(Rehearsal video) “Lauda Sion Salvatorem” • SEQUENCE for Corpus Christi Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: The Saint John de Brébeuf Hymnal - - - The …More
(Rehearsal video) “Lauda Sion Salvatorem” • SEQUENCE for Corpus Christi
Finally! A Catholic hymnal that doesn't mimic or “build upon” Protestant hymnals: The Saint John de Brébeuf Hymnal
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The Brebeuf hymnal is a 932-page Pew Book.
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Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France. He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s. …More
Father Jean-Luc Radier, 64, of the Society of Pius X, was arrested on 28 May in Mulhouse, France.
He is accused of raping a male minor aged between 9 and 12 in a FSSPX school in Moselle in the 1990s.
The accuser says there are many more accusers who say that Radier came to the boys' dormitory almost every night to commit his crimes.
After 48 hours in police custody, Radier was charged with rape, released and placed under judicial supervision with an obligation to report to the police once a month.
Pending the outcome of the investigation, Radier has been banned from having contact with minors. During a search of his home, the public prosecutor's office took hard disks, which has yet to be examined.
Another case of sexual abuse among FSSPX priests is that of Father Arnaud Rostand, who admitted in court two months ago to having abused several minors. A year ago, Father Pierre de Maillard was convicted of abusing 27 minors. Father Matthew Stafki was sentenced to prison for abusing his 6-…More
Well......"we shall see" said the blind man.
Martin Blackshaw
Kevin, I've never been able to get my head around why these alleged victims take decades to come forward with their accusations, which delay in reporting …More
I've never been able to get my head around why these alleged victims take decades to come forward with their accusations, which delay in reporting robs the accused of any hope of a proper defence. In this case, we're looking at crimes supposedly committed 30 or more years ago. There has to be a statute of limitations of around 5 years so that both supposed victims and perpetrators have equal justice available to them. There's no way anyone can be fairly tried after decades of silence, especially today with financial compensation available to claimants and a corrupt justice system that blackmails accused persons into admitting guilt in return for lighter sentencing. The entire world is upside down now.
Just as an aside, I remember being told that in the Irish Republic, at the time when the Church was being hammered in th emedia with clerical abuse reports, which coincided with its stance against pro-abortion, pro-gay EU membership, there were adverts placed in shops notifying the …More
From The Remnant: KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral

KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral

KICKING BUTTKER: Traditional Catholicism Goes Viral In this episode of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt juxtaposes the signs of the times – both …
Pierre Henri
Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’More
Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’

Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of …

Earlier this week, huge numbers of Japanese citizens took to the streets to protest against the crimes …
Tom Morelli
Is it Okay to Fly Your Flag Upside Down?

Is it Okay to Fly Your Flag Upside Down?

Discover more from Keep the Republic Is it Okay to Fly Your Flag Upside Down? With the farce conviction of President Trump, tension in America rose to a serious …

‘THIS IS LONDON, NOT LONDONISTAN’: Tommy Robinson Leads Huge Patriotic Rally in Central London to …

A massive rally took place across central London on Saturday as patriotic Brits voiced their opposition …

175. Jesus in our hearts

It must have been so difficult for the people who know Jesus to recognize him in his new mission. Jesus changed according to their eyes. From one day to the next, Jesus is on a mission and he must be …More
It must have been so difficult for the people who know Jesus to recognize him in his new mission. Jesus changed according to their eyes. From one day to the next, Jesus is on a mission and he must be very different before them. He says and he does what others can’t do.
They perceive here and there fragments of what Jesus realizes and it’s difficult to place the few pieces of the puzzle in a frame, especially when there are many missing pieces. In addition, they may receive conflicting messages of what they hear about Jesus.
Even today, the ambient message about Jesus, in general, in the world, is sometimes discordant. But it’s sometimes easy to trust the fears, rather than what Jesus tells us and realizes.
The people from his home, watching him go, came to seize him because they said:
“He is out of his mind.” Mark, chapter 3, verse 21
They want to protect their idea of Jesus. They can’t imagine for a moment that Jesus entered another stage of his life.
It’s a bit like that when a person …More
Fiat voluntas tua shares from Tom Morelli
FAMOUS ATHEISTS' LAST WORDS BEFORE DEATH 1. CAESAR BORGIA — Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: "While I lived, I provided for everything but death; now I must die, and am unprepared to die." …More
1. CAESAR BORGIA — Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: "While I lived, I provided for everything but death; now I must die, and am unprepared to die."
2. THOMAS HOBBS — Political philosopher: "I say again, if I had the whole world at my disposal, I would give it to live one day. I am about to take a leap into the dark."
3. THOMAS PAYNE — The leading atheistic writer in American colonies: "Stay with me, for God's sake; I cannot bear to be left alone , O Lord, help me! O God, what have I done to suffer so much? What will become of me hereafter? I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published. 0 Lord, help me! Christ, help me! No, don't leave; stay with me! Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of hell here alone. If ever the Devil had an agent, I have been that one."
4. SIR THOMAS SCOTT — Chancellor of England: "Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know …More

Are the walls closing in on the trans-industrial complex?

Are the walls closing in on the trans-industrial complex?To answer that right off the bat: It sure looks like the walls are closing in, though …
Sally Dorman
sad story. “Wills decided recently he’s no longer Catholic: ‘St. Augustine didn’t believe in the eucharist, he didn’t buy transubstantiation, fought against a papacy. I consider myself an Augustinian …More
sad story. “Wills decided recently he’s no longer Catholic: ‘St. Augustine didn’t believe in the eucharist, he didn’t buy transubstantiation, fought against a papacy. I consider myself an Augustinian Christian.'”

Garry Wills at 90: The influential historian has become his own iconoclast

Garry Wills, who just turned 90, looks unencumbered by history these days. He lives in a swanky building for seniors in Evanston …
Paul F
Poor man

Died Suddenly: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates Continue to Kill First Responders - Global Research

Died Suddenly: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates Continue to Kill First Responders 25 Paramedics and EMTs …
Father Karl A Claver
I warned a man NOT to get vaccinated, but he did not listen to me. He is now dying of cancer, and he is only 30 years old.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Keep WARNING people dear friends; even if they say "I've already taken the BIOWEAPON" (vaccines). If you keep WARNING people not to take ANY of Satan's …More
Keep WARNING people dear friends; even if they say "I've already taken the BIOWEAPON" (vaccines). If you keep WARNING people not to take ANY of Satan's vaccines then you might save a life and what you do for people, you do for JESUS CHRIST; and what you don't do (in this matter of not warning people of what's going on in the medical world) then you will GIVE AN ACCOUNT to God Almighty at YOUR Particular Judgment!
Sean Johnson

Lefebvre Warns the SSPX

Two months before his death: “It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the …More
Two months before his death:
“It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith.”
(Abp. Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey, p. 13)
Denis Efimov
"to accept what is being proposed to us". And what was new that was proposed to Bp. Fellay that was not proposed or that was not analyzed by Abp. …More
"to accept what is being proposed to us".
And what was new that was proposed to Bp. Fellay that was not proposed or that was not analyzed by Abp. Lefebvre?
Sean Johnson
Yet +Fellay declared precisely the opposite to the other 3 SSPX bishops in 2012, who had begged him to heed Lefebvre’s wisdom: “And when we compare …More
Yet +Fellay declared precisely the opposite to the other 3 SSPX bishops in 2012, who had begged him to heed Lefebvre’s wisdom:
And when we compare the arguments that Archbishop Lefebvre made at the time, we conclude that he would not have hesitated to accept what is being proposed to us.”
One more comment
Wilma Lopez
George Orwell writing in 1943
Sandy Barrett
What ugly picture, rather Protestant.

Corpus Christi Sunday reflection: A new covenant

Corpus Christi Sunday reflection: A new covenant June 1, 2024: THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST In the late 19th century, the Kingdom of Buganda …

A Bishop Corrects Francis' Homosexual Exaggerations

Francis' statement about homosexuality in the Church is an example of his "spontaneity" that can sometimes "play tricks on him", Bishop José Luis Retana of Salamanca, Spain, told LaGacetaDeSalamanca.es …More
Francis' statement about homosexuality in the Church is an example of his "spontaneity" that can sometimes "play tricks on him", Bishop José Luis Retana of Salamanca, Spain, told LaGacetaDeSalamanca.es (29 May).
"I believe that he cannot make the statement in this way," Mgr Retana clarified: "It can happen that a person who takes refuge in his homosexuality can enter a seminary. In my 15 years as rector of the seminary, this has only happened to one person".
A situation of homosexual seminarians is "not usual", said the former rector of a seminary: "It cannot be said that the seminaries are full of homosexuals, at least I cannot confirm that."
Perhaps Francis based his statement on his experience with the Argentinean Jesuits. The Jesuits are one of the most decadent religious communities in the Church.
Picture: José Luis Retana, #newsCinuzuldfg

Francis Turns Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith into a Pro-Gay Club

On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on Twitter.com. Cardinal José Tolentino …More
On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on Twitter.com.
Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Ignorance and Illiteracy (formerly "Culture and Education"), has been accused of being a homosexual in Portugal. He was rector of the private 'Capela do Rato' in Lisbon, where he encouraged people to engage in homosexual sins. Mendonça also wrote the preface to a book by homosexual activist Maria Teresa Forcades i Vila, who is also a religious sister.
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Inflation of the Number of Saints, made his former diocese the Italian capital of the Novus Ordo homosexual movement. He hosted an annual forum of homosexuals who claimed to be "Christians" and who promoted homosexual propaganda within the Church. He also wrote the foreword to a book by an Italian priest entitled 'Possible Love - Homosexual …More
Like a broken clock that’s right at least twice a day, Pope Francis hit it out of the ballpark when he decried that “There’s just too much damned …More
Like a broken clock that’s right at least twice a day, Pope Francis hit it out of the ballpark when he decried that “There’s just too much damned faggotry in the Church!!!” Clearly, this adage applies (and has always applied) far, far more to the Vatican itself than to any other part, section, element or area of the Church, as is evidenced by the very unsurprising information contained in this posting. The excessive effluvia of sodomy and sodomites that overflows in rank, rancid, malodorous abundance throughout the whole Church has its filthy, fetid headwaters in Rome. May God help us all. 😐
Tomito Barnin Railin
In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop …More
In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop of Albano, lived with a priest who was his "boyfriend" for years - and in Rome it was known and their "relationship" was a source of gossip for years.
The other day I commented in an article by @Wilma Lopez that Francis was a hypocrite for talking about homosexuality in seminaries. The reason is the following, and this is well known in his country because he already did it in Buenos Aires: Bergoglio is not homosexual - in the Vatican they knew it because the Jesuits in charge and the superiors knew him well and criticized him for many things, but not for that one-; but he uses homosexuals to achieve his objectives. An example was his former secretary, Fabián Pedacchio: a notorious homosexual, he used him as a spy in the Congregation for Bishops and then got rid of him.
Francis promotes homosexuals because he knows they will be loyal to …More
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Michael Burns

My CIA Sources Say Biden Administration Knows Waves of “Red Dawn” Terror Attacks Will Be Carried Out …

By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve been warning on my national TV and radio shows for many months about waves …

France: Bergoglio Begins Persecution of Next Good Bishop

Bishop Marc Aillet of Bayonne, one of the best in France, will be the subject of a "fraternal visitation" from 3 June to the beginning of July, reports La-Croix.com. "Fraternal visitation" is a Vatican …More
Bishop Marc Aillet of Bayonne, one of the best in France, will be the subject of a "fraternal visitation" from 3 June to the beginning of July, reports La-Croix.com.
"Fraternal visitation" is a Vatican euphemism for a brutal inquisition against a good bishop. Aillet belongs to the Novus Ordo community of Saint Martin. A significant number of the priests ordained in France each year belong to this community.
The measure was requested by the Holy See, with the excuse of "some letters" of complaints from some modernists, while the Vatican always ignores letters with serious complaints from Catholics.
The official aim is to identify "possible problems" of governance [= get rid of a Catholic bishop]. Archbishop Antoine Hérouard of Dijon has been appointed by the Apostolic Nuncio to head the Inquisition.
He is the same one who, in February 2023, took action against the flourishing diocese of Fréjus-Toulon. The matter ended with the demotion of Bishop Dominique Rey and the appointment of …More
All Vatican II clergy need to rethink the validity of their ordination You really think the new mass is valid the time of the gentiles has come to a …More
All Vatican II clergy need to rethink the validity of their ordination You really think the new mass is valid the time of the gentiles has come to a end you are like the Pharisees of old after the destruction of the temple. Vatican II removed Peter from his seat it destroyed Rome . Enoch and Elijah about convert jews the gentiles are about to go the way of first century jews
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Transgender Spanish Actor Sues French Politician For Calling Him A “Man”

Spanish actor Karla Sofía Gascón, a trans-identified male previously known as Juan Carlos, has filed a legal complaint against …