Monika Marie's Spiritual Communion.May 3.1997 Noon Angelus,St James. " Come to the steps of the Altar" echoed in my heart as little Monika Marie,sensing I was crying inside ,when my younger daughter …More
Monika Marie's Spiritual Communion.May 3.1997 Noon Angelus,St James.

" Come to the steps of the Altar" echoed in my heart as little Monika Marie,sensing I was crying inside ,when my younger daughter refused to sit for the First Communion picture disenheartened by her God Mother ,my sister,rushing everybody},said :" Mommy,mommy don't cry - I will do it !" Note : Drop of Blood that fell from Jesus right eyebrow ( His face in the tripple pink globe of Light above her),indicated by the white dot absent in the original picture. " Take and drink,This is My Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant ,which will be shed for you and many unto remission of your sins" - Jesus Christ