
A Refutation of Alex Jacyck's "It Must Be God's Will!"

Since Mr. Yerian fears an open discussion of his post (as usual) this will serve as the forum he fears.
Unlike you, I don't run sock-puppet accounts and I don't make excuses for pedophiles. You do, Jimmy . Pic below from your banned account last night. Today you're @Alex Jacyck Yesterday you were Delano Mullins, tomorrow you'll be someone else. If there is any "small, nasty, miserable human being" it's your pedophile relative.

"You are obviously paid to be here, as a spy of whatever ghoulish entity runs this place."

GTV is run, in part, by Catholic clergy. I am not paid by them or even part of their administration. When I am, rest assured, you of all people will be the first to know it.

"You attack everyone, you belittle, you bully, you humiliate,you delight in evil. You are filth."

…said the user who created a post just to do all these things to little ole' me.

Filth? A bold claim from a man trying help his his pedophile relative escape justice.

"You have no Christian charity in you, and you never will."

Probably not, at least not anymore. Whatever I did have has been burned out of me from three long years of dealing with you.

"God has a peculiar way of helping me find my enemies. It may be years from now, but we will probably meet."

If I am your enemy, it is because I speak the truth and you fear that. Just look at your post versus mine. You disable the comments I don't. You fear the truth an open discussion brings. I don't.

But since you're making threats again, I want you to understand something very clearly, Mr. Yerian. If you are somehow, against all odds, successful in one day "finding" me, that meeting won't go the way you fantasize. Depend on that.

As you've correctly noted, I'm not known for my charity. When it comes to protecting my family against a fat, angry, pedophile-sympathizer from Ohio, you will discover exactly how little charity I truly have. ;-)

"You have demonstrated that not only are you not Catholic, you are sent from the other side to divide."

…said the sedevancantist schismatic trying to convice Catholics the Pope is not the Pope.

Likewise, what sort of "Catholic" makes excuses for the child-molestor in his family? Trying to get real Catholics to intercede so his white-trash dirt-bag relative escapes justice? A grown man grooming little girls for naked pictures... Is that how the Yerian family defines "Catholic"? It's no surprise nearly all child-abuser priests are Novus Ordo..

"You should be very scared of God, you should care about the type of person you are."

…said the man begging GTV to ask God so his child-molestor relative escapes justice for his crimes.

"God will not be mocked. You drag him through the mud."

See my last point.

"Remember you reap what you sow."

Then I shall reap only truth.

" And we know you by your extensive record."

Jimmy plays at GTV spokesman again. My "extensive record" is exposing your falsehoods in one refutation after another, this one included. Your "extensive record" on GTV is one long run of getting banned from this site, including for making threats like the ones in your latest post. That, and endlessly re-joining with one sock-puppet account after another, not counting your "less-used" back-up sock-puppet accounts.

"You should apologize to everyone, and especially Jesus Christ."

For speaking the truth? Fighting your endless attempts to lead others away from the truth? For calling you a what you are, namely an apologist for a pedophile in your family?

"You are a clown."

Cool story, Tubby. Now go trade dirty pictures of little girls with your 23 year old "mentally incompetent" relative. I encourage readers to wade through Jimmy's last "prayer request" from start to finish, assuming they have the stomach for it.