"The Devil Hates the Ancient Mass" (Interview with Alice von Hildebrand) Interview with Alice von Hildebrand on infiltration of the Catholic Church, the Ancient Mass, Vatican II, Paul VI, and the Church …More
"The Devil Hates the Ancient Mass" (Interview with Alice von Hildebrand)

Interview with Alice von Hildebrand on infiltration of the Catholic Church, the Ancient Mass, Vatican II, Paul VI, and the Church Crisis
Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, widow of famed philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand, is an internationally known philosopher and author of numerous books. Among other insights in this compelling interview, which was originally published in The Latin Mass magazine (Summer 2001), we find confirmation of the systematic infiltration of the Church by "diabolical enemies" throughout the last century, and its baleful impact at the highest levels. (This article appeared in the March 2007 issue of Christian Order.)

in the course of fifteen years, more changes were introduced in the Church than in all preceding centuries combined. What is worrisome is that we read the testimony of ex-Communists like Bella Dodd, and study Freemasonic documents (dating from the nineteenth century, and usually penned by fallen-away priests like Paul Roca), we can see that to a large extent, their agenda has been carried out: the exodus of priests and nuns after Vatican II, dissenting theologians not censured, feminism, the pressure put on Rome to abolish priestly celibacy, immorality in the clergy, blasphemous liturgies [...], the radical changes that have been introduced into the sacred liturgy [...], and a misleading ecumenism. Only a blind person could deny that many of the Enemy’s plans have been perfectly carried out." [...] "The devil hates the Ancient Mass."
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Wahrheit + Klarheit.

Fortlaufende Sammlung von herausragenden Beiträgen, die Klarheit bringen für die ungekürzte, ungeschmälerte, ungeschminkte, unverfälschte, ganze, volle katholische Wahrheit.
👏 😇
👏 👏 Isn't it wonderful, Marthe, when we influence each other in a positive way 👍 ....Of course, the malignant is always out there 😈 trying to stir up DISCORD...EWTN had an excellent video on this, but I have yet to find a copy or another source...
Thank you, Irapuato, I discovered this article thanks to a comment on a video of yours ... 🤗
The Holy Father said that he believes church crisis is due to the disintegration of the liturgy -- it was in his book Aus meinem LebenMore
Thank you, Irapuato, I discovered this article thanks to a comment on a video of yours ... 🤗

The Holy Father said that he believes church crisis is due to the disintegration of the liturgy -- it was in his book Aus meinem Leben
✍️ That is why Saint Padre Pio's Masses lasted 3 hours...
👏 👍 !EXCELLENT! 👏 👏 😇