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Introduction to 5GW

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To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.
Information regarding the war of narratives being waged on our minds doesn't stop with The Guide. Inside The Guide is a special QR code that takes the reader to a link that is continually updated so that the reader can get up-to-date perspectives on fifth generation warfare related to current news topics in our communities, Big Tech-titans, social media tactics, artificial intelligence manipulation, and national and international political events. The up-do-date information provided via the special QR code inside The Guide comes from Flynn and Cutler at no cost to those who purchase it. The Guide is five by five, easy to carry, and written in a way the average person can understand. Buy The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare and get the free updates now so that you can understand the manipulation happening around you and explain why you feel the way you do.

178 pages, Paperback

Published December 8, 2022

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews
Profile Image for Ron Swan.
Author 2 books5 followers
January 29, 2023
As if to prove the broad scope of 5GW, the Goodreads About the Author section, I believe intentionally, provides the wrong Michael Flynn. The person they highlighted is a science fiction writer, which would lead any potential reader to believe this were a work of fiction. The real Michael Flynn author served more than 33 years of service in the United States military, and the book he wrote was very much nonfiction and from his wheelhouse of experience.
Profile Image for Dachokie.
363 reviews22 followers
April 4, 2023
This book is a small pocket guide and it is quite eye-opening and a worthy read.

Written by Gen. Michel Flynn and Sgt. Boone Cutler … both having extensive military experience with 5th gen warfare on both the strategic and tactical levels.

The book provides clear and concise insight on how Americans are are probably unaware that they are currently living life on the battlefield of 5th generation warfare.

1st generation warfare was the era of pre-gunpowder, the 2nd was post-gunpowder, 3rd generation warfare brought machines to the battlefield (tanks, planes, artillery, etc.) and the 4th generation introduced nuclear weapons into war. 5th generation warfare is the use of psychological operations and attacks that are aimed to alter and destabilize the belief system of citizens … the battlefield is the mind of a target audience and the target audience outlined in this book is the American citizen.

It isn’t hard to believe that “something very strange” is going on in the United States and it is shockingly apparent that our society appears to be falling apart before our eyes. This guide points out the evidence is all around us. The division, tribalism, disinformation and the constant drone of apocalyptic innuendo and threats. This guide points out that is all part of a bigger plan that involves political players from both American parties, globalist-driven institutions, the mega-wealthy and China. What’s made clear is that you don’t need to label yourself as a conspiracy theorist to simply connect the dots and realize there’s a plan in process and we’re not privy to its end goal. But, you sense that you and your family’s well-being doesn’t factor into that goal.

What I like about this guide is that it encourages readers to open their mind and use critical thinking skills to see the evidence, ask question and seek/accept logical answers. It is a book aimed at getting people to open their eyes and think for themselves rather than being “useful idiots” for those in positions of power who could care less about the safety or happiness of anyone but themselves. Each chapter ends with exercises aimed at putting those critical thinking skills to use.

Why is such a book worth reading? Well, both authors actually developed and implemented these tactics during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan… they know the game and how well it works. Thinking such tactics can’t or won’t work here only illustrates how effectively 5th generation warfare is being waged against us.
Profile Image for Mike.
612 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2023
This book is very insightful and somewhat frightening. While it’s a bit unconventional in its writing style, it’s chock full of good information. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Mandi Scott.
433 reviews8 followers
January 30, 2024
This simple, short book is as unusual as it is useful. It introduces terminology and ideas that are most likely unfamiliar and seemingly incredible to the average person. It is a wartime manual, a personal defense plan, and a wake up call to civilians of various nationalities. We are currently in the midst of a new kind of World War. This is not a war between countries, or even a civil war within a particular nation. Fifth Generation Warfare is a form of attack currently “being waged against all of us: Americans and other freedom-loving nations around the world.” Our adversaries are “globalist oppressors who are trying to strip us of our individual national identities and the most basic of human rights.” If this sounds far fetched, do yourself a favor a take an hour or two to read and study Flynn and Cutler’s “The Citizen’s Guide To Fifth Generation Warfare Session I: Introduction to 5GW.” You will be convinced (and likely shocked) of its veracity by the end of the first chapter, which defines the terms of this new form of battle against civilians. 5GW is psychological warfare. The battlefield is your mind. The weapons are carefully crafted narratives launched by malevolent state actors and non-state actors who collaborate with each other. Their purpose is mass manipulation of thoughts, feelings, and actions through psychologically focused messages supported and amplified by big tech, social media, and weaponized traditional media. The intent is to nudge populations—without their noticing—towards a totalitarian globalist new world order that ultimately breaks down nation-states and eliminates individual freedoms. Learn how to recognize when you are being manipulated by 5GW and how to inoculate your mind against it. Keep a yellow highlighter near as you read. This is the book that finally explains that creepy sensation we all share: the sneaking suspicion that something in today’s world isn’t quite right, but we haven’t quite been able put our finger on the reason why. 5GW is the “why”.
Profile Image for Martha .
162 reviews40 followers
September 27, 2023

Here are the first two paragraphs of the Preface which explains the title:

The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare is designed to educate the public on a form of warfare currently being waged against ALL OF US: Americans and other freedom-loving nations around the world. In warfare, there are opposing sides, and in Fifth Generation Warfare, identifying the adversaries is even more difficult due to the nature of the war itself.

Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) is best defined as a war of narratives. This Citizen’s Guide teaches how to break through the many narratives imposed on society today by an overreaching federal government, an out-of-control security state, a weaponized media, and corporate and social media titans.”

About a year ago, I learned about the term UniParty. It’s been around for quite sometime, but I only recently bumped into it. Gee, I really was living in a bubble - for way too long. Here is the definition in this Citizen’s Guide:

UniParty Representatives:

“Members of the major political parties who combine into a clandestine alliance. They reserve partial loyalty towards selected causes to advance a country politically along the path of socialism that leads to communism. Members are usually supported passively or actively by foreign state actors or non-state actors who seek a communist global system.”

I am hearing more and more - “we are able to vote on who ‘they’ select”. Yes, I see this much more clearly now. A prime example - Bernie Sanders - how many would have voted for him? I gotta say, if I worked as hard as many of his supporters did and was told no - he cannot be in the game, I would have been livid! So, when this happened, it started an awakening in me. He could have won everything! But, oops - no, the pick was Hillary.

An election year in the past - Vote for a Democrat - they stay in 4 years or 8 - then to make the other side “happy” a Republican gets to vote for the person picked by “them” for a term or two. Oh, the deceit of it all. And, as I watched Mitt Romney go against all conservative platforms- WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Ahh, I get it now, they are all on the same page. Same ultimate goal.

This “them” is a whole subject in itself; who is in control of us all? A very small percentage of elites. Amazing- “they” are trying to control the World. That is quite a feat. Can we spell New World Order? Where “they” give the orders. Both Democrats and Republicans (Clinton and Bush, e.g.) went right down this path willingly. Lovely.

A part of this book I appreciated was the QR codes for further information. Excellent resource book!

Beware: We are in the midst of war.
The war of Good vs. Evil, literally.
Profile Image for Cody.
54 reviews
July 18, 2023
It’s like the Art of War for the modern world. I didn’t just sit and read the book cover to cover, but instead bounced around based on things I was seeing in the public, media, politics, and online. I tagged each page that stood out to me as important and ended up having roughly 75% of this book marked up. It’s a bit chilling to see how accurate it is and how clearly this stuff is being used against the people. Wrong Author listed. That alone should tell you something. {{{They}}} don’t want you taking in information like this.
Profile Image for Jennifer Griffith.
5 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2024
Jfc. Just don’t. Oh boy oh boy look at the buzzwords! First few pages- do t fight your neighbors or those who disagree, then the appendix/ ph btw here’s how to loudly disagree with literally anyone, they’re all wrong you’re right (raspberry noise). Anyone going to point out the controversy behind the author, his comments or thoughts? No? Okay. Right. But seriously don’t waste your time unless you’re looking for something to promote discourse and distrust in everyone. Oh but you should know the book basically says if you disagree with anything in it or with anyone who does that you’re the enemy. So you should probably question everything the book wants you to think. Just saying.
Profile Image for Hillbilly.
482 reviews23 followers
September 18, 2023
I will be honest, for the price I was expecting a 500 page banger tome to match Saul Alinsky's time. This was like a kindergarten starter pamphlet full of more Neural Linguistic Programming than actual facts. It kept saying, "Now you're ready to go out and teach others about 5GW," and I was thinking I actually feel less able to teach about 5GW after reading this mini pamphlet. I would have liked to have seen a ton more information and many more examples and much more depth. I want to read what the Navy Intelligence reads, not what they think someone who has been staring at Facebook playing Farmville and watching NFL is capable of understanding. Even when I did watch the NFL before the pink shoes and rainbows and clearly scripted seasons, I muted the game and read Ayn Rand. Some of us skipped the "SMART" phone zombie apocalypse. I still leave the flip at home and pretend I am free, in case they can track dumb phones too.
Profile Image for Brad.
35 reviews
October 26, 2023
Felt like I was back in the Army reading a manual. Very informative.
Profile Image for Atlantis.
1,503 reviews
February 22, 2024
#40days #40books

This was not an easy read, it’s very technical. The title says “Citizen’s Guide…” but this looks and reads like a technical military learning manual with quizzes at the end of each chapter. Whatever side of the fence you are on pertaining to these topics; It’s important to know THE TRUTH and realize when you are being duped or manipulated and this book does have some insight into that.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews

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