be made only from recordings. Homily voiced in Ruthenian. We did not provide the media transcription in Slovak language, so the question is how and where it is. "

"Obviously it is storming out of context, it is not the correct translation, lacks sentences and words, it is not the whole homily. Interpretation of some journalists that were published these days are not only misleading, but also false and purposefully manipulate text, "spokesman Prešovskej archieparchie Lubomir Petrik.

Prešovská archieparchia explained that it objected to the publicized opinion RTVS. That since "we have not received permission to transmit the homily is untrue, since the problem arose precisely because homily RTVS unsuccessfully transmitted. After all, consent was given by the mere recording. Presov, Archbishop and Metropolitan and therefore Jan. 19 phone with the Director-General RTVS to two days for Rusyns broadcast on Radio Regina whole liturgy and homily. The same is claimed from it in the letter of 27 January and the same was said also in our previous opinion. "

"So how can RTVS still argue that, even after repeated requests received consent? We also do not agree RTVS that question homily violated Slovak and international legislation and hate speech. We insist on our previous opinions that neodvysielanie a decision to trim the homily was disruption of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and minority rights, "he concluded Petrik.""

Source: HERE
The Marriage and Family
Almighty God, you created everything out of nothing
and the whole creation you gave your order.
You created man in his own image.
He created him male and female,
that both the lifelong union
body and heart fulfill its mission
and so faithfully to appear your love.
You're a married man and woman
indicated immense love and grace of Christ. …More
The Marriage and Family
Almighty God, you created everything out of nothing
and the whole creation you gave your order.
You created man in his own image.
He created him male and female,
that both the lifelong union
body and heart fulfill its mission
and so faithfully to appear your love.
You're a married man and woman
indicated immense love and grace of Christ.
With paternal love forbid work,
which is in thee beginning.
Let the good triumphs
of human helplessness
and the dangers of contemporary civilization,
which often refuses to protect
and promote the dignity of marriage and the family.
Through Christ our Lord.

🙏 🙏 🙏
Nihil obstat: Mons. Gabriel Ragan
Imprimatur Mons. Stanislav Stolárik, Auxiliary Bishop
ABU Košice Prot. no. 105/14; 02/10/2014