Live Mike
They're two sides of the same dirty coin in the pocket of the Luciferian globalist elite – there's one regime with two parties. The choice between the lesser of two evils still remains a choice for …More
They're two sides of the same dirty coin in the pocket of the Luciferian globalist elite – there's one regime with two parties. The choice between the lesser of two evils still remains a choice for evil, but the Catholic Principle of Morality is do [choose the] good and avoid evil. The solution is to be found in God not man.
“Yet even now,” says the Lord,
“return to me with all your heart,
with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning - Joel 2:12

“If you return, O Israel,
says the Lord,
to me you should return.
If you remove your abominations from my presence,
and do not waver,
and if you swear, ‘As the Lord lives,’
in truth, in justice, and in uprightness,
then nations shall bless themselves in him,

and in him shall they glory.” - Jeremiah 4:1-2

"Say to them: As I live, saith the Lord God,
I desire not the death of the wicked,
but that the wicked turn from his way, and live.
Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways: and why will you die, O house of Israel?" - Ezekiel 33:11
Jeffrey Ade
When you vote, well, you voted! You did it! You succeeded where every one else failed! You received a sticker! You're in, you have a chip in the big game! You can say to that sucker who didn't vote, I've done my duty! You can stand there and say look at me I am not like that non-voter, I take my civic duties seriously!
Live Mike
Yes, you can say all those things. Another that you might consider adding to the list. "By casting my ballot, I've participated in the fraud and the sham that we now call democratic elections."
Laura Yunque
I couldn't agree with you more.
Surprisingly Kamala Harris still can't get presidency because Biden still walks, talks, thinks. Deep state knows, next president is going to be only from Republicans, so Trump comes back. Lets' pray for Donald Trump in order not to became another disasterous globalist's tool.